Go feeding your ego on Everest and things could end badly...then you end up like this (pic related), for others to see on their way.
Other urls found in this thread:
>having an ego
>not being part of the super ego with a dash of I.D.
I legitimately don't understand why people bother climbing this fucking thing. The most common answer is "because it's there."
I mean, fuck. What the hell kind of justification is that? Why doesn't it apply to other things? Your daughter's there. Why don't you climb her?
Dumb shits.
In his will for everest
He will forever rest
>oh noes, someone doesn't spend his life in his mom's basement crying about jews and niggers
>those pathetic fucks feeding their ego!!
Conquer the elements you pussy bitch. Its no easy feat and therefore you can brag about it.
You can't brag about it if you are fucking dead you moron. Bet those fucks are bragging to Jesus right now.
What's there to brag about when thousands of fuckers have already done it? If you want to brag at least do something original.
That mentality is why humans are the dominant race, and why the west is the dominant civilisation.
You have no spine.
You have no balls.
The modern world is built on the corpses of people who recklessly went forward even when they shouldn't.
To conquer Everest is to conquer nature herself.
For the feeling of satisfaction and pride.
To have a memory that you cherish for the rest of your life.
To pit yourself against nature and win.
Are you autistic?
One of Thousands among billions is still a tiny percent, lad
guess you could say the view really took her breath away
>A leaf
>talking Freud
No wonder you guys are Cucks (I know what my flag is, but even still)
Everyone knows K2 is the harder, more technical climb. When I say 'everyone', I mean people who actually have mountaineering experience... i.e., None of us posting here.
I climbed everest a few years ago. Most of the people (99% of them) climbing are just rich faggots trying to get a facebook profile picture. I climbed because I was desperately friendzoned by this qt who was a fellow geology major who was a part of a 'geologist climber/explorers' group.
Honestly everest wasn't that difficult- granted weather was the best its been in decades (according to our sherpa). Even with asthma i was able to do it without much trouble - i even took my oxygen mask off at the top when i went in to try and kiss the girl i was in love with.
9/10 for second best laugh of the day after watching Guardian and Independent readers on Facebook utterly spaz out at Donald crossing the delegate line.
climbing everest is just a tacky way of saying "i have $70,000 that's burning a hole in my pocket"
conquering nature looks an awful lot like waiting for space mountain
Our costs came out to around $35,000 each but we had sponsors cover all our costs. Most people get sponsors (i don't know why the fuck people would pay other people to go up, but they do).
She ran out of oxygen telling everyone she was vegan
It's pretty much impossible to do with only a couple of people but the fact 90% of the journey is in a conga line really takes any thought of accomplishment away in my eyes.
>All this whining
>They're all Burgers
>Fattest nation on earth for a good reason I guess
that's a year's salary before taxes for something like 30% of USA
That's from like 2010 m8
Now it's Mexico and a bunch of islands
No shit, Obama really did it. I'm impressed, my mistake.
it's not his fault, it's unreasonable to expect the french to be less than five years behind america in anything