Do you support the burning of flags?
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Depends on the flag
Only the German one.
Ok then. The American one.
Absolutely fucking not.
not for your own country
if american wants to burned a French flag then it is ok
but never a French to a French flag
They can burn crosses for all I care.
But if you're going to fly a flag then play by the rules or at least be respectful, unlike Google.
Nothing pisses me off more then anchor babies that besmirch the flag of the nation that gave them better lives.
Fuck em all to hell
If Hillary would became president then yes, otherwise not
Rare flag
Go to bed Kim
No. The answer is that it is never okay to burn a flag. No matter the nation. I would not burn your flag and I would certainly hope you would not burn mine.
Such petty displays of protest are reserved for the most rank bastard of globalist spivs.
only the EU one
I'd fucking fight someone right now, I don't give a shit, I'd get my ass whipped by 10 people just to prove a point or I'd whip some faggots ass.
God this country is fucking high on something, I hope we get conquered because holy shit we deserve it
What if an American burned a rare flag?
People can burn whatever the fuck they wish. I only hope that if they burn our flag, we earned money from selling it.
I mean, am I really supposed to feel insulted by the backwards desert people taking time out of their busy day of boyfucking and plotting terrorist attacks to gather in huge, angry crowds and burn a symbol of my country? Please. You don't get angry at a beehive either, do you?
Our flag is a representation of our country. Without a Dutchman holding it, it's just another piece of fabric.
in America?
very bad
but in Japan? not so bad
I don't support the burning of any flag.
All it does is piss people off and incite violence and retaliation.
>north korea
The flag represents your people in spirit no matter where it is flown and no matter who holds it. Burning it is tantamount to the most infantile display of foot-stomping and gnashing at auntie's trousers for a little piece of chocolate, and you should regard those who do it as you would a stool on your doorstep.
Respecting your flag, and extending that respect to others, is the simplest form of respect and cordiality that frankly this world is lacking right now.
The only time this cordiality should not be extended is to the flags which do not denote nations.
My nigga
Back in my commie university days, we once ran a UK flag up the campus mast for shits and giggles.
Security very quietly took it back down, folded it nicely, and returned it to us, and then put our flag back up.
>Security very quietly took it back down, folded it nicely, and returned it to us
They should have called you cheeky cunts, but otherwise they handled that 8/10
They had a word with the mastermind of the operation, but privately and nobody was hurt.
is that black science man burning the flag?
Maybe I simply do not expect respect from a people who have been very, very clear throughout history that they do not respect us. A muslim or leftist burning a flag is like a dog running after a cat. A normal part of their behaviour.
And that is also why the gesture is meaningless, and can not anger me. What it's trying to communicate, was already said a long time ago. We are enemies, and their show is mostly for themselves, to reaffirm that we are fighting, when they're really standing in some square, surrounded by their own, burning a piece of fabric.
If an American would burn our flag, maybe I would take note. It would mean something to lose their respect in that way. Muslims and leftists have never respected us, and I will never respect them.
Either way, people have the right to burn flags. I just think the act itself is virtually always perpetrated by people who are, frankly, below us.
10/10 handling then
based security
It's how reasonable people sort their differences. Neither side wanted to waste time on trouble or further trouble.
No, it accomplishes nothing.
It's the dumbest way to express rebellion.
It's degenerate.
It's definitely not an argument.
If you burn your own country's flag I think it should be punishable by prison as a minor form of treason.
It really is as simple as "if you don't like this country then fucking leave"
There's a clear difference between
>I have a few issues with the country and want to work to change them
So there is absolutely no confusion about what message people are sending by burning their own flag.
Fuck no. These fucks who want to live in America who burn the flag should be sent to Mexico.
Yes. It gives plant manufacturing plants business. The retards doing it probably can't figure that out and it's fun to watch them throwing a tantrum.
Its a deed about as useful as beating a wall in rage or praying in fear
It doent matter at all
I think punishing them confirms whatever shit message they think they have. Just quietly put the known radicals on a watchlist. And if you feel especially sadistic, send the men in black to waterboard them now and then, and then inject them with enough drugs to erase their memory of the event, so they're left wondering why they're now afraid of damp cloth.
It is basically a highly offensive way of saying "I take issue with you," but leaves the door firmly shut for mutual interaction which might defuse the situation and result in a positive outcome for all involved.
It's the stupidest form of political statement, and the most useless, for it is incomprehensible -- how are we to know what precisely the arsonists take issue with? Which leaves us with the only discernable motive of sheer hatred for the nation being burned.
Only if its American
Kys cuck
>I think punishing them confirms whatever shit message they think they have.
Kafkatraps shouldn't be a factor when it comes to law and order.
American flag
>Piece of cloth
Confederate flag
>Symbol of hate
Liberal logic
no. fuck flag burners. throw rocks at them until they bleed.
I think we should void the citizenship of anyone who burns the US flag. Love this country or leave it.
I think it's stupid and serves no purpose except to be deliberately offensive. But, shit, of course people should be allowed to do it.
That doesn't protect them from being pointed out as faggots, though.
Freedom means people can express themselves without fear of repercussion.
No I don't support it but these things happen when you allow yourself to be infiltrated.
I see burning the US flag as an act of treason.
Let's pretend for a second that Hilary Clinton becomes POTUS. I don't want that to happen and even if I were to protest I would not burn the American flag. That is because I love America and American values as well as the freedoms given under the constitution.
By burning the flag I would not be protesting an injustice I would be protesting the very foundations of the United States and American values. If you want freedom why would you burn a symbol of it? Makes zero sense. But then again is someone was actually pro-America in the first place they would be voting Trump. These people are traitors and should be punished through some kind of manual labor community service. Repeat offenders should have their citizenship revoked and be exiled.
One of the greatest things about American is that they have the right to do that without being arrested and/or killed.
That being said, I think they should be arrested and/or killed.
allow people to lash out at flag burners, without legal repurcussions
>Not eating the flag
The fundamental problem with freedom is people can be too free.
Seems very tedious and time consuming. How about if you burn a flag you get A) immediately have all your rights as citizen revoked B) get your ass kicked and hauled off to jail C) get launched out of a cannon circus style into Mexico
Hello Ayatollah, how are you oppressing your people today? Your stupid fucking theocracy is worse than anything John Calvin or other protestant colonies in Europe did by a long shot. How does that feel, being the worst theocracy on Earth?
Proxy or Glorious Leader
>Mexico, an entire race of people you are automatically better than just by existing!
Law enforcement is tedious and time consuming as well.
But if you're the kind of retard who spends his time burning flags and causing disturbances, then maybe law enforcement won't care very much when the flag burners have a real problem to complain about.
> flag represents your people in spirit
That's the problem, white people are racist as fuck and don't accept whitewashed minorities as their own.
Fuck America.
>Eating a raw flag
>Not putting it in a nice khoresht or aash
ahaha bazi az irooniha ajab kharan
Only if it's the Canadian flag.
>living in the country that protects you, gives you your welfare, facilitates trade so that you can get affordable goods, provides you with an economy and a job
>being buttmad that it was started by whites, and being so brainwashed by your nigger race identity that you cant see anything but skin color
>hating the country youve chosen to live in
1. move away
2. youre a retard
>Burn flag
>Biggest offense, treason, death penalty
>Not a statement of speech which means a broken nation due to racism and oppression.
If they're burning a flag they bought themselves and aren't doing it in an unsafe manner, I couldn't give less a shit. It's their own money they're wasting.
The piece of cloth protected slave ships long after Europe had outlawed them. The symbol of hate never did. Go figure.
Irony. The post
I'm all for it if self-defeating faggots like OP's pic are doing it. Just winning more fence sitter votes for Trump.
>an act
So then bombing a state capital should be legal because it's an act of expression stating displeasure, and covered behind free speech?
I don't think so, commie. Get off this soil.
If it's for a good cause, sure.
Only if the flag has lived its life and is in need of proper disposement. At least when it comes to Dannebrog, the danish flag, you are supposed to fold it together and burn it whilst holding a little seremony.
"Ceremonial Burning"
Fire Preparation:
It is important that the fire be sizable -- preferably having burnt down to a bed of red hot coals to avoid bits of the flag being carried off by a roaring fire -- yet be of sufficient intensity to ensure complete burning of the flag.
Flag Preparation:
The color guard assigned to the flag opens up it tri-corner fold and then refolds the flag in a coffin-shaped rectangle.
When all is ready:
Assemble around the fire. The leader calls the group to attention.
The color guard comes forward and places the flag on the fire.
All briskly salute.
After the salute, but while still at attention, the leader should conduct a respectful memorial service as the flag burns. National Flag Foundation recommends singing "God Bless America" followed by an inspiring message of the flag's meaning followed by the "Pledge of Allegiance" and then silence.
When the flag is basically consumed, those assembled, with the exception of the leader and the color guard, should be dismissed single file and depart in silence.
The leader and the color guard remain until the flag is completely consumed.
The fire should then be safely extinguished and the ashes buried.
yes, its ok, in fact everyone with common sense would support it. Rid yourself of the ridiculous attachment of some stupid sybolism and free yourself from lower culture.
No, it's all retard, edgy shit. You are just flaunting your anger.
It shouldn't be illegal but if you are burning your own flag you better have a good reason
I think it's an annoying, albeit acceptable form of protest.