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Now I know. The spammer starts these threads just to try to prove something I guess.

holy shit, tell me it's not real
what is this? a book? a magazine?

TFW you weren't fast enough

>rage face memes circa 2009

Thanks, I take the bullet if you don't mind.

Except, you know, OP can't bump threads. Moron.









this, my fucking sides
sauce please


I don't like that image because it's trying to be subtly racist


>Neck Beard - Slovenly trolls who don't shave their necks. They are virgins. They might also wear fedoras.
>They might also wear fedoras

Don't know why but that got me


I'm actually a racist i just don't support subtle racism




> posts rage comics
> calls others a moron

You need to kill your mother then yourself my friend.













Ha, that's so funn...wait, no, it's shit. Why would anyone who wasn't a retarded son of a crack whore post that...aaah, now I see.

Hey, retard, how much does your mom charge for anal? I got 5 cents. She can keep the change if the price to enter her anys is twice what I think it is.





>Demand money from white people

Shit... Haha. They always come up with different ways to mug people.

GODDAMMIT! lost...

That's really rude, now you made me cry.


haha so relateable lel xdxd! u guys should add me on club penguin my username is xxXtehpenguofdeathXxx



is this supposed to be some sick joke? did some fag from 9gag dump his shit here?
















Take these shitpost memes back to 9gag






has any1 ever been to a large party, where there was a nice deg there? I feel like the doggo would steal the show


>Misogyny is also rampart on the chan boards
>SJW - An acitivist trying to change society

aaaand we already know its some tublrina's guide to memes.








