Sum up your country in image


*in one image

>Sum up your country in image
you managed to sum it up in one sentence


Damn, this hurted me and I'm not even involved.

ha haha fuck me.

>led shoulder holsters mounted rifle

A blond thin young woman in a country where most white women are older and dark haired and 5 times her body size




tri flow masterrace

It's such a fucking cliché by now


That's how i see my country.

Because i don't want to see it the other way...


God, that Batasuna looking guy...

That's not allowed anymore, is it? Outdoors drinking parties I mean.


Christ that is pretty spooky


>hat's not allowed anymore, is it? Outdoors drinking parties I mean.

You're not spanish or maybe you don't go to college... it's banned, but everyone continues doing it everywhere.


>Doodlopende weg
what did he mean by this?


Dead walking road
Dead end

backstory ples

>Puerto Rico

why are there so many arabs? I thought spain was white



I will not take the bait

gay af


Canada could take Sweden out in a war.

Cronulla riots, muslims beat up a lifeguard so Aussies rioted for a day bashing thousands of filthy lebs


Explain white life


idgaf i get to fuck the good bitches, you dont, you are stuck on /pol pretending to be important. Kys beta boi


thats a damn good lookin burger.

shame about the weiners on it tho

This Tbqh pham




reported for Sup Forums shit posting





kebab removal

I m going to do it soon since I am not getting girl friend and I can't do arranged marriage just for fucking consolation prize.


I couldn't find a picture of a guy angrily agreeing with a sock puppet.


usless things

Isn't that thing fucking useful for oil fires or some shit like that?

First actual post is best post.


too expensives and nothing buy this big monstrum,.




How will you get away with it? Any plans

You sad soul what country is that even?

Come to St. Louis my Eastern European friends

Completely accurate

Why don't you lot put it at the border and blow away the fugees


The exhaust is releasing Netherlands's flag.

It's smoke releasing a trail of FREEDOM.




Nice try Delhi Police

Oh I get it!
White on the inside but black on the outside,
Good one venzuela!


We are the country where the northern europeans come to degenerate themselves


This is how Americans see the EU

Nah, just curious, rape isn't a bad thing, it's a display of dominance, women rape men financially all the time.

Food fit only for dogs and women.

>tfw I put some pork in my lihapyorykoita.

Dr Chiz is such a fat fuck



I laughed at first then stopped when I realized I'm going to see this in the news one day.


Am I banned yet? No?



>I laughed at first then stopped when I realized I'm going to see this in the news one day.

Why would anyone care for us lost children..



Die fiets achter op de tank :^)


I swear, every nigger i've seen here this far looks like he's on vacation. And just look how starved and malnourished fatty is.

Pride and still can control the rapefugees


>Super Hornet variant aircraft.

Finland just has the regular Hornet.

Picture is false.




>still can control the rapefugees
For now