Was creating Sup Forums the ultimate form of degeneracy?
I mean he looks like a fucking cuck
Was creating Sup Forums the ultimate form of degeneracy?
I mean he looks like a fucking cuck
>insulting moot
Fuck off, he was cool, even if a Jew.
I want to fuck Clownpiece while the Moonbunnies are watching
He created a platform for you dumbasses to blow off steam instead of plotting to destroy jews and ultimately kill them all.
Don't you fucks see? Sup Forums is literally the jewish attempt to placate all of you from murdering them all.....
He was an actual cuck faggot who got lucky that his tripfag anime circlejerk got taken over by anons
i thought tomogachi nagashia founds Sup Forums?
No, Sup Forums was founded by Lord Takeshi of Takeshis Castle.
I just found Sup Forums for a year ago and I must say is a free speech heaven.
I love Sup Forums
>luggage lad
>not a cuck
Then leave
moot is mai waifu
The jews are exposed, now they say to leave. Silly jew, we know what you are, we still want to kill you. Even the shitposting here wont satisfy us soon, and then you're going to face the wrath of a race that's been abused by you parasites for almost 250 years.
All glory to 天皇, our splendorous Emperor Hirohito!
moot at least has a godly jaw line
Even with the anime-ist of intentions have given birth to one of the last public forums in the world to embrace free speech.
Tell me about Moot, why was he portrayed as a cat?
moot is quite literally a cuck, i think the cuck meme got popularized because of him
"Sup Forums was a mistake." - m00t
How much of a newfag are you?
>my father (70yo) calls me because his friend was added to a whatsapp group called "Viva el Furry" and now he can't leave it
Meme magic is out of control
Tell me about snacks
He was a pedophile good at purging people.
Like the Internet version of Lavrentij Berija.