How fucked is this country currently?

How fucked is this country currently?

Who needs toilet paper when you can take plant's leaves from public parks

Better off than Japan, you mother fuckers will be extinct in 80 years.

I heard they're too poor to print money right now

Imagine you don't know if you will eat tomorrow. Theres no more cats, dogs and pidgeons in the neighborhood. If you want to buy some piece of meat you will wait hours in a kilometer long line in front of a store hoping theres enough.

Venezuela is the drastic exemple of a leftist government in power. Fucking leftists.

Fucked real good user

The work based culture in Japan has left a demographic population bubble where every couple is producing something like 1.3 children, instead of the healthy 2+ to replace the in turn dying generation.

There not going to need to worry about natural resources or capital, there entire population will slowly but surely cease to exist. 80 years is a liberal estimate though, they might stretch it out to 100-130.

I don't know where this meme comes from that Japan is exceptional in terms of low birthrate and high median age.

Half of Europe is in the same situation or worse, although that may be changing now that arab and african bulls are coming en masse to knock up their women.

Yeah because people are incapable of going back to having larger families.

A lot. There's nothing else left except for oil. When the prices drop, they literally starve.

Socialism: not even once.

Your country shares a border with venezuela. Do you think a lot of venezuelans will flood into brazil?

Europe is fucked too

Not unless there's a huge cultural shift, something the Japanese are notorious for being too proud to do.

You really think that's going to last forever, you retard? Japan is an very crowded island. They don't need the population they have right now.

A friend of mine went back to Venezuela to visit her family. Once she arrived her family stared crying because they thought that she had being deported, after explaining they tried to persuade her into going back to Mexico immediately because there was nothing in Venezuela

That's first degree conspiracy against the people, punishable by summary execution

They can't because 90% of Brazil's population is along the south-eastern coast-- likewise 90% of Venezuela's population is on the northern coast. The tropical forests covering the distance to civilization is a massive environmental border itself. It's not like the Mexican border in which you can just run through without much fear since it's a dry plain. There are poisonous insects, uneven terrain, massive trees with their own ecosystems, constant rainfalls, etc. and shit in those forests.
They could fly to Brazil but the government is doing everything to prevent people from leaving, not to mention you'd need a visa to do so.

Population density is the highest in Japan than the rest of the world but if you do not have a sustainable growth, just like in any business, there's not going to be enough capital to cover your overhead. In other words, they're going to switch to an even more heavily based in automated technologies, whether that's expanding the manufacturing or talking over service based jobs.

I suppose it was rash to say that they'll all be extinct, though they're certainly going to be dramatically less. I just hope they have the education in place to make an automated Japan happen.

But yes, I do think that will happen.

Wow. I can't imagine a situation that bad.

Oh, I see. I should learn more about South America before asking questions like that.

SO fucked cuba is going better in comparison, but not worse than north korea.

the situation is bad like high crime, scarcity of food and basic things and a big inflation rate that you could end with a mountain of their money when exchanging some dollars.

They're going to default in 6 months. So they plan to sell all their gold reserves in order to buy them more time. 3 months of time to be exact.

Cuba seems pretty cool but I don't know much about it.

I read their security forces are keeping things under control for the most part, but only because the soldier are being fed for now.

What happens after that?

Socialism/10. Nicolas "Christ multiplied penises" Maduro is one of the biggest fuck ups in Latin American history

They are so fucked that maybe they will end as part of my country just because we have food.

Wow. How do you feel about that?

I'm pretty sad I love my venezuelan brothers they used to be a great country, people from my country emigrated there for better jobs/lives but then socialism happened,
I seriously hope their situation gets better.

>they used to be a great country
hahaha no, but it is indeed sad

And the military also refer to the Amazon as our natural border defense system. It's practically impossible to enter the rainforest and come out alive to the other side. And even if you do, it's a matter of time before you die from various infections. Venezuelans are literally locked inside the hell they created.

they will became like zimbabwe.
they dont have a Valuta anymore. they pay with other currency.
zimbabwe as a nation had died years ago , but still functions somehow.

Come on it used to be in better shape than all those other commie countries around there

Better off than Germany

The fact is, that the world is fucked.
Growth economy is nearing it's end as people and governments are running out money a.k.a debt to consume.