Was this blackface?

Was this blackface?

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Looks white to me.

>rapping about raping and murdering women isn't harmful, but this stupid music video is
earl is so dumb sometimes

>her face is white
>was this blackface?
was this a bait thread?

Is Taylor just the most streamlined industry pop star ever created or what?

That "bad girl" shit to tease her new album honestly seemed like a parody but it wasn't.

No because she is American and Americans (white, black, mestizo, asian and prety much all other type of -Americans) share a common culture. Hip-Hop happens to be one of America's cultures.

Why give a fuck about shitty corporate made pop stars? They aren't even real people.

Didn't she start out as a country star?

>Americans (white, black, mestizo, asian and prety much all other type of -Americans) share a common culture

>blacks being killed by police at a rate 10x greater than whites, 45% poverty rate amongst blacks, and institutional racism isn't harmful but Jerome moving into a white neighbourhood is "white genocide"
racists r so dumb sometimes

It honestly would not surprise me if word got out that Taylor Swift was created in a laboratory and her only purpose is to serve as a hollow vessel through which her record label makes money.


13%, 50%

Name one American who doesn't listen to shitty pop/rap/indie whatever the fuck


>institutional racism
thats not a real thing

not sure where I said any of that. nice try though.

>13% of the population commits 50% of the violent crime

lol boo hoo

>the entire field of academic research on the subject that shows it is in fact a thing can be dismissed by me just stating otherwise
okay cool

>communities with a history of centuries of poverty and discrimination are dysfunctional
rly makes u thunk

daily reminder that blacks only enjoy first world living standards when they live amongst a white majority.

on their own they create haiti or detroit

I bet his counter argument is "b-but m-muh low-income neighborhoods!"

citation needed


>Our future won’t be too different. When you buy flatpack furniture, the little instruction booklet will, as a matter of course, show Taylor Swift (in a retro halterneck polka-dot dress) correctly assembling your crappy nightstand. You’ll soon get used to her constant presence in TV ads: loveable-loser-husband-Taylor Swift surprising bitchy-wife-Taylor Swift and the Taylor Swift kids with some surprisingly edible boil-in-the-bag rice; Taylor Swift finally plucking up the courage to ask Taylor Swift out on a date, once she’s gobbled up some extra-minty chewing gum; black and white footage of Taylor Swift falling off a ladder at work as dedicated-lawyer-Taylor Swift reads out the toll-free number. A few things might jar at first: North Korean Ambassador Taylor Swift’s furious speech at the United Nations, or the first blurry security footage of a greasy-haired and trenchcoated Taylor Swift carrying out grisly gun massacre in a Minneapolis mall – but after a while, you’ll find it hard to remember how things could ever have existed before. After all, it’s impossible to think outside of language.

>Sam Kriss
he literally might be the dumbest commie I know of and that's saying something

Why niggers are poor and violent in africa?

But whites are rich and civil in europe?

Uh, because american institutional racism?

when you
>systematically oppress a subsection of the population
>sentence them longer for comitting the same crimes as whites
>have police beat up and kill them in public areas in broad daylight
>convict black defendants at a much higher rate than white defendants
>grant parole to white prisoners much more often than black prisoners
is it really all that surprising?
and we've flushed out the nazis
>1488 smoke weed erreyday waddup 卍 卍 卍 [swastikas here if Sup Forums doesn't like the unicode] jews r dumb

Only apply to blacks, every other repressed asian or middle eastern community sorted all shit in one generation. Even know people from war torn countries can make a living in america almost instantly while blacks still can't do shit with tons of government subsidies. Slavery in most part of europe also ended later than in usa.

oh and by the way I'd just like to point out I derailed this thread literally with one post
racists are so sensitive and easily offended lol

So why is it that gays/trans/immigrants make up a significant portion of the violent crime rate? They went through the same shit

as soon as you made that post i instantly knew that was all the thread was going to be about

good game

*why is it they don't make up

>because some people are overly offended .that means I'm not!
no, you're a fag too

Might as well be

>Gays, trans and immigrants were enslaved

I don't know why but Taylor strikes me as a huge dork. She's not naturally cool at all. Like instead of being the tough badass rap girl she's pretending to be on her new singles she actually just spends every night at home with the same three girlfriends eating popcorn and watching Friends reruns while gossiping over nothing. Not that's a bad thing.

Korea had slavery officialy till 1900 and unofficially till 1930. It has nothing to do with blacks being 70 iq in general.

LGBT throughout history: burned at the stake, gassed in concentration camps, forced shock and chemical therapy, lynched with blacks in the south, only recently got the right to marry
And. Remember the japanese internment? Or how about how immigrant factory workers in the north were basically slaves
But yes continue on about how muh slabery was the worst thing ever

Not to me.

Remember unit 731

I didn't think so.

Isn't she dressed up as the Beastie Boys there, who are white?

this is a fun song/video. sad that it's 3 years old :/

Hi taylor!

13% is charged for 50%.
There's a difference.


I refuse to believe anyone was fucking dumb enough to go of being flamboyantly gay or openly transgendered in 19th century southern America. You could hide that shit in. Black people had a "come enslaved me sign" on their fucking backs because of their skin. There's no hiding that.

Not to mention that even if they could hide it they would be just too dumb to do it as it is within their veins to be as obnoxious as possible.

good thread
time for some digits

w t f

this guy

jim crow will come back because taylor swift wore a hat and danced


If you're a fellow Canadacuck, please kill yourself, my xir.