What did you do for Allah today?
What did you do for Allah today?
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Prepped the bull like every good white man and loving husband should.
hello musfriend :-)
Made my ex-muslim Turkish girlfriend put on her Hijab while I spanked her like a good little slut, poured liquor all over her tits and ravaged her holy land.
donated some money
Hey buddy. How are you? Didn't think I'd see any kind and peaciful person on Sup Forums.
Then you woke up, right?
I urinated on a picture of Muhammad (pee be upon him)
Prove it
I converted my muslim girlfriend to christianity. She was adopted and followed your silly doctrine as a moderate.
I guess she wanted that crucifix wood
Mah nigga. Mine left on her own.
>lives in turkey
>browses Sup Forums (which would indicate that hes redpilled)
>is somehow still a muslime
Piss Be Upon Him, brother!
hello turkroach
Sik git anneni başı ıskata
Amina koyim
I ate a ham sandwhich
What are you going to do about it you sandnigger, eh?
Your mom.
Was she born in the US?
You wouldnt be lying on the internet would you?
raped a goat
i have prayed my first daily prayer
i shilled on Sup Forums for islam
im gonna say she has a child and is conscious of either her strech marks or scar
went to work, enjoying my life
Ate pork
Shared video about why pisslame is another false religion.
Did I do good today akhi?
>source : sharia law book
>"There is no difference between penetrate from the front or butt, a human or an animal. ... because this does not require punishment"
Islam authorise zoophilia and sodomy.
remove this lie infidel swine
>"And it is about the penetration of the beast, that it does not spoil the hajj. According to Malik and Ibou Hanifa. because this does not require punishment"
According to Al Moghni Ibn Qodama (tome 5, chapter of hadj), important book of sharia, zoophilia is authorized during the Hadj. So Islam allow zoophilia.
Typical muslim, always demands proof because he's too retarded to realize the rest of the world hates his pig fucking pedo prophet.
You actually think normal people give a flying fuck about your worthless fucking book.
Fuck you, you sad little sack of pigfucking dog shit. We will exterminate your kind.
Ate a nice pulled pork sandwich
You seem mad
Someone raped his Goat and kid :(
>Two words is enough to get you that mad
This is why people have a hard time taking people like you seriously
A muslim is pretending to be people, why wouldn't I be mad?
I'm better than you could ever hope to be, just by value of not being muslim scum.
He would probably only be mad about the goat.
Muslims don't value human lives or dignity.
Raped a white woman
No, not just two words.
THE SAME two words always spoken by sandkikes when they can't believe that people desecrate their filthy religious icons.
>Acid attacks
>9th century
Lol what?
Not only were acids unavailable in that time period, but islam is from the 8th century, not the 9th century. There is also no mention of acid attacks or honor attacks/killings being allowed in any Islamic historical texts. There have actually been countless fatwas against them.
Additionally sharia just means "law". So calling it sharia law is saying "law law".
>Make stupid claim
>someone demands evidence
>get angry and start posting gay porn
What the fuck is wrong with you lmao
>What did you do for Allah today?
rape, pillage, murder.....
you know... stuff.
>muh burden of proof
>What did you do for Allah today?
While you were at prayers, your wife and I were fucking like pigs in a pen. Thank Allah you guys pray 5 times a day cause your wife is HOT and loves the cock.
Ate pork steak for dinner, you should try it.
Who mentioned acid attacks?
The girl in the pic got obviously her nose cut off
Dear god how retarded are you? Do you not know how to read between the lines. You actually need fucking everything laboriously explained to you?
even I wasn't that fucking dumb when I was ten, you stupid fucking child.
Its from an acid attack, you can see the scarring on her lips.
Even nose cutting isnt islamic. Muslims actually banned the practice in ancient arabia where it was quite common, especially to the dead corpses of enemies.
>I dont have to prove my claims because I said so
lol k
I suppose I did a little good by all the omnipotent god's today. Paid someone's breakfast. Held a few doors. Complimented the ladies making them feel all special and squishy. Gave a troubled man some advice for work he could find.
But now i'm afraid i'm going to have to shit-post on Sup Forums. The god's will it.
You havent said anything of value and just ad hom everyone because you dont agree with them. How are you any better than a SJW?
eat bacon.
also get fucked roach
>Screen Shot
Paid jizya to 5 million muslims through my tax money and in return let them shit up my country and drastically lower my living standards.
You're the one who clearly doesn't understand what's going on.
"Welcome to the 9th century" was meant to be a metaphor for the primitive behavior of modern muslims and had nothing to do with acid at all.
You failed to realize this.
You also failed to realize that a pig fucking mohamed is supposed to be offensive to muslims, and you seemed to confuse it with gay porn.
So don't get all fucking uppity with me you little twerp.
And it doesn't fucking matter how civilized islam may have been in the past, or what brutality they tried to ban in the past, it's fucking inhuman savagery now, and it's getting even more degenerate and infectious.
Goddamnit I keep responding to the wrong post.
Meant for this little shiteating fuckhead
You uppity little bitch you think I'm mad?