Liberals and Cognitive Dissonance

>Know Iranian girl who's a U.S. citizen and has lived whole life here. (Not a Muslim though, even though parents are)

>She hates my guts, but always texts me because she wants sex from me

>I bring up a news story about a woman who stopped an attempted rapist with pepper spray , but gets prosecuted for defending herself

>The chick adamantly agrees that this is awful

>Tell her yeah Europe is messed up (She must have assumed it happened in the U.S. prior) and she completely changes her stance and states that America is the worst country ever contrived.

>Completely obliterate her on that

>I go as far as to mention a story she had previous told me about her visit to Iran and how she was rounded up off the street for showing too much skin (even while wearing a jihab)

>Doesn't address what I said, but brings up how America is racist

>I call that out as bull

>She fails to retort

>Give her

>End up asking her if she would like to be prosecuted for defending herself from a rapist

>Refuses to answer then states she doesn't like this conversation and tells me to stop

>I keep pushing, and tell her she has cognitive dissonance

>Gets real offended, but can't deny it

>Then states pepper spray is illegal and that girls can get self defense classes

>Call out the bs

>Then finish her off by reminding her that she carries pepper spray/

>She says "lol" and doesn't wanna talk about it anymore

What can we do about levels of cognitive dissonance this high Sup Forums? I'm getting so weary of debating this kind of inane garbage.

Ignore line 11 with the "Give her"

>arguing with women
You'd have better luck saving a fish from drowning, user.

Oh i forgot to include she was rounded up and put in a government van and imprisoned. She got out because I guess her parents knew people or something. And yeah, totally agree.

desu 25 years is still a long time ago

Yeah, I never really get people who say time goes by fast, I'm 20 and feel I've been alive for ever. And yeah I know it goes by faster the older you get, but still young people say this too.

It's a sort of time-dilation, at age 10 five years is half your entire lifespan, and thus feels longer than it is, we all remember it taking forever for Christmas or a birthday to roll around again back then. By age 20 though, that same five years is only a quarter of the time you've been alive, and by 30 it'll only be 1/6th.
This I think is what explains the universal feeling of time speeding up as we grow older.

Who fucking cares

Mideasterners are 1% of the American population and half of them are descended from Christians who came here 100 years ago to escape turkroaches

Why the fuck are you going out of your way to find .5% of the female population you fucking fag?

>things that never happend

Pepe would be brown if that statement is true, since India would be the sole superpower in the world.

I thought that was the part where you fucked her. Better to leave it in. Gives you more Sup Forums street cred.

this. sage.

this would've been great bait if it were intentional

>1990 is closer to being 40 years ago than 10 years ago

What the hell happened to the time

>street cred.

I don't see any streets here. Do you see any streets? Does anyone here see and fucking streets? Because I don't see one single fucking god-forsaken street here you retard.

>board cred

this is what you meant, check your shit before you post here you mongoloid


fuck off

She asked me for sex just last night

I wasn't trying to make this about me getting pussy, I only brought up the sex thing in the OP to give background about the situation of her hating me yet talking to me.

What did I spell it wrong?

What do you mean by this?

Holy shit just make one response user, seeing four of the same ID in a row is grating to the eyes.

Sorry user, I personally think it looks neater, but the consensus seems to take your point of view so I'll capitulate.

pics of girl