Sup Forums BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
>DOW: +220%
oh look, its the 'The President influences the stock exchange' meme again
>because the # of illegals is at its lowest means its a low number
>Implying Obama did jack shit to fix the economy and it didnt just naturally rebound, as economies are known to do, after the recession in 2008
>implying the president has anything to do with the DOW's performance
Wow they picked the 4 most irrelevant topics to bitch about and deliver half-truths on.
FYI slide threads should use the phrase "really makes you think". Your phrase is outdated.
Planet Europe: Allah ackbar
Drilling on private land has increased due to the dramatic drop in public land drilling
The only one I can even remotely agree on is the Military funding, our army is a bit too large and inefficient. We should at least ask for funding in countries where we have bases.
>undocumented immigrants
They're illegal aliens, that's the legal term. Also just because something is lower than before doesn't mean it should continue.
I thought corporate profits were bad? They don't reflect the state on an economy anyways.
The pres has no influence on the DOW, as a matter of fact, the DOW going up 220% is pretty unstable and spells doom for a bubble.
Also what the FUCK does jobs created even mean?
>number of undocumented immigrants lowest in 12 years
How the fuck do you even measure this when they're undocumented?
i dont get the military budget meme, the US only spends 3% of the gpd which is a normal amount india spends 4% and saudi arabia spends 13% and nobody bats an eye, the rest of the countries in the top 8 dont spend more because america is already baby sitting them
>Also what the FUCK does jobs created even mean?
I'm wondering that, too. This is a measure that's simply not used in European politics. And we had a system where a social democrat created special jobs, communism style, so people wouldn't sit at home all day.
I mean, how the fuck do you "create" properly paying jobs that contribute to the country out of thin air? And in what way does Obongo "create" a job if he throws some subsidies at something, and not the coffeeshop boss who decides to cash in on the hipsters in his area?
That just shows how out of touch people who make political cartoons are with actual people. Corporate profits up? Who cares, wages ain't.
I think jobs created literally just means how many more available jobs there are out there compared from one time to another. However it is another bullshit statistic because Obama doesn't do anything to promote job growth other than subsidies
Because the migra deports them and keeps a record of that.
>lowest recorded
Hahaha haha
No one said that the president did that, its just that it's more convenient to compare changes under each president- especially when talking shit about candidates.
>+87% like that means anything
can anyone crop out the trump head
i want to add this meme face to my meme collection so that i may use it when i feel the urge to meme
>illegals lowest in 12 years
You do realize nobody know how many illegal immigrants there are, right?
Dumb fallacious cartoon is dumb and fallacious. Read the sticky, faggot.
We may spend the most on our military, but we need to spend more
>budget deficit $500 billion
Yeah, Obama must have done pretty well!
nice globalist conditioning propoganda
wow it really makes me think
looking for this for a while, thanks my man
Doesn't that mean they have only deported less?
they are mad that welfare doesn't get more money
wtf i hate this planet now
Fuck, I guess I'm in the #jebweb now
The pic in OP reminds me Hellstar Remina
>planet earth according to an anarcho communist who believes Bernie Sanders will give them free shit.
>1 post by this ID
Oh look another shills thread to sage
Oh, now corporate profits are a good thing? Who held that meeting?
>You do realize nobody know how many illegal immigrants there are, right?
more mexicans leave the USA, than enter, so not many
t. democrat washington
>number of undocumented immigrants is lowest
>undocumented immigrants
cool... keep me posted
>planet Trump: AWOOOOOO
Which is fucking stupid since it constitutes more than 80% of federal spending and is quite literally the reason we have so much debt.
>Look Mom my strawman includes statistics partisans on MY SIDE created to frame the situation and make it LOOK like we did shit
Democrats are corrupt motherfuckers who associate closely with the most wealthy individuals to make money, as you might be familiar with in Mexico. The NASDAQ and DOW increasing means Democratic politicians are making money, but somehow that's good and it affects you, so you should support Democrats so they can get more wealthy at your expense!