>Know Iranian girl who's a U.S. citizen and has lived whole life here. (Not a Muslim though, even though parents are)
>She hates my guts, but always texts me because she wants sex from me
>I bring up a news story about a woman who stopped an attempted rapist with pepper spray , but gets prosecuted for defending herself
>The chick adamantly agrees that this is awful
>Tell her yeah Europe is messed up (She must have assumed it happened in the U.S. prior) and she completely changes her stance and states that America is the worst country ever contrived.
>Completely obliterate her on that
>I go as far as to mention a story she had previous told me about her visit to Iran and how she was rounded up off the street for showing too much skin (even while wearing a jihab)
>Doesn't address what I said, but brings up how America is racist
>I call that out as bull
>She fails to retort
>Give her
>End up asking her if she would like to be prosecuted for defending herself from a rapist
>Refuses to answer then states she doesn't like this conversation and tells me to stop
>I keep pushing, and tell her she has cognitive dissonance
>Gets real offended, but can't deny it
>Then states pepper spray is illegal and that girls can get self defense classes
>Call out the bs
>Then finish her off by reminding her that she carries pepper spray/
>She says "lol" and doesn't wanna talk about it anymore
What can we do about levels of cognitive dissonance this high Sup Forums? I'm getting so weary of debating this kind of inane garbage.