Does weed really kill brain cells ? My uncle smokes weed all the time, he's 42, fat, greasy, without a job , no wife...

Does weed really kill brain cells ? My uncle smokes weed all the time, he's 42, fat, greasy, without a job , no wife, no kids and lives with his parents. He's also a christian. When I confronted him about all of this he said I wouldn't understand.

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He's gay

Just like anything in life, moderation is the key. If all you do is smoke 24/7 some of your brains neurons start to slow down overtime, if you dont oversmoke nothing is wrong with weed. (coming from a 6 year stoner)

you killed it.

>I wouldn't understand
I probably wouldn't. Pot doesn't make you a loser, losers tend to smoke pot. If you were a loser before you got high, you'll be a high loser.
And even when you start to get the brain fog you can quit for a month or two and it goes away.

this person is correct and so is

Haha disregard all that shit I'm going out of my fucking MIND!! My fucking MIND is just FUCKED right now holy shit tutti fruition I'm in a fucking high ass condition! Man you gotta get high and jack off! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

all addictions are bad

yeah but you can't get addicted to weed, RIGHT ?

I've not smoked for long, literally like a couple months and every time I smoke a spliff I feel super groggy for ages after, durations as long as even a month at times.

>brain fog

This literally never happened to me except for a few months when I first started smoking regularly in highschool. I was maybe 16 or so.
People who say they don't remember highschool because of weed, probably don't remember it because of weed combined with regularly drinking.
They go together like yin yang but it's not an every weekend thing, you'll get stupider than if you just drank every weekend.
Alcohol is like vladmir lennin to your braincells, weed does not.

No but stupid people tend to use drugs like this.

you can get literally addicted to anything if it has a chemically rewarding response and do it enough/make a habit out of it.

smoke weed every fucking day you pussies

>I first started smoking regularly in highschool
>I was maybe 16 or so
>you'll get stupider
Uh oh, user. Firstly, smoking before your brain is fully developed (i.e. ~18-22) greatly increases the chance of developing certain mental illnesses like schizophrenia. I didn't start smoking until I was around 19 and I've quit several times for jobs, or tolerance breaks, or whatever.
Secondly; Stupider isn't a word, stupid. Kek. You're not helping your case, here.

>stupider isn't a word
weak bait.

well addiction can be psycological as well

It actually stimulates cell growth of the neo cortex so you become literally smarter if you some weed

real science.

...It's "more stupid," you fucking imbecile...

A lot of people don't get it. I get it a little. Some get it a lot.

stoners go to jupiter to get stupider

I would say it kills motivation if not smoked in moderation.

I've been smoking since 14, 22 now. Straight A's through school. Didn't do college. Currently working as a junior programmer working on a new POS system.

girls go to college to get more knowledge

Apparently so. Faggot said it was bait because he truly believes "Stupider" is proper grammar. I'm losing faith in humanity as the years go by...

Almost all of the physics and engineering grad students are potheads where I went to school.
The only people who hadn't at least tried it were autistic or people getting a degree in butt sex studies believe it or not. They would have freaked out anyway.

no it doesnt. smoking plantmatter however can have those effects as can sitting around all day munching doritos and doing nothing that requires high brain activity.

ppl like you should die


I like to get high and read the Bible


You will always be stupider than me

>circlejerking this hard
>so autistic he doesn't believe other dialects of english exist outside his suburb
>he believes people should type in MLA format on Sup Forums
Admit it user, you know you're on the spectrum.

Right. I speak English correctly, and it makes me autistic. I'm not going to sit here and brag about what I've accomplished in life on a Phillipian Water Polo forum, but I'm not autistic. Language is how we communicate. The fact that English is your first language and you can't type or speak it properly tells others you're a moron when you try to communicate with them. Go do some dabs and quit maymaying replies to me. It won't make you correct, but it may make you forget how shitty your life is.

circle jerking? I was just making le epic XD joke

Speaking properly is relative to where you live faggot.
If I spoke like you nobody would hear what I said, they would just call me a faggot.
>I'm not about to get into a semantics argument with an autist
>Bashing my hand with a hammer would be more bearable

>An article where the man admits "More stupid" is technically correct and then just puts "But I disagree! I'm with stupidest!"
>Wiktionary, a totally infallible website to you, obviously.
>Some faggots arguing about it.
English has rules. It's "more stupid." Get over it.

well... take your own conclusions pall

It's fucking text, not an accent.

I was just saying. The rule in English is that if a word has two or more syllables, you use more/most and the original form of the word when forming the superlatives. You didn't have to get all butthurt. Oh, and yeah, dialects absolutely are a thing. Go for a job interview and use only Ebonics and tell me how it goes, champ. Shiiiiiiiiet.

>not an accent
But it is.

You forgot the source. Weed is bad but what you have posted is, in my opinion, an exaggeration.

I guarantee if you talk like you write and go to a job interview where I live, you're not going to get the job.
Even the most educated people here talk with a southern drawl, and we write with it in order to be understood by our peers.

I love weed but have massive anxiety.

How to smoke a bunch without losing my mind?

Stupider and more stupid are both accepted
Just like cleverer and more clever
Don't worry it's not very intuitive

I guess it depends on you as a person

Started smoking at 13, before i started i wasca morbidly obese faggot, i lived in filth and had social anxiety. Just a total slob with no value

In 1 year of smoking pot i started hanging out with people, kicked my social anxiety, went from 272lbs - 185lbs, had my first GF since fucking kindergarden and got laid a couple times, i also became a cleaner human and started doing better in and out of school.
I smoked all the way till 4/20 of this year and had to quit because of medical conditions i got from alcohol withdrawls (quit cold turky after a year and a half of drinking everyday during college)
Since i quit i will say that i hate being as clean as cleaning while high was always a pleasure!
I grow and can't even smoke, so in my experience alcohol is WAY fucking worst then cannabis!

Also, it does kill brain cells, but, it also supports new cell growth. So its kind of a double edged sword. Smoking in moderation is actually beneficial, if you smoke alot every day and abusing your going to see mental fog and other problems, specifically effecting short term memory.
It has always been beneficial to me, but others may have different results.

Stop smoking for longer than a week and it'll slowly go away with CBT.

>Just don't hit them too hard with anything, you don't want to cause any permanent damage.

I live in Tennessee and own my own house. Try again, champ. I went to Tennessee Technological University, and if I'd typed how you do, I'd have failed constantly. Make more excuses for not learning to properly speak your own language, though. It's highly fucking entertaining.

lol steal his weed for the lols and film his reaction. then post it to youtube for money and smoke the weed.

im not the poster, but the things he listed seem very accurate. I had experienced several of them myself and not only as a one time experience:
-paranoia, check
-Panic, check
-increased heart rate, check
-problems with coordination, check (played volleyball)

The Panic was really really severe, and there was no way of getting calm.

>I guarantee if you don't say stupider you won't get a job
Holy fuck, you didn't even need to oust yourself about being a dumb southern hick, it was apparent already. No wonder "the south is dumb" is a tried and true stereotype.

Tennessee isn't the south faggot. They're wannabes.
>tractor rap

The point is to speak the language properly. You like being understood when you speak, yeah? English has rules. This is why everyone with more than two brain cells fucking hates ebonics. "Shiiiet, nigga. We bees poppin' fawtys and gettin' lit like kangz" illustrates to the listener that the speaker is fucking retarded. Just because someone, somewhere, disagrees with the centuries old rules of the language doesn't mean you should just fucking go "Oh, ok. Bob1537 on Reddit says it's fine. I'm the stupidest."

Chance the rapper voice:
>Tractor RAp!

Kek. Ok, buddy. Whatever you say. It's clear you're never going to agree, but when you're a NEET at 40, try to remember what I said and maybe you'll actually get accepted at a job interview. This is retarded. I was simply making an observation and trying to help another English speaker out, but instead he gets all "Nah, fuck you, it's right." So enjoy speaking like a baboon, I guess. It's no skin off of my back.

nice bait

>implying knowledge is desirable and doesn't correlate with depression
Dumb thot.

Protips for anyone having anxiety attacks or paranoia: there's two types of flower we can smoke, indica and sativa.
Indicia, or in-da-couch, makes you sleepy, euphoric, and "stoney" AKA heavy and wobbly. Sativa is more energetic, hits the head and makes you think.

Stay well and far away from sativa if you have panic attacks, social anxiety, or paranoia. Also, look into terpenoids, they affect both taste and high as well, and can affect psychosis in different ways.

23, been smoking for 10 years.
I work in a kitchen 40-50 hours a week, every week.
I go hard as fuck at work, usually stoned.
It's not a matter of weed making people lazy and unmotivated.
It's just lazy and unmotivated people.

Oooh, baiting by
Nice tactic, Junior.

This. My sister smokes weed excessively and suffers short term memory loss constantly. She gets bitchy and evil as hell without pot.

>being this mad because someone won't circlejerk with you

urban Tennessee everybody

I've been smoking weed since I was 13 and aint no problem me.

Pretty sure you were going for "Rural Tennessee," there, Ebonics Man. I don't live in a big city. I hate when I have to go to Nashville. Niggers, panhandlers and terrible traffic fucking everywhere.

Smoking kills braincells, but vaping (at the risk of u looking like a faggot) does not. Also you get to be high as fuck anywhere and people cant smell it.

Solid guidance, would tell kids/10

Anything fucks you up if used compulsively. Any substance or activity that completely hijacks your thought process is not good without moderation.

Vaping doesn't smell like weed? I'm an every day user (holy shit tutti fruition) and I've never smelled it.

Did some academic research on cannabis in the past - although not relating to cognition

Most effects seem to be reversible within 1-6 months after you stop smoking, *providing* you started smoking after your early 20s. If you smoke when you're under 21-23 years old, then there's a chance things may be permanent.

This is why I root for legalisation of cannabis, but with a legal age of 25

If you actually believe that you're either 13,
Or retarded.

Why would smoking one way and then smoking another way not kill brain cells? Are you perpetuating false rumors?

maybe he speaks more languages than u

Marijuana literally makes you retarded

be more like pic related

esto comprendo espanol.

Because I live in the real south.

Ironically, I do. Yo se un poco español, pero es terriblé. Es bastá para una trabajo, per malo per personas regulár. He just wants to tell himself that speaking Niggerese is fine.

>smoke weed and relax
>be a jackbooted thug running around fucking up people's lives for a gram of ditch weed

I think I know my preference.

KEK. No. No you don't. It'd be Comprendo Español. Wrong in two languages, and busted by the same Tennesseean. Delicious.

Pere Malo*
Google hates when I try to speak Spanish. It's almost as if it's trying to correct it to English, which is my native language. Silly algorithms.

P-E-R-O M-A-L-O*
Fucking bullshit.

I don't think you actually talk to anyone who is from Mexico.

Ask me how I know you copy and pasted that.

WA HA HA You faggot! Que vergonha, hein? Mas sério, fumar maconha é uma coisa boa mais de conta!! BOA MAIS DE CONTA AÍ DEUS MEU eu já perdi minha MENTE!!

KEK. Eres divertida, niña. Hablo español, pero no es bueno. See how I purposely put Niña? That was because I was calling you a chick. You can't even conjugate comprender and you want to tell me I copy and pasted. Fucking hilarious.

Ay y es sur americanos

pic related ops uncle

I'll admit I don't get a lot of that, but I already said my Spanish is terrible. I know enough for a job like "Como té ayudas" and to get around and shit like "Donde esta una restaurante de comida rapida." I took 2 years in high school and tried to fill in the gaps on my own.

>mexicanos juegen con americanos apreindido espanol en la escuela

That was Portuguese I can hardly read that shit


Meixcans learn American English in school? That's about what I got from that. I already told you faggots I wasn't fluent. What do you want from me?

I currently smoke daily and Im an honors aerospace engineering student...

It's formal Spanish. I don't know much slang besides shit like pinché tuadré or gringo or barro. Maybe it's barrio. Either way, I o ly really know formal Spanish. The Cuban forms pissed me off in school, like vosotros conjugations.

You sound like a fag if you are american and you learned Spanish in school. That's not what I said but I know enough to talk fluently with someone in mexico, which is a lot more than someone educated in spanish class can do.
They can read the newspaper but that really doesn't matter, nobody gives a fuck about La Raza news once they're in the US

yes, you re right, its more psychological than physical. But the addiction we are talking about is less powerful than physical addictions, heroin or cocaine for example, when your BODY needs the drug again

That's too bad. Maybe fentanyl is up your alley

Physical and mental addiction are two different things. Weed isn't physically addictive, but like anything else it can be mentally addictive.

It's português you mong. It doesn't make sense in English either.

Like I said, I know enough to get by. We have a pretty high concentration of Hispanics in my area, and I figured learning Spanish was a much better choice than fucking French or Japanese. I actually deal with Hispanic people who know very little English and they're always greatful I know Spanish so I can ease what they need. Sometimes they asked me where I learned, but I've never had one insult me because I use formal Spanish. Most I got was a lecture from a chick about how a pen is a "pluma" and not a "boligrafo" but she was like Puerto Rican, so whatever.

I'm not fucking retarded, user. It's not fucking Portuguese, and if it was, none of the LITERAL MEXICANS here would understand me, but they do. Fuck off.

Ask me.*
Autocorrect is pissing me off today. It also butchered pinché tu madré up there, earlier, too.

bora queimar um então user hahaha