Anyone try Zoloft?

Anyone try Zoloft?

Toxic acid that will give you permanent brain zaps as well as limp dick


Don't do it

Effexor is much better

Toxic acid that will give you permanent brain zaps as well as limp dick


well this explains 2010-2015

Zombie pill

Brain zaps are a withdrawal symptom. You're supposed to taper off instead of quitting cold turkey.

Limp dick and anorgasmia are real though.

I'm on it right now, small dosage of 25mg/day. At first it made every harsh edge in life, much rounder and easy to deal with. Then it started to wear off. I accidently stopped taking it for a few days and almost immediately starting feeling it. I've had bouts of massive depression on it (which is what it was supposed to fix) while taking it again, and then sorta level off.

I've been on it for about a year now, and at times I think I need to be on a higher dosage. I get suicidal at times even while on it, but don't like I used to.

My out of pocket cost is $200 with my doctor so I don't really want to talk to them to get a new dosage. I wish I wasn't on it, but I'm glad that as long as I keep taking it regularly, I don't feel quite as bad as I did before. I'd say I'm at about 75%.

That being said, my sex drive is now at zero. However, knowing that while still waiting to be with someone, and still not being able to be with anyone, dosen't help at all.

Yeah, I'm kind of a mess.

It's ok

Tried both of these and all they did was make it extremely difficult to pee, poop and ejaculate.

Is there any reason not to put zolor into the buttholes?

Stay off of latuda too, alot of docs are peddeling this shit for some reason.
Its garbage and will make you have night terrors and random sweating, like a literal flood of sweat from every pore on your body

Really sleepy


25mg is a really low dose. My doctor had me on 50 mg daily and said 'this is a half dose'. I'm now on 100 mg after 3 years on it, and the difference is obvious. Really helps me not get all neurotic as I normally would without it.

The sex drive loss goes away with time. I'd seriously consider upping your dosage to 50 mg at least. Your doc seems a bit clueless; 25 mg is a placebo dose.

>>placebo dose
No wonder they keep letting me refill it without an issue. Fuck, man.

Not him but my doc but me to 200mg and holy fuck I feel like sleeping all the time and not move

Yep i was on zoloft from 12-17 and it fucked my brain up majorly..

200 is considered a max dose. I'd avoid that, cause people aren't kidding about the withdrawal. Needs to be tapered off slowly.

For those bashing it as 'toxic'. Each metabolism responds differently to different antidepressants. What works for some causes issues with others, and most take at least a month to really stabilize their effect. The sex issues do fade with time; I do just fine after being on 100 mg. It just takes a while.

nobody under 18 should take antidepressants or smoke weed. studies are pretty clear that neither is a very good idea for a developing brain.

>For those bashing it as 'toxic'
Explain serotonin syndrome then
SSRI/SSNI are toxic garbage that should never be consumed by humans

Yeah, sure. That explains why millions of people are helped by them: they are toxic poison! thanks for the tip, Dr. Einstein.

Serotonin syndrome is a result of other physiological issues and can easily be avoided if your doctor is worth a shit. Bit of an odd thing to choose for your argument, unless you just don't know wtf you are talking about...