I pay 8k a year for college

I pay 8k a year for college.

Oh shit it's dat boi

It's free you piece of shit goy.


Now pay your goddamn denbts and no you can't jubilee because you're no better than a cow to be milked. Our laws don't apply to you.

>not doing a degree that gives you a good chance of paying back that loan
>not viewing university as an investment
>being non-USAmerican and calling it college
So you got a degree in being a pleb, huh?

I'm in electrical engineering in a top 100 university

>complaining about 8k a year

Try $19K a year at an engineering program at UofT or Waterloo.

Go home international student scum.

My apologies.

Just make sure you get a good GPA, especially if you're white. There's this thing where people actually expect under employment and if you're white some recruitment/HR people will tell you to give up looking for a job with "engineering" in the role, especially true if you're white.

Why spend 4 years learning skills only to answer phones or sell electronics?

Meanwhile this Asian woman I know got the third job she applied for and her GPA was 1. something. No, she didn't have magical social skills, in fact she was kind of awkward. Lots of HR are eager to redistribute those opportunities even if it means hiring someone completely incompetent. Sexism/racism is really the worst thing about STEM, more so that everyone expects white people to just get a job elsewhere everytime.

BTW, university rankings are all about bribes. My university gave up and openly said they wouldn't be paying time magazine bribes anymore. Doesn't mean shit bro.

>he thinks that's for international students

Canadian citizens pay that much.

Tuition is out of control at top public universities in Ontario.

The cunt who is the Governor General now started this shit when he was the President at Waterloo.

So my local university just sent out an email blast from some middle manager position that didn't even exist when I first went there and it was tl;dr in the usual fashion, but made sure to mention that it had just layed out enough money to score the Mrs. ______(jew) and Mr. _____(jew) chair of let's say Excellent Jewish Studies to be the Vice President for, I guess, Jewish Operations and Excellence in Efficiency to help organize all the middle managers and students into Full Jewish Order.

I was like wew lad. And later that day I got an email reminding me that it was National Diversity Day again or something and there were seminars or whatever, and then they sent something to my private email account wanting me to take a survey on how to donate more money.

I'm paying 20k to go to a private school, and that's with all the scholarships. At least cybersecurity is in heavy demand.

I'm not white lol

>MFW when OP is a black female and that includes housing

Damn. Alberta NDP is gonna try for free college tho.


Fucking kek

People who thinks they are entitled to shit are the ones who refuse to work hard and expect others to pick up the slack and then when someone points it out they play the victim card.

You aint ENTITLED to shit, you work hard and you get what you earn.

Free college doesn't seem like a good solution since it incentivizes young people who don't know what they want to do with their life to study subjects that they won't be able to use in their eventual job.

A better solution would be discounted tuition that is deferred until the student finds a job that pays well enough to start paying back loan, and forcing universities to take a partial hit themselves when graduates can't find a job (so that universities don't encourage way too many student to study fields with narrow job prospects like they do now).

Why do you believe Canada should subsidize your education? What exactly do you believe the Canadian government owes you?

If you're engineering and actually got in, you're fine. Affirmative action for Asians stops at university entrance, actually getting a job is just HR prejudices, in which most of them view Asians as more "oppressed" than white people.

If you walk into a STEM workplace it's like 80% Asians of some sort and the top scorers at university were about 50% white. It's really an anti white thing, there are just too many articles out there that subvertly say "don't hire white men."

Again, STEM would be amazing if feminazis didn't target it and it alone. Back at university, no one cared about skin colour or gender, if you had the answers you were God despite who you were. Shit was too competitive to care about that kind of shit, HR don't seem to realise this and actually believe competitiveness == machismo == sexism or racism. It's not, we were all brothers.

Then again, the entirety of post modernism is basically fear of competitiveness and tall poppy syndrome.

What the fuck's the point of government if it doesn't do anything to at least try to somewhat equalize opportunities?

It might as well be just bought thugs to protect the upper class's ill-gotten wealth from the masses then.

>paying for college
>not being intelligent enough for grants and scholarships

Damn. I graduated college with a surplus of finances.

>Joining the navy
>Oh user, you scored high enough on our tests to be an engineer. You just need to get accepted to any of these schools on this list
>Apply for all of them and get accepted to all of them
>Oh don't worry user we got this covered also we'll pay you to go.

Only fags go to school without joining the military

I'm in the reserve faggot.

Come to Turkey. College, graduate education is free, you get to educated in European Universities for a year (Erasmus) and fuck beautiful blonde western anatolian (read: Greek-Italian ancestry) girls.

To enforce contracts between citizens, including enforcing laws through judiciary systems
To enable a dynamic and reactive laws through the legislative branch, aka parliament
To maintain a working, efficient, effective security force, including military and police

Did you not think you'd be blown the fuck out talking about government on Sup Forums? Under no circumstances is a government's job to fabricate a synthetic equality of outcome or representation, even if it were, what could possibly possess you to believe that this should extend to non citizens? Did Canada suddenly lose sovereignty to globalism or something?

>He thinks the reserves are actually respectable

I pay 650 euros per year lel


So what? It's my part time job.

8k a year or semester? I just got my bill for fall and it's 2,820.

ex-reservist here.


enlist you pussy

Doesn't change the fact the reserves are faggots

Only in war. I only fight to kill not do some bullshit grunt work for JEWTO.

>Being this edgy

Navy is for fags.

top 100 in the world? or Canada (lol)