Calls religion "delusion" (and is an atheist)

>Calls religion "delusion" (and is an atheist).
>Says atheists can't internalise a set of morals and can only be moral because of fear of punishment or ostracism.

When did you stop listening to Stefan Lolyneux?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Fables

wow... really makes you think huh?

I only like his immigrants videos

What purely internal force to atheists have to justify their morals?

Damn he really BTFO you banana faggots and you're still mad about it.

Morals do not come from religion.

>says that if you're going to be an atheist, you better be consistent and don't believe in other fairy tales like "the state"
>believes in free will


>he said unrionically after being raised in a christian society surrounded by christian values

You have no other frame of reference. Name 1 (one) society that was founded on gaytheism and has no religious tradition. Then if you can manage that, ask yourself if you would want to live there.

>not knowing that Hobbes' Leviathan is the only thing keeping humanity together

Mah nigga

it come from where ? books some atheist wrote?

I have a giant lump of tissue in my skull.

I call it myself.

He's really pandering to his religious audience these days.

There's no way he actually believes a word said in that video.

Well, Hammurabi was an atheist, so you're right on that

I was raised Buddhist.

Buddhism is atheistic.

>atheists can't internalise a set of morals and can only be moral because of fear of punishment or ostracism.

>"Oh noes I better behave or else I won't get into heaven!! Sorry God I didn't mean to sin, plz don't punish me!!"

The guy is retarded.

if he really is an atheist from a cosmic point of view, I will fucking unsubscribe and flag all his videos.

give atheism no chance.

They come from being alive for ten seconds and being aware of basic human interactions.

If you hit someone in the face, you cause them pain.

If you steal their food, they die. If you lie to them, their trust in you is betrayed for your own advantage.

Overcoming basic selfishness is paramount to, you know, growing up as an actual human being. People act like the Christian bible is some founding document of moral behavior when half of what it says is illogical, medieval bullshit. I learned more about morality, good and evil, courage, sacrifice, honesty, and decency from Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Transformers than I ever did from the bible. There are also a lot more interesting stories from similar religions and mythologies that Christianity borrowed to make the latest and greatest control mechanism for the idiots.

Religious faggots have not and will not grow into this knowledge until they learn what it means to be human first without the fairy tales.

Grow up.

So your own morality has been generated theough reason, which I'll assume it true. Stefan is saying that self identified atheists vote in a significant majority to increase state power, which uses an external way to enforce rules/morality.

I'm not a theist, but I don't think this video is complicated, despite being condescending.

He always panders to his audience.

Couple days ago he defended Trumps "kill the families of ISIS" remarks by basically saying that since people have a duty to report crimes (this isn't even a law in most states/countries, much less would it be one in Stef's ancap/NAP utopia), it makes people who don't report said crime accomplices/criminals themselves, therefore they deserve to face punishment.

It's hilarious watching him just adopt whatever """arguments"""" fit his narrative while his callers are too fucking beta to argue against him in any way.

>growing up as an actual human being
Actually, it's deluding yourself.

>Buddhism is atheistic.
So buddhism has no religious tradition?

You have your head so far up your own ass it's surreal. Or maybe you just don't understand what "religious" means. pro-tip: even Confucianism is a religion with religious traditions you huge fucking retard.

pretty sure the ten commandments, regardless of your religious leaning, have got all that covered. Jesus Christ (lol) the greeks even had this shit covered.

You thick cunt.

how the fuck is a state a fairy tale?

Cont. You learn values and ethics from many sources usually in this order: family, friends, community, school, and culture.

That's why niggers be noggin, they have no family, they don't stay in school, and all of their friends and culture tell them to chase the thug life and that evil whitey hates them so they need to learn to hustle if they wanna make it in evil cracka world. Oh yeah fuck the police too that's a great idea. Let's see where that gets us.

If someone could be proven to have reasonable belief that their friend/family member was going to commit a serious crime, are they considered criminally liable? That's the only principle he answered "yes" to.

Buddhism is a way of life, or philosophy. But it doesn't have a god.

No god = Atheistic.

>Jesus promised the end of all wicked people

>Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Transformers
>gets buttmad at christians for following a historically accurate and factual narrative of history and their thought processes
>believes his morals are superior because he learned them from a load of fictional fairy tales

keking internally

You speak to people who unironically believe writings from a 2000-year-old desert blood cult which have been reinterpreted hundreds of times. For them, this is the pinnacle of humanity, the ultimate forefront of what it means to be a human being. Simply telling them "grow up" will, in fact, make you look immature in their lives because most of them believe atheists and other irreligious people will convert to a religion when they get older and wiser.


It's not a matter of superiority, it's a matter of external/internal. Why do you follow societal, agreed upon rules?

Empathy? you fucking psychopath

Also I forgot to add, you may have been raised in a buddhist household. But if you were raised in America then you were raised in a Christian society.

>my special brand of buddhism
Also incase you can't read
>Name 1 (one) society that was founded on gaytheism and has no religious tradition
>or religious tradition
If you're going to say buddhism doesn't have religious tradition then you're just flat out wrong, and also a disingenuous retard.

Stefan Spooklyneux. Nothing new with that incoherent idiot. He will go from anacap to fascist in 2 days.

see You see, I was merely responding to your question of atheism and right away you call me obnoxious and arrogant. It reminds me of those people who scream and shout that vaping is for fedora tippers and shitlords, obviously much more vocal than the people who encourage it. Perhaps your Christian god wants you to be this way? Or maybe you're just in a foul mood today? Wanna talk about it, champ?

Empathy isn't a universal constant; everyone experiences it differently (or not at all).

Great so they have basic moral observations that any adult can make "covered" along with the rest of some giant bullshit, fanatical religion. I don't understand what youre trying to say.

I don't disagree with him in this video. That's why the fedora tipping meme even emerged - athiests of today are largely morons who become athiest because its edgy or popular without any sincerity. It sucks being an athiest and having those fuckers out there representing you.

So you just flat out don't understand what a religion actually is. Got it.

Nice spook nerd
>From biology
No wonder that you are a Marxists. Retard

sounds spooky

>therefore they deserve to face punishment.
I like his way of thinking. So Asad was right with his terror barrel bombings of opposition-controlled territories.
>but they are noncombatants!
>guilty criminals, not noncombatants

True Atheists are Nihilists and the only thing that stops them from doing something percieved as immoral is the repercusions of it. A true atheist have no reason to commit a crime as long as it benefits him and comes without any punishment. Being an atheist and not doing so will be irrational. If you are an Atheist and think im wrong then you are not really an atheist

Stathiests BTFO

I like how stathiests always assume moral high ground in this debate.

>I don't NEED some BOOK to tell me what's moral! I'm just naturally a good person!

Yeah right. Gaythiests are more popular than ever and look at this shithole nigger culture that's brewing up. People cast away what they've been given to mutilate their genitals and poison their bodies with all sorts of drugs and premarital sex. Not even caring to raise their families, but getting cucked instead.

You gaythiests can claim moral high ground over the pious, but it remains to be seen. You're mentality is poison to our future generations and you should be gassed.

Spook the post

>and has no religious tradition

Fucking illiterate Fedora.

The argument is roughly like, the state doesn't exist in the same way "blue animals" don't exist, there might be individual animals that are blue but the group as such is just a made up concept. The state is just a bunch of individuals wearing badges.

>If someone could be proven to have reasonable belief that their friend/family member was going to commit a serious crime, are they considered criminally liable?

They aren't. And even in some states where they are, it's just an "offense" and not a crime you get thrown in prison for. Even the US Code still requires active CONCEALMENT of the crime, not just failing to report it.
It also conflicts with Stefbot's own belief system because what, you're gonna WANT ME SHOT because I didn't do what you wanted me to do?


>historically accurate and factual narrative of history

That 40 day walk in the desert is factual? The resurrection is factual? Are you stupid?

>from a load of fictional fairy tales
>coming from a christian

when did Sup Forums start listening to him again? I seem to remember people turning on him a few years ago for being too cult leader-like

By that logic shouldn't you be out killing infidels and stoning women, Moortugal?

Why stop taking the red pill? Just because you can't handle what you see doesn't mean nobody can.

fucking pathetic

what don't you understand about this video? you are projecting. the ways in which people are compelled to follow socially constructed rules are:

1. internalized virtue
2. internalized consequences (parents, God)
3. externalized coercive consequences (angry mob/State)
4. externalized associative consequences (no one likes you / social caste demotion)

determinists are absolute garbage.

do you really need an 'internal force' to apply some basic empathy and reasoning? how about the internal force of "i pretty much safely assume other human beings are having a similar experience and capacity for pain, suffering, soverignity" ?

Holy strawman. I never said I don't learn everything I can from HISTORY, I just don't take Jewish mythology and actually believe it's the literal truth spoken from a supernatural and divine being.

They're all "fairy tales." At least I know who wrote mine and don't believe them to be literal truth. Keep keking, you look fucking stupid.

>mutilate their genitals
Absolute majority of genital mutilation is done as religious rituals in Judaism and Islam.

Literally not an argument

what´s the incoherence between fascism and ancap?

>what don't you understand about this video?

He is wrong, because that's not how people form beliefs about the world.

He is literally projecting himself onto the world, and every other person.

all of those stories are factual because Jesus is God you idiot. Yea, anyone that calls himself Christian must believe that Jesus is God. These are not just "fairy tales" or alegories. A fairy tale would be like the utopia that your dear idol Marx imagined a communist society would look like

you mean nationalism?
because for me, to have moral you either need nationalism or religion

>i pretty much safely assume other human beings are having a similar experience and capacity for pain, suffering, soverignity
How do morals logically follow from that? Just because I know on an intellectual level that other humans feel things doesn't mean I should care.

You are right with this. It's hard to catch myself not saying that, though, because I never felt like I actually grew up and faced the real world as a man until I gave up being religious. It creates a whole new paradigm and understanding of humanity that you can't have if you believe a giant invisible Jewish man created everything in 7 days and is hiding in the sky.

A few vids ago he quotes some stats that self identified atheists voted in majority for more state power, which enforces rules through force. He's saying that's inconsistent with just using empathy as a source for morals.

My hero


He doesn't argue that its a fairytale, he argues that the state replaces God as a means to provide comfort and the illusion of protection.

depending of your genital and form the individual, you have sometime too much or lack of empathy

here, i'll help you with the definition
>Religion is a cultural system of behaviors and practices, world views, sacred texts, holy places, ethics, and societal organisation that relate humanity to what an anthropologist has called "an order of existence".

>Name 1 (one) society that was founded on gaytheism and has no religious tradition
>religious tradition

Same to you as . If you're going to say buddhism doesn't have religious tradition then you're just flat out wrong, and also a disingenuous retard.

They come from the evolution of organisms and societies.

The only reason why Stefan calls himself an atheist is because he is not ready to accept Jesus as God. But he understands that all the rational arguments for the existence of one are true. So he is having this cognitive dissonance where he believes in absolute truths and values, while not believing in God. He even admits to this in some of his videos, but then excuses himself saying that he is working to reconcile these two beliefs somehow.

Why do you guys talk about this faggot all damn day? Do you really have nothing better to do? These threads are more common than Boxxy threads were on Sup Forums back when she was all everyone could think about.

>I can make massive assumptions. judgments, and generalizations on someones personal character and beliefs because they don't believe the bullshit I believe.

Seriously guy, this is something I believed when I was 16. I'm sure you wish you could reduce humanity to your stupid idea here, but it's never going to happen.

True athiest meme reads like 'True gamer.' *tips fedora*

Not an argument.

I'll re watch the vid to see if I represented his point fairly. If I did, then you're right that it's inconsistent.

But taking the state totally out of the equation. Is it a moral failure to have reasonable knowledge of a serious crime and fail to report it?

That's correct. It's not an argument, it's a question.

The argument is that atheists who do not internalize virtue will flock to the state to use coercive enforcement. That is literally what you are too stupid to understand.

If you don't have an argument then you aren't welcome in this thread.

Morality doesn't have to have to do with religion.

Empathy is a part of being human. I'm an athiest, but I'm going to be a good person because it feels good to be. That's rational.

Nice trips.

By any "atheist" logic we should be killing all strangers not of our tribe, because we have no knowledge of the things they did in the past, and therefore no way to reliably predict what they might do in the future, so they represent mortal danger with no expected benefits.

Fortunately, the human race developed something called an "imagination," that allows us to act in ways contrary to what our senses and training tell us. The same imagination that atheists get so pissed off about when people use it to make imaginary friends is also what forms the civilization that protects them from finding out just how bloody nature really is, and even forms the basis of organized atheism itself.

i treat others as id like to be treated.

>cherry picking pieces of a story
yea, using magic to make rivers flow is totally factual.
for some reaosn the jews have a story where they overcome absurd odds and had soem oil burn for an insane amount of time. apparently odd shit does happen.

you look liek a knuckel dragging moron you nigger. if youd have read a single page of the bible, instea dof your nitpicked, pre-chosen rhetorical lines of "listen to this, its absurd" niggetry, youd relaize that a majority of the bible is abstract thought, teaching morals. its why they say to rea dit daily.

if theres one thing that needs to be eradicated from the earth, its ignorant morons like yourself. you make claims against something youve never read outside of your rhetorical biased lens.

why do so many people read the bible, and take it to heart?
its not because they think its fact. its because it teaches decent morals based on the abstractions within it.

dumb nigger

why? I see no advantage in killing other people indiscriminately

>all of those stories are factual because Jesus is God you idiot.
>The bible it's true because a charachter in the bible says it's true

> Yea, anyone that calls himself Christian must believe that Jesus is God.

No, some major early groups of followers didn't beleive in Jesus as a God, as do I.

>Thinks drugs and sex are poison.
>Thinks you can't party, have sex, have fun, then settle down and raise a family.
>Unironically thinks he'll know a lot about life saving himself for puritan marriage and be able to explain a lot about sex and cocaine to his children.
>Wants people to be gassed.

Holy virgin, blessed be your sacred seed, please keep it from all worldly pollution that it may be sown in holiness.

Why nationalism?

How do you explain how humans survived back when there was the first humans with no religion?

Not him but a nationalist has reason to be moral because it improves the nation of which he is nationalistic.

>The argument is that atheists who do not internalize virtue will flock to the state to use coercive enforcement.

Yes but this isn't any less true for anyone else.

Religious authority was for the better part of a 1000 years in Europe synonymous with the State, and religious morality was enforced by the State.

So it's not that he is incorrect, it's just that he is pandering to his religious audience by focusing only on atheists, as if it proves anything at all.

Case in point, you fucking degenerate. Maybe some of you faggots can handle destroying your brain by frying balls but it's already too late for you.

>prehistoric humans were moral
t. dumb fucking leaf

What is this strawman about survival? Fuck off you dumb faggot liberal.

Go on. Really. I don't think he intended to say how "people form beliefs about the world", which sounds like an epistemiological question. It seems more like the answer to "how are systems of ethics enforced?".

If the reality of other people's experience doesn't compel you to ethics through reasoning, you need a more primitive method. This is not Stef's idea, as Plato described, the Noble Lie. Or, in Buddhist tradition "a teaching for every level of student".

Same way animals do. Form a flock/pack/herd made of family members, and kill anything that threatens it, including other members of your own species that are not of the tribe.

It works well enough to continue natural selection, though it could never result in any of the things the human race has accomplished.

Are you serious? Fascism is built around the idea of goverment,while anacaps want to abolish it

Atheists base their morality on utilitarianism, same as anybody else.

>'m going to be a good person because it feels good to be. That's rational.

>It seems more like the answer to "how are systems of ethics enforced?".

And they have always been enforced with violence. Literally since the dawn of human civilization.

>he defended Trumps "kill the families of ISIS" remarks

How about you get your facts straight before you criticize others?

Trump never said "Kill the families of ISIS."

I swear to god, it is so draining to listen to assholes like you, who speak down on others, while not even having their own facts straight.

Just a bunch of wild accusations to discredit a guy who tries to do what's right.

wew lad.

I' guarantee I've read more of the bible than you. I was raised Christian and was insanely devout until my adult life. It was the 'morals' and 'thought' of the bible that precisely turned me off and informed me to how much fucked up bullshit was actually in it.

Such wonderful morals as - "Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me."

I have members of my family right now that are teaching their children to love this book more than they love their own parents and siblings. That is sick indoctrination of children and a cult. You are the knuckle-dragger, nigger, go back to reading your sacred book of the sacred knowledge of sacred goodness. Also have fun cutting a piece of your dick off.

Also why do all of the 'Christians' in here continue to talk about murdering giant multitudes of people from the Earth? Thought it was the religion of forgiveness, mercy, and peace, son?

It's not any less true that the religious will try to seize state power, but he's not saying that. He's saying that self identified atheists vote more heavily for heavily for state power because that group has no other motivation for following socially constructed rules.