>A magical man in the sky made everything because a book told me so
I mean really people
>A magical man in the sky made everything because a book told me so
I mean really people
Go back to r/atheism.
*tipping intensifies*
fug... made me think
now i'm #Euphoric
>I assume I have the ability to know greatness despite sowing heretical doubt in the air
>Literally no responce
>Better meme spout
>simplifying a metaphysical concept down to "a magical man in the sky"
I believe that Optimus Prime, Spider Man, and Papa Smurf created this Earth and if you disagree with me you wear a hat.
I like the way how they think
>we were created so we need a creator
>but who created the creator
>silly goose! he has always been there
>everything came from nothing that exploded from nothing into everything and life has no meaning
Atheism helped destroy western values
Right on brother, all hail the magical Optimus Prime, Spider Man, and Papa Smurf in the sky.
>Jesus rose from the dead yes
>oh, the 5 headed demon? Uuh that was just a metaphor Bro.
Your shitty "Western" values are Abrahamic/Middle Eastern.
Stop talking about Western values when Christianity stomped all over actual Western values. People proud of their ancestry spit on your middle-eastern shitskin jewligion.
>Caring THIS much about someone else's beliefs.
Insecure much?
>can't think of an argument
>better get much dank maymays lel that'll show em
How was my post not a argument? You make fun of us and thats a argument, but then I do the same and its memeing?
OP is a edgy faggot,go back to reddot or give a good compelling argument
>or give a good compelling argument
Your whole religion is based on the fact that you believe a 2000+ year old book
Pretty sad
>hes a pagan
Give a compelling reason to think that the events written down in the Bible actually took place.
What makes it believable that doesn't make Little Red Riding Hood believable?
>disregarding the wisdom of your ancestors
This is why our culture is dying.
>he unironically believes that jewish puppet religions from the middle east are a valid representation of western values
Is this supposed to be evidence of God?
>Mathematical formulae arose through random, chaotic events.
Atheists, everyone.
The universe is pretty big and been around for a while
it had some time to get it right
White Christians disregard the wisdom of their ancestors.
>Mathematical formulae arose through random, chaotic events.
Math is a human concept, it doesn't exist.
Except no one expects a Tornado hitting a junkyard to build you a new Mercedes, no matter how man millions of Tornadoes run through it.
>everything just made itself because another book told me so
Fibonacci is a meme?
I really hope it doesn't spiral out of control
It could happen though given enough time
So a mystical all powerful being who judges your every action must have done it?
Still not a argument
Maybe the fact that the books has survived for so long besides all the attempts to destroy it,maybe read the bible, I can help you leave the miserable world you currently inhabite
>he believes/pol/ memes
>Math is a human concept, it doesn't exist.
>Something that is observable in nature and repeatable must be chaotic because humans modeled axioms.
>Still not a argument
Says you
One that exists outside of Newtonian physics, yes.
Also outside of your shit, plebeian comprehension.
>red menace
Your argument
>hurr durr dumb theists
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597...
Existence is an odd thing. Regardless of whether or not you go with God or science, the explanation you'll give at the end of the day is that it just happened
>the universe just began
>God just existed
The thing is there isn't a reason to attach a consciousness to your explanation
Math is a human concept used as a tool to understand things around us, though. Math doesn't exist outside of our minds. It is not a real-world object, math is not something you can physically grasp or actually see. Numbers are not something that randomly occur in nature. Math is our way of measuring and understanding things that we observe.
That's a pretty big leap, to assume that we were created and then pretend its fact without any basis.
The point is, leaf, that any complex design that works in a dynamic matter requires a designer, otherwise due to the law of entropy, Chaotic events always revert to a singularity.
>le he just exists outside of everything
And yet he seems so bothered by the fact i want to crack on out every now and again
>that any complex design that works in a dynamic matter requires a designer
Because somebody else said so.
>Chaotic events always revert to a singularity.
Eventually they do
Last time i checked we arn't at the end of the Universes life span
>I can not see it or touch it, it must not exist lol
Wow you are fucking dumb as shit.
Look up what axioms mean you floundering retard.
Also see
No wonder Le Weed man runs your country; its full of idiots like you.
>One that exists outside of Newtonian physics, yes.
95% of physics exists outside of Newtonian physics.
sure but aliens would still have a symbol to represent pi
>the british
Shit, Satan, you're missing the point; because of entropy, complex design CAN NOT possibly arise from chaos.
Convince me that math itself is actually real. Math is a manmade concept used to understand things that are actually real. You cannot debate this.
The universe just randomly created itself from nothing i know because a book told me
>complex design CAN NOT possibly arise from chaos.
But that's just wrong you moron
>95% of physics
Please kill yourself, you dirty mongrel.
Physics means the physical world. I'm referring to Quantum Mechanics, Ghengis.
Thread theme:
>no argument
>turns to insults
Truly the sign of a defeated man.
That was literally a retarded word salad you just posted.
>due to the law of entropy, Chaotic events always revert to a singularity.
Seriously what the fuck is this shit? NOWHERE DOES THIS LAW SAY THAT
>that any complex design that works in a dynamic matter requires a designer
Who said this has to be the case? Your faggot pastor?
>Also outside of your shit, plebeian comprehension.
>le simply beyond your comprehension may may
Continue being willfully ignorant then.
>the books survived for so long despite all the attempts to destroy it
So did Sumerian texts. The books were already destroyed through the countless interpretations. I'm 100% certain the Bible right next to your computer is nowhere near the original writing.
I read the Bible. It's a cute little fairy tale about a magical Jew. Didn't really change my perspective on life, in fact I'd say the Grapes of Wrath is a better fiction story.
h huyh re la t ty kind da MAKAE A S u thi k n hmmmmmmmmm mm mnn
Why is God only concerned with morality?
I have no arguement because you're talking nonsense
> complex design CAN NOT possibly arise from chaos.
If you can prove this, you've just proved Ramsey theory wrong and with it about 40 years of mathematics. You'd probably get a nobel prize for it.
But you can't prove it.
0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 31, 127, 709, 5381, 52711, 648391, 9737333, 174440041...
6, 28, 496, 8128, 33550336, 8589869056, 137438691328...
>People 2000+ years ago could never have lied!
>There is no possibility that these just started as myths told to children!
Its real because the concepts and models are repeatable based on the observable universe. Therefore being self evident ad infinitum.
But if you're too stupid to use reason to figure that out on your own then there really is no hope for you.
That's why atheists cant into logic, they only rely on empiricism.
>no argument :DDD
No argument is needed because all you are doing is stating a conclusion and not an argument
Enjoy your migrants...oh wait, you already been raped.
>you believe in an absurd theory based on literally nothing only because your parents told you that's what you're supposed to do.
>well, you wear a hat. check mate atheists.
>Ramsey theory
>never been substantiated
>lel it must be truer den common sensees
There was an argument that you atheists continue to avoid and that is called the law of entropy making it impossible for complex designs to arise out of chaos.
Please go baack to grade school your reading comprehension is shiesse
"Hurr durr, god isn't real"
"Hey losers! if you believe in god I am better than you!"
"Where did dad go? Why did my uncle touch me?"
If it's so easy to disprove. Why don't you do that instead of whatever it is you're doing.
No, math is a manmade concept to measure what is and isn't real.
Math exists in our heads and we project it onto paper.
If I placed multiple exactly identical apples with the same features on a table, that is not math.
If I were to sit down and count out those apples and then point out the similar features and the properties of these features, then it is actual math.
Math only exists in our heads. For math to exist, there has to be a conscious being to count and observe.
Math isn't real. It's a tool used to measure what's real. Math can only exist when there's somebody there to observe and understand a thing.
>>everything came from nothing that exploded from nothing into everything and life has no meaning
The sum of the matter and energy in this universe is zero. This is "nothing". From nothing, "nothing".
Don't forget the:
"I'm an agnostic so I'm better than both of you faggots"
That's what we've learned by science. If Science ever shows us another theory, we'll believe that, not a big deal.
For religious people it's: "a magical man came from nothing and built something out of nothing for no reason, and we know all this because it's written in the magical book, so my opinion won't change even if we find scientific data that gives us a more reasonable explanation of how some things went down in the birth of universe"
You must have shit for brains.
Order =/= complex designs.
Ramsey's theorems only deal with order of chaos, not the millions of different complexities that arise from genesis.
So like I said
Fucking mongols...
We kill migrants that chimp out here m8
Fine,I cant force you to believe,continue to believe in the fedora jew
>a higher power can't exist because we can neither see nor comprehend it
You know, I would understand if someone believed in a superior metaphysical force or being.
But Christcucks who believe that only their god (let's not even talk about the Trinity, which makes no logical sense) and only their holy book are correct because reasons are pathetic.
So far I've heard no argument from either a Jew, Christian, or Muslim explaining to me why their specific beliefs is a universal truth.
>a higher power does exist because a book told me it exists
I will not believe in a higher power until there's proof. But I will not pretend its impossible for there to be a higher power until there's proof either.
Religion is built on "ifs".
This logic is self defeating, as you have only made the god whose existence you are trying to rationalise to others more complicated
What the fuck are even talking about? Lay of the weed, man. I honestly believe you have no understanding of what an axiom is.
Reality doesn't only exist in what you can see and touch.
The eye only captures a small fraction of EM wavelengths, by the way.
Because everything in the bible is true.
I confronted a friend of mine once. He said he didn't care about the bible or religion. He believes only that there is a greater power that made everything and that there is life after death. He sexually identifies as a christian
>We kill migrants that chimp out here m8
You are nigger & poor. because you became a Christian. The only money Christians can create is when they steal it from other people, but since you are unimportant and aren't stealing money, you are nigger and poor.