I don't hate Trump, but I can't see how any of Bernie Sanders views can be refuted besides "but i want muh money!!!"

I don't hate Trump, but I can't see how any of Bernie Sanders views can be refuted besides "but i want muh money!!!"

>Free college is too expensive!!!
Small tax on wall street speculation will pay for it

>Free health care is too expensive!!!
It will be paid for by raising taxes, and most Americans will save money on Sanders' plan

>Higher taxes bad!!!!
This is simply greed. Who cares if you can't buy a new TV if it means everyone in the country can get free education and health care.

I'm not saying any of the other candidates are bad, but Sanders plans are bulletproof.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Voting for a dual citizen

>Who cares if you can't buy a new TV
I do


Who cares? These are the kinds of arguments you guys make when faced with facts.

i couldnt imagine livin in a country without free healthcare and education. do americans actually like their system?


How the fuck you gonna "tax speculation" boi?

Yeah, people who are productive members of society are fine. Freeloaders get hurt. The demographics of the USA are too fucked (too many shitskins) for socialism to work here.

Exactly. Pretty sure the purpose of a president is to try and better the country, and certainly universal health care is more beneficial to the country than you having a new TV.

Maybe each and every person knows better how to better his life?

There are no real issues with any of those highlighted points, besides the fact that they make Sup Forums angry.

>Free college is too expensive!!!
>Small tax on wall street speculation will pay for it
I don't know a lot about this, but doesn't a lot of the stuff pertaining to wall street business change very frequently. Isn't one of the problems that the market is kind of unpredictable? What happens if things go to shit in the market and the taxes on the speculation do not add up to much? I'm sorry if my line of questioning doesn't make sense, I was born the a debilitating case of poo brain.

Not angry, just intrigued how anyone could want such incompetence running something like a country, I would be leary of this guy taking my order at Wendy's.

Can you answer me a question? Why do Sanders supporters always do that "reddit speak" thing that died out in 2014? You know what I mean, someone will say
>he's raising taxes
and you'll go
>b-b-b-b-uhhh high taxes are badddd xDDDD

Do sanders supporters just get butthurt real easy or are they trying to hide their newness? I see this in every thread made by a sanders supporter. Any points made against sanders will be repeated in "ironic" reddit speak as a counter argument.

What's the avarage age by a sanders supporter on the internet? If the youtube comments are anything to go by, most of them are too young to vote anyway.

>confronted with good points
>cowers in corner resorting to racial and cuck memes

never change.

>How the fuck you gonna "tax speculation" boi?
Stock trades would be taxed at a 0.5% rate, bond trades at 0.15%, and derivatives at 0.005%, according to Sanders' plan. Is there a problem with that?

>The demographics of the USA are too fucked (too many shitskins) for socialism to work here.
That's simply a racist, unsupported opinion of yours. Exactly what I mean when I say there are no logical arguments against Sanders' plans.

Why did you say you don't hate trump?
It's pretty obvious you don't share any opinions with this board, can't you just admit it instead of grabbing at straws hoping for someone to agree with you?

This is the only reasonable point I've heard. Nice.

>apple and google is worth 1000 gorrilion dollars
>get taxed 60%
>free healthcare and education for 1000 years

He has been a mayor, senator, and on the house of representatives for many years. If you think that is incompetence than you must be a full on retard.

>Small tax on wall street speculation will pay for it
paying for other people's shit and getting nothing in return
>Free health care is too expensive!!!
paying for people's shit and getting nothing in return (if you already have healthcare)
>Higher taxes bad!!!!
>simply greed
paying for other people's shit without getting anything in return

maybe stop giving people food stamps and social benefits and build some good infrastructure instead? you know, the stuff that everyone ACTUALLY uses

My biggest concern with socialism is the fact that big companies are already trying to get the fuck out of America for both labor and customers as it is, when we start taxing the shit out of the rich, won't that just speed up the process?
Sure it might be great for a citizen for a time, but how does free healthcare help us/exist when we become a second world country, or at least much worse than before?

Because I don't hate Trump. And I'm not looking for someone to agree with me. I'm looking for a legitimate discussion, something this board lacks, as you implied.

Oh okay nvm you just wanna destroy people's 401ks so they have to rely on the government for retirement.

How is universal healthcare going to be cheaper than the 60 dollars (2.9% of gross pay btw) taken out of my paycheck through work every two weeks?

>Small tax on wall street speculation will pay for it
Tried in other countries.

Universal healthcare failed in Vermont.

>muh greed
>but I want muh free shit

Fuck off

People with bachelor's degrees today still have trouble finding jobs. Why would you want to make the situation even worse by eliminating the cost filter on college so even more people get degrees? You'd be devaluing the bachelor's degree for everyone by turning it into another part of public school.

>B-But we could just make the academic requirements more stringent to prevent degree inflation

Great except this plan is coming from Bernie "Black Lives Matter" Sanders. So you really think he's going to put in place a set of academic standards that will mostly just disqualify blacks in practice?

Keep your kike hands off of my work credentials, I don't need millions of new affirmative action free diploma niggers undoing the hard work and money I invested in my own education.

You don't have a right to other peoples property. You do no get to decide how other peoples property is used. I think that cover all of your free stuff and taxes.

Le raising taxes meme
It worked so well for Hollande, capitalism btfo

>Getting nothing in return
Oh I'm sorry, is free public college not something in return? I know Sup Forums might not agree with this one, but is bettering your country not something in return?


check the dates lads. Bernie is just another rat kike

Holding office doesn't mean you are good at it, have you seen his voting record it's pretty sketchy at best, He has stood against a lot of things that would conflict with "progressive" values. He also cosigned a bill to dump radioactive waste on a small town filled with Mexican Americans, I think at the least that is pretty negligent.

>everybody has a college degree
How's that even help anyone, apart from raising competition on the job market? If everyone has a degree, it's not worth much anymore.

This is major bait but I'll bite because you are an idiot. I'm not paying for your gender studies degree. you want it, get a fucking loan from someone else .

Health care is always too expensive. Thats what you get for living in a country with such good health care services. Have a problem? annoy your employers to start giving us benefits again.

Higher taxes are bad. You want to take my money? you are the greedy one. I need that money to live and pay for a place to stay, TV or not.

And in all those positions he has done next to nothing.

>Free college
Forget the cost. You're flooding the workforce with a lot of underqualified workers and college campuses with leeches and layabouts. There is plenty of opportunity for students who need financial aid to go to most colleges. For those who can't quite make it, community colleges are often able to offer awesome opportunities to transfer to a state school. Many people work and go to college part-time. It is hard, and it is long, but it is entirely possible, and I'm not going to subsidize someone's desire to play life on Easy Mode. That's a slippery slope in my mind that justifies the kind of shit that got Venezuela into the trouble it's in (free electricity, gas, gluttonous and shitty population combined with govt too focused on people and not on the nation's infrastructure).

>Free healthcare
No, nobody's going to save money. Americans' tax dollars are already either too great in number and too foolishly spent. Furthermore free healthcare in America would lead to Rx substance abuse (we use more than most of the world, and their prohibitive costs is a good thing), general abuse of all-you-can-occupy medical services, and lastly a decline in medical service as a whole. Single-payer systems strip the incentive away from medical institutions and don't reward any kind of exceptional ability or service. Fuck that.

>b-but it works in other countries
Other countries aren't America, and I'm tired of people trying to find some kind of fucking equivalency. The EU countries are more akin to states within the US than the US as a whole. We have significantly greater population, wildly different demographics, and a much, much worse problem of illegal immigration and welfare queendom.

>Higher taxes bad!
Literally yes, actually. And as I already mentioned how our money gets spent is also fucked in half.

Shit bait but I was just talking about this with someone so fuck you, let's do this.

Be careful OP, this dangerous red pill will convert a socialist into a capitalist.

>Milton Friedman Speaks - Is Capitalism Humane?

>muh free education and healthcare
Nothng is free, faggot. Welfare spreads poverty read just one book om economics and youll see for yourself.
Once you see how wrong you are kill yourself

not when that money is going mostly to arts' degrees that arent worth a damn in this economy

Yes, retirement would be taken care of by the government. Is there something inherently wrong with that?


With lower taxes you have a choice what to do with your extra money. You could pursue college or buy a new TV. Also it is not fair at all for those who are not cut out for college to have to pay for those who are.

You are part of the cancer killing our nation. How could you possibly advocate for third parties making decisions on things that they are far detached from? They dont have to live with the repercussions but we do. Thats not freedom. It fucking tyranny and youre their puppet

Pay attention you dumb murrifat, because i am tired of reading these kind of threads. You are fat and you are not funny. You are an arrogant and pathetic retard who cannot realize the fact that you are not funny. And while you try so you country falls apart thanks to your nigro president and your culture gets raped daily by mexican shit, you waste your time living in a shitty house in some random autistic village, eating shit tier transgenic food and shooting at random stuff with one of your plenty guns. And meanwhile your nation keeps getting populated by shit tier niggers and asian inmigrants. Is your nation improving? No. Is your nation what it used to be? obviously not. You just keep stocking guns in hope they give sense to your low, marginated life, living from past memories which won't return and kissing big jew shoes. And you don't realize, you waste your time shitposting on anime boards and spaming your stupid "muh freedom" jokes everywhere in the internetz because in some spot of your sick mind you think its funny. But it's not. It's all just a decoy for yourself, because you can't stand the inminent question: "Why was i born on the biggest shithole on earth?"

Bernie's retarded shit would cost up to $30 TRILLION (that is one thousand billions, one million millions, a 30 with twelve zeroes after) to fuck everything up for everybody.
Please explain how a "small tax increase" can raise funds equalling almost double our GDP.

Hey guys is abolishing property tax a libertarian principle? Does it mean you never really truly own your property because anytime you stop paying they can take your house?

Wouldn't raising taxes hard would just piss off the rich and they'd fuck off with their companies to a foreign country and just start building it in said foreign country, resulting in less jobs, smaller industry and higher unemployment rates in the USA?

>let's have more taxes

Is this nigger serious?

>wall street speculation
>tax havens
>carbon tax
>less military spending

I try to be.
>Stock trades would be taxed at a 0.5% rate, bond trades at 0.15%, and derivatives at 0.005%, according to Sanders' plan. Is there a problem with that?
You seem to be familiar with the plan, I don't know the value of any of stocks or trades right now, but won''t there be a time when these are very cheap? If the value of these are too low, then they won't be able to cover the costs of schooling in this country, but that is just speculation on my part.

>Small tax on wall street speculation will pay for it

As far as I know, this is already taxed. It is 27% of earnings in germany and I believe 15% in the US. In switzerland, it´s 0% for individuals for instance, also in panama.

>Free health care is too expensive!!!
>It will be paid for by raising taxes, and most Americans will save money on Sanders' plan

Not making your hospital costs so fucking expensive would probably also deal with the problem. You are basically milked by these companies and for them to keep their earnings, you have to pay more taxes so that everybody can be milked by these companies. Over here, you might have "free" health care but hospital costs are also like 1/5th till 1/10th of the costs in the US. "Free" health care for a student costs 80 Euros a month, as a phd student I pay 170 a month. For "normal" earners you pay around 15% of your gross income for health care.

>Higher taxes bad!!!!
>This is simply greed. Who cares if you can't buy a new TV if it means everyone in the country can get free education and health care.

Depends on the amount of taxes. A good earning single man in german pays upt to 55-60% of total taxes. This is just way too high. 30-40% i could agree on. What are the taxes in the US like?

>25 year old now: "I'll trust the government to take care of me when I retire"
>Trust that in 40-50 years the government will actually be able to take care of you, to a good standard and better than you could have done yourself
>Trusting the government to take care of you in general

>free college
yes, make college as standard and pathetic as public education is. public education totally hasnt boiled down to "your education is base don where you live" college will totally be invincible to this. college wont totally turn into a bunch of inner city shitty universities, pissing and shitting in the shadows of the elite universities.

>free healthcare
they tried to do free ehalth care with the military. it didnt work. not only that, but chile also tried a single payer system, and it resulted in shitty care, upset patients, and the medical community leaving the country for the US. healthcare here is already cheap as shit. youre looking for an excuse to charge people more, to recieve less.

an HMO costs less than $100/year for a healthy individual. your taxation plan will cost how much?

>higher taxes
you seem to be totally unaware of what youre doing to small business. if youll notice, its pretty much gone. all that remains is rich start ups, franchises, chains and corporate holding offices. blah blah blah "you wont be able to afford a tv, big deal!". just live you wont be able to start up new business, and maintaining the business you did start will become a burdensome expensive nightmare that will eventually drive you into an early grave.

hernie sanders is a full of shit idealist with no brains and a big mouth. the dude has never worked a day in his life, and has spent the entirety of it living off a govt check, making big promises, and doing nothing.

>oooo, but i was governor of mass!
compared to alaska, that shit is easy as fuck. fuck the northern states. they have it the easiest of all the states.

fuck bernie sanders.

hey morons, how is Trump going to pay for his military funding? and "saving Medicare"?


Where are the numbers, Bernie?

>run your entire campaign around how corrupt the government is
>want even larger government


So I'm greedy. What's your point?

Read through the thread and op did not give even one proper argument.

>muh it is right thing to do to give everyone free education

Kill yourself

>mfw Sanders's tax plan includes a tax cut on small businesses

maybe some people work for a living and can pay for healthcare? and those who can't can apply for medicaid through their respective states

enough of thise free gimmie shit

and even then, medicaid has been in place since the fucking 60's

we have a system for low-income folks, it's called medicaid and retired citizens can get medicare

one of the stipulations of medicaid is that YOU HAVE TO BE WORKING TO RECIEVE IT

and i support that

not an all-out "free" healthcare bullshit

fuck you, fuck your communistic ways

defect to north korea if you want a bernie sanders presidency, because that's what we will fucking get

fuck you

It only works in other countries where the US underwrites all the defense burden (European socialism) or imports labor from the third world (Also European socialism)

>You're flooding the workforce with a lot of underqualified workers and college campuses with leeches and layabouts.
How are they under qualified if they have educations? Also, even if having free public college didn't do anything to help employment, isn't having a more educated population a good thing?

>No, nobody's going to save money.
I think that's just plain wrong. It has been proven that the average american would save money annually on health insurance.

>Other countries aren't America
I never even compared America to other countries. I think that's a stupid argument on many Sanders' supporters parts.

>Higher taxes bad! Literally yes, actually.
I think that if those higher taxes are being spent on free education and health care that seems like a pretty good use of taxes.

so he was a NEET who sat around talking about fringe political issues? why is Sup Forums upset, sounds like them

Once you eliminate one being "for equality but still puts blacks, weird sexualities and women before everyone else"
and the other being "against political correctness but still a sensitive little pussy whenever people insult you" they are the same thing
They'll just be debating the solution to the problems not what is or isn't a problem like El Trumpo did with the roboticans

Assuming Trump wants to raise military spending by $100 billion, his plan costs three hundred times less than Bernie's and could be covered just through the natural increase in GDP by the time he takes office.

>Nothng is free, faggot.
Yes I know, that's why taxes will be increased.

>Welfare spreads poverty read just one book om economics and youll see for yourself.

If you aren't as financially retarded as sanders then you understand taxing something as volatile as speculation and expecting it to be a reliable tax base is a God awful idea, nevermind the fact that less speculation will occur if taxes and it will shrink the growth it causes to the economy. Also, everyone having a college education will depress the value of a college degree and they'll become the new high school degrees:worthless

You're assuming those are the arguments he's going to make, thus making this a loaded question. There is no way to tell what he's actually going to say unless you know him personally.

The speculation tax means that investing money immediately puts you into the red. Investors will opt to move to different markets, just like what happened to Sweden.


Can you answer me a question? Why do people on Sup Forums always criticize the person making the argument instead of the argument itself? Is it because I'm right and you're wrong? No way!

The last century of economic theory.
Read a book nigger, it's like you're asking me to source a statement that supply and demand are related concepts.

>The Swedish financial transaction tax was a 0.5% financial transaction tax

>On the day that the tax was announced, share prices fell by 2.2%. But there was leakage of information prior to the announcement, which might explain the 5.35% price decline in the 30 days prior to the announcement. When the tax was doubled, prices again fell by another 1%.

>As a result, revenues from these taxes were disappointing. For example, revenues from the tax on fixed-income securities were initially expected to amount to 1,500 million Swedish kronor per year. They did not amount to more than 80 million Swedish kronor in any year and the average was closer to 50 million.

Quiet user, socialists don't understand the Lafter curve.

>gender studies degree meme

>isn't having an educated populace a good thing?

What the fuck could you possibly need to know about he world in terms of economics, history, politics, etc that isn't available online or at a library? and justifies spending billions a year

By dumping the U.S. Department of Education, among other superfluous, soul-killing money-sucks, dumbass.

>Free college
>wall street tax
>implying congress will allow such a tax

>Free health care
>Raising taxes
>Save money
If Obamacare requires a large chunk of your income on top of already high income tax, and the youth and millenials are paying for it, then what makes you think you'll save money or a plan that would be benficial to the lower classes would even pass congress?

>Higher taxes bad
Because it's my money. That's the point of capitalism. I don't want my money taken away to go to a corrupt government. I donate to a charity I know will handle my money responsibly. Not lose it's value rapidly due to overhead.

>Pretty sure the purpose of a president is to try and better the country
Says who?
Tell me where it says so

>Sanders views can be refuted besides
>The fact that there is real measurable data showing his ideas as failures.


Would you vote for somebody that is a dual citizen of China? If not, why the double standard?

>free healthcare

apply for medicaid if you truly cannot afford basic doctor bills

>free college
fuck you, get a Pell grant, it's not that hard, and most people qualify simply for having ADD, i shit you not

>min wage raise
MOST americans are already making higher than 7.25 an hour, and the ones that still make that after a year of working are horrible employees and probably on the chopping block at their place of work to begin with

if you work your ass off at mcdonalds you will get promoted through their manager program pretty fucking quickly

>wage gap on women
this doesn't exist, it hasn't existed since the mid 70's, the women who make less are shitty employees or don't work as hard, and this can happen with any gender

see cost of lost production, this is why some people at mcdonalds only work 15 hours a week and why some are working as many as 42

they trim the fat and cut the people who are shitty people

>basic income
basically welfare for everyone, i'm not even going to explain why this is bad, you should know why, fucker

Yes this does need to be fixed, but trump laid out plans for how he is going to fund it and push jobs on day one, all bernie has said that he would put a bill in congress
Pres. Trump would probably use an executive order

>Small tax on wall street speculation will pay for it

Fuck you you fucking faggot. Its a 50% mother fucking tax.

Thats outrageous.

>healthcare will be paid for by raising taxes,

The top marginal rate is just shy of 40% How much more of peoples money does the government need. If they can't get it done by taking nearly half of what top earners make in a year then they aren't gunna get it done. fuck em.

>Higher taxes are bad. This is simply greed.

You're right higher taxes are greed.

>tax on stock holdings freezes market
>free healthcare is impossible because premiums and deductibles plus trannies will want free sex changes costing millions
>high taxes are bad, no such thing as trickle down economics but TRICKLE UP is the biggest bullshit in history
These people are poor because they are dumb, have no concept of saving money. They are unneeded in the market since they have no talent and work at walmart. Forcing the rich to pay an Effective tax rate of nearly 70% is impossible they will leave the country along withALL the wealth

And not everyone should go to college, the reason its so expensive is because liberal arts degreea give an easy free pass to a college degree so it attracts tons of people who shouldnt be in college.

Hey guys OP here just wanted everyone to know that i'm actually a Trump supporter and I was using this thread to get good points to bring up when talking to Bernie cucks. Many of you brought up good arguments that I will remember in the future. Thank you for your time.

If we could get away with taxing the rich more, we'd be doing it.

I'll give you a recent Bongland example. New Labour decided they were going to hike the top rate of tax from 45% to 50%. Immediately the country lost £19billion in tax revenue as the rich simply moved their money/spent their money/committed their money to non-taxable investments. To this day we lose between £3billion and £7billion as a result of this ideological folly, even though the rate was hastily pulled back down to 45%. Once the very rich commit themselves to tax reduction, they don't go back; why would they?

So, basically, Bernie is trying to apply a similar ideologically driven approach to a very real world problem, and will encounter exactly the same issue. We need real world solutions, not wishful thinking like "we're post-scarcity now!", that particular example being so idiotically false that even Saunder's supporters kind of glaze over as they mouth the words.

The US Government is almost $20trillion in debt, that's ten times the government debt of the UK, and god only knows how we're going to balance the books, let alone you guys. You need a recovery/repayment strategy and you need one right now or you might as well not have a government and hand over power to the banks and be done with it.


>Sanders's tax plan includes a tax cut on small businesses
>while meanwhile implementing tax penalties for incomplient health programs by small businesses.
>and requiring small businesses to provide health benefits to employees
>totally not trading one tax in for multiple other taxes

sanders has you so dumbed down, all he has to do is take one thing away, and youll gobble it up without reading the rest of the program.

confirmed moron

you dont even have to work for a living. healthcare is pennies a day.

hey look, the jew is trying to backpedal

>isn't having a more educated population a good thing?

Not really, considering it would continue to devalue a College Education.

I'm fine with the U.S. government completely and totally footing the bill for an academically successful student going into STEM/Law/Medicine etc.

I'm not okay with the government giving free gibs to a C student majoring in Latin American studies.

>>Free college is too expensive!!!
>Small tax on wall street speculation will pay for it

In many places, tuition to two year schools (community colleges) is heavily subsidized to the point that an entire year costs a couple hundred dollars.

SIX YEAR graduation rates from these places (to account for students who are working) where I live are less than 20%. 17% actually. And that 17% graduation rate was a RECORD HIGH!


Because people enroll after being nagged and drop out because they don't have any commitment.

If you've ever worked a job in your life, you'd notice that few places that serve food give away completely free food to the staff. They often charge a token amount. That's because people who have owned restaurants for years have seen that when you give something away, people don't treat it like they paid for it. They take a sip, put it down, forget about it and later throw it away.

That's a beverage. My city loses millions of dollars doing this for dindus whose grannies nag at them to enroll but never attend community college.

That's pretty wrong. Bernie's platform has largely been about wealth and income inequality, not so much government corruption.

You're one of many people in this thread who just don't know what they're talking about.

>you dont even have to work for a living. healthcare is pennies a day.

not under obamacare it's not

a basic plan under obamacare without the tax subsidy (which i can't get because i was unemployed for the majority of 2015 due to a family crisis that required me to be a stay-at-home son and care for my mom) and the basic of basic plans would cost me $275 a month

Say what you want but this is the truth. I am in college and surrounded by liberals so I hear all these shitty arguments all the time and I just want to shut them up.

>small tax on Wall Street can pay for free college
Let's see some math to support that hilarious bull shit. Also, why should any outside source fund a liberal arts degree that cannot be applied in any job field. It's a waste.
>pay health care by raising taxes
And let people with serious conditions die in line because 500 people walked into the ER for paper cuts and bruised knees.
>it's just greed that you want to keep what you fucking earned by spending your precious limited time.
Listen here nigger, that's not greed. If that's greed, then wanting to raise taxes for free shit to dead weights is pitiful jealousy. Jealousy that people with ambition were able to get somewhere in life instead of pumping out kids they can't afford and dropping out of school. Supporting systems that sustain that type of person is a cancer that will only result in more people seeking that lifestyle.

>isn't having a more educated population a good thing?

no, because someone has to do the hard labor jobs, flip the burgers, collect the trash, etc etc

(trash collecting is actually a middle class-tier job, ironically, they make 14.50 an hour here)

the world needs stupid people and smart people to work

People please stop replying to me

>more educated population

Because in any form of government, you need mindless sheep. Plus, the more college degrees there are out there the less value they hold.

>Proven that the average american would save money
Source it, then. Becuase it's a lie. Especially if we have a similar tax plan like Canada. I'd rather spend the money when I need to use it. I haven't been to a doctor in 10 years. I haven't needed to. All this would do is fuck me over as well as many others I know

>Never compared
No, but many of your kind do. Say we should be like X European country! Also, these are European ideas - why should we follow Europe? Let's do our own thing, because we are different.

>Free education and free health care again
On paper it's a good use of taxes. The problem that it brings is a substantially lower quality of healthcare. You don't get to pic your own doctors.

Also, have you ever been to a VA? Do you really want our medical system ran that way? Because it's a fact of life, it will be just as miserable.

>Free health care is too expensive!!!
>It will be paid for by raising taxes, and most Americans will save money on Sanders' plan
I not sure what taxes will be raised and on whom. I'm just going to assume, only because there was nothing specific noted, that the tax will be on income on high earners and taxes on businesses(unless I'm wrong, if i am let me know). I don't think they'll run off to another country if they get taxed, and if they do they'll just be replaced by a few others who want to make money.

>Small tax on wall street speculation will pay for it

I'm not even a free markets fag but you have to be legitimately mentally retarded to think this would work.

My understanding was that Medicaid was for the unemployed.

Where you run into trouble is when you're employed but just getting by, you aren't poor enough to receive Medicaid, but you can't afford instance either.

Things are pretty nice if you work for a company that offers full benefits, not everyone does. Some benefit plans don't offer dental, poor dental health can be pretty serious.

But where will they go?

You want a reasonable point?

Free college would be extremely expensive and wall street does not have the money for it.
In case they start to get taxated whilst investing from their country, they will move their money outside of their country and the USA will start to lose its international economical power. With that, all the loans it has taken will end up crippling the country since the source of trust has been lost.

>Free healthcare
The money we use on our country to get an awful job of a healthcare would be enough to pay for at least 5 times the current USA military in proportion.

>High taxes bad!

Yes they are bad. The government taking money out of your pockets is bad.

Free healthcare and free education works the same as compulsory consumption where the market does not have the choice to whether buy or not a service.

Since everyone will purchase it regardless of how well you do your job, it makes the market go lazy. It makes investments stop since there is no longer a need to stay on top.