Is there any argument against gay marriage at this point? Can someone please defend "traditional marriage"?
Is there any argument against gay marriage at this point? Can someone please defend "traditional marriage"?
If gayness is found to be a mental illness then the main argument would be that letting gays marry each other would be like gibing drugs to an addict
All major psychological authorities say homosexuality is not a mental illness
1. Remember
2. Everybody is too afraid of saying anything against gays. I do not believe that being gay is specially anti-natural, the community is the problem, it lets degeneracy go wild under the flag of tolerance. I won't respect all gays until all gays are respectable people. If they really want right then they must earn them
Mah moral decadence
Mah corrupted youth
Mah moral relativism
Mah hatred for God
Mah Sudam and Gamera
ect, ect.
I think the acceptance movement has a lot of degenerate gays who just want to be flamboyant and fuck in public but just being gay doesnt mean you are like that
Of course, a respectable homosexual is possible and has happened, but the LGTBIAXN+ community has poisoned the minds of everybody by saying that it's ok to act degenerate, lose all self respect, ask for respect and give nothing in return
1: No animals are gay. However, some animals do engage in homosexual sex to show dominance. This is always male on male. In science and nature, nothing is evil. Both rape and killing are okay. Everything that we see as evil is okay in nature and science. Everything is for self gain in the world of survival of the fittest (social Darwinism). We are better than animals!
2: Twin studies prove that you are not born gay. If an identical twin has same-sex attraction the chances the co-twin has it are only about 11% for men and 14% for women. Twins are genetically the same. If people were born gay, this percentage would be 100%. This percentage of twins who both identify as gay is greater than the overall percentage of people who identify as gay which ranges from 1-3% according to numerous studies.
3: This just goes to show that environmental factors cause people to resort to homosexuality. 46 percent of homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. The children of lesbian parents identified themselves as gay 31 percent of the time. The children of gay men had gay children 19 percent of the time. Even children of gay couples spoke out about gay adoption when they reached adulthood. After gay marriage, the next push will be to legalize gay adoption. It has already passed in some states. Fatherless and/or motherless children were also more likely to consider themselves homosexual. Remember that 1-3% of people identify as homosexual overall.
4: Look back to Ancient Rome. Homosexuality was practiced by most men. This got to the point where young boys, around the ages of 16, were given a male partner to practice homosexuality. This immorality was increasing till Rome finally adopted Christianity. Imagine what would be acceptable now if Romans never converted to Christianity. Homosexuality was legal and encouraged. We're not moving forward; we're moving back. In today's world, with all the risks of impregnating women and difficulty of finding a female sex partner, men would without a doubt begin to only have sex with other men. This would bomb the fertility rate and damage a country's population which would result in there not being enough tax payers to care for the elderly. What's even worse is that now even females are taking part in same sex relationships. Less heterosexual families means less kids and worse child raising environments.
5: A fair number of prisoners who engaged in homosexual activity while serving their sentence reported becoming bisexual/gay after they were released. 142 prisoners at a maximum-security facility in the South were questioned about their sexual orientation. They found that of the sample, 24 men changed sexual orientation while incarcerated.Of those 24, 18 changed from straight to bisexual, three changed from bisexual to straight, and one each changed from bisexual to gay, gay to bisexual, and gay to straight. This just goes to show what a wicked environment does to you.
7: Homosexuals account for between 25 and 40 percent of all child molestation. With the increased number of gays, the amount of pedophiles will also increase.
Then please explain to me why humans are the only spieces proven to be homophobic?
8: Sexuality can be changed. Analysis of the May 2001 Spitzer report shows that that after intervention, 66% of the men and 44% of the women had achieved "Good Heterosexual Functioning", which he defined as requiring five criteria (being in a loving heterosexual relationship during the last year, overall satisfaction in emotional relationship with a partner, having heterosexual sex with the partner at least a few times a month, achieving physical satisfaction through heterosexual sex, and not thinking about having homosexual sex more than 15% of the time while having heterosexual sex). Children's minds are delicate. If from a young age a child is taught about homosexuality, it sticks with them till adulthood. Their brain could become somewhat damaged from them thinking that homosexuality is okay, and they may become a homosexual themselves. Think about it like this, "I could marry a boy or a girl when I grow up! I see no difference, and it's just a preference." Many schools, especially the ones in California, have started teaching that gay marriage is okay and normal without having parental consent to lie to their children. It will only get worse from here. Refer to statistic number 12 for further evidence on what gay acceptance/promotion propaganda does to young minds.
9: If you legalize gay marriage, it would only be fair to should also legalize polygamy, close relative marriages (sister/brother), marriages with animals (practiced in some religions), marriage with oneself (for all the asexuals), and pedophilia marriage (yes, if a kid and an adult love each other, they both consent ans have parent approval, why not?). Love is love, am I right? This goes against religious freedoms!
Marriage is religious in nature and I don't believe we have the right to infringe upon what is sacred to them.
t. Gay man
10: Traditional marriage is awarded government tax breaks because married couples have been proven to be more productive members of society. They do less crime and make more money (which leads to more taxes paid). They have a higher fertility rate (this is a big one). The children grow up in a family friendly environment. Kids raised by a mother and a father have proven to be more productive members of the society themselves. They have lower rates of obesity, commit less crime, and graduate school at higher rates. Less heterosexual families means less productive children being born.
11. Gays are the primary carriers of HIV. This is important to note because it shows what the gay lifestyle does to you. Gay sex increases the chance of of receiving the deadly virus. It's also the main reason why it's spreading. Much less gays use protection when compared to their straight counterparts. How does this affect you if you're straight? Bisexuals have sex with both genders. A bisexual person obtains the aids virus from a homosexual. Then you obtain it from the bisexual or a straight person that had sexual relations with a bisexual person. Keep in mind that while gay men make up just 2 percent of the U.S. population, they account for two thirds (66 percent) of new HIV infections, a majority (56 percent) of people living with HIV, and more than half (55 percent) of all AIDS deaths since the epidemic’s beginning. It is estimated that 12-13 percent of gay and bisexual men in the U.S. are HIV-positive. This percentage is only increasing according to research done by the Kaiser Family foundation.
12: I'll also add that the amount of people identifying as gay and bisexual have increased. What a surprise! 2.7 percent of 16- to 24-year-olds in the UK identified themselves as gay, lesbian or bisexual compared with 0.4 percent of 65-year-olds and over. The results are similar in the USA too. Adults aged 18 to 29 (6.4%) are more than three times as likely as seniors aged 65 and older (1.9%) to identify as LGBT. Among those aged 30 to 64, LGBT identity declines with age -- at 3.2% for 30- to 49-year-olds and 2.6% for 50- to 64-year-olds according to gallup polling. Among 18- to 29-year-olds, 8.3% of women identify as LGBT, compared with 4.6% of men the same age.
13: If faggots are really born gay, and their "gay gene" has supposedly survived millions of years of natural selection, we need to isolate them from society and castrate them so that the gay gene does not continue to pollute humanity's gene pool. I am clearly exaggerating here, but if this "gay gene" really did exist, it would mean the end of humanity is near because of how quickly it is spreading.
14: Gay people are more likely to have unhealthy addictions. 26% of gays are current cigarette smokers compared to 18% of straight people. 33% of gays had five or more alcoholic drinks in 1 day at least once in the past year compared to 22% of straight people.
1. Humans are animals. And animals dont make art either, does that mean humans shouldnt?
2. Does it matter if it isnt? What is the harm in homosexual behavior between consenting adults?
3. Isnt it better that orphaned children be gay and have parents than not have parents?
4. Ancient rome did not have a population problem. The percentage of people who are gay is so small that it does not effect birth rates to allow them to be gay.
5. Still doesnt say why thats a bad thing
7. But most homosexuals are not child molesters. There are also more straight pedophiles than gay ones, so with an increased number of straights the amount of pedophiles will increase
In conclusion, homosexuality is caused by environmental factors which will in time influence more people to turn to this unnatural sexuality as this destructive environment becomes more abundant. These factors will only take a more negative affect on society if homosexuality continues to be embraced like it is in many countries across the globe. The homosexual lifestyle is like a suicide note for any civilization because of the unhealthy habits it causes and loss of pure-minded heterosexual children. Remember, these are nonreligious reasons for opposing homosexuality. By no means am I telling you to harass gays, but you should not promote or approve of something that will harm humanity in such a horrible way. Every statistic above is the truth along with the rest that has been written, but don't take my word for it. I challenge you to do your own research on this topic, but of course you won't because you are too lazy and ignorant to change your uneducated opinion. Keep being the mindless sheep that you are if you enjoy letting others do your thinking for you, but if you choose this path, please keep your thoughts silent. Thanks for reading, and I hope you've learned something!
Yes, all countries that have adopted it have gone to shit. 10 years ago I would have said I don't care but you ruined it with your hideous parades, constant propaganda and "straight privilege" entitlement of your whiny aggressive interest groups.
"Gay marriage" is just a straight plot to make gay people as boring as they are.
If u don't agree with the Bible ur a fedora neckbeard lol.
Children need a mother and a father to be raised properly. Especially a mother as they can breast-feed and they are usually more caring
8. why should it be changed? what is wrong with gay marriage?
9. Slippery slope fallacy
10. and can you show that gay marriages dont have these benefits?
11. Idk what to say here. It's their choice to not use protection, only they are effected. Why does that make homosexuality bad?
12. Probably because they are increasingly allowed to be themselves
13. It isnt spreading, more people are just coming out because they are able to
14. So what?
We are the only species capable of the cognitive ability necessary to have phobias
Still, 2 gay parents is better than no parents or one parent. There are plenty of orphans, why not allow homosexual couples to raise them?
Yes because every gay person just wakes up one day and says "I'm going to be something that will make everyone hate me, I know I'll be gay!"
No one chooses what they're attracted to, gay people can't just magically make themselves attracted to the opposite sex. Yes sexuality does change, but that's because it's proven to be fluid. Many people don't know of their homosexual tendencies until they actually experiment with others of the same sex. It's common for young people to experiment with people of the same sex, yet a good majority of them still turn out to be homosexual
If that's your logic, then let's take away all of the children being raised by single parents then....
Gay and tranny rights are just there to desensitize society to sexual deviancy.
When people will become accustomed to them then our rulers will promote pedophilia that is actually their real objective.
It is a mental illness and deviation that must be eradicated.
There's technically no argument against letting a nigger fuck your wife.
>Sexual deviancy
I'm so sorry that the things that consensual adults do in the privacy of their own homes really affects so much. Who cares if it's "deviant", stop living in the fucking dark ages.
>Yes because every gay person just wakes up one day and says "I'm going to be something that will make everyone hate me, I know I'll be gay!"
>something that will make everyone hate me
>hate me
Yeah right, the only reason Milo is so popular is because he's a massive faggot. Too many people love gays, it automatically gives you some sort of "minority card" so it puts you in a good position and makes you feel special.
>sexuality does change, but that's because it's proven to be fluid
Yeah, which means being gay is a choice, and people choose it because, once again, they think it makes them special.
Let's not look at whole argument is being gay is normal, is it natural:
1. Gay couples can't have children without surrogates. Even then this is very likely that they won't have any children. When they die, their legacy is likely to vanish. Having children ensures, that in the future the society (region, country, race, belief etc.) won't be weaker in the future. Having too much gay couples in society is bad for this society. Having legal gay marriage are a communicate that gay couple are okay, so more people won't see nothing wrong in it
2. Accepting homosexuals leads to having more people likely to submit to other groups. This doesn't promote strength, but being feminine
>americans defending gay marriage
like pottery. I guess 8 years of a chimp in the black house made you accept it?
screw you canuck
Let's follow these few simple steps, shall we?
1. Marriage is a traditional institution
2. Traditionally marriage has been a religious ritual, in christianism and paganism before it
3. Modern state co-opted marriage and turned it into a civil state-enforced contract
4. The state suddenly has the power to tell you what's ok to marry and what's not, effectively ruling over your personal life and imposing itself over traditions that have existed probably since the dawn of the human race
5. By "legalising" gay marriage you're giving homosexual couples the same rights that heterosexual ones, yes, but you're also telling them that the only real value to their relationship is a government-approved stamp since even if homo people have married each other and lived together for centuries (and we can discuss this) it's only the approval of the state that makes those relationships ok
6. Therefore gay marriage is a step backwards, the truly progressive thing to do here is to free marriage from state control
AIDS, the disease that can only be received by being degenerates
>Mah moral decadence
>Mah corrupted youth
>Mah moral relativism
>Mah hatred for God
>Mah Sudam and Gamera
>ect, ect.
The biggest argument to me is that gays do not have children. But the government gives tax breaks to married couples because it usually results in children! Children cost a lot of money and time until they grow up. Children are the future taxpayers who are forced to pay for the older generations benefits like retirement payments and healthcare disproportionately.
If the gays don't have to pay the ~200k$ it takes to raise a child and can safe and compound it instead and then can live of the children normal families have produced that just would not be fair. To make it a bit more fair the tax breaks exist.
I know plenty of gay people who hate the fact that they were gay and would do anything to be straight. The reason people are gay is the same reason you would find someone of the opposite sex attractive, you simply can't help it!
If people really love gays so much, then why is homophobic bullying still common? Why was I ostracised for simply being myself in school? It's not like I'm asking to fuck my boyfriend in public.
Because god forbid someone wants to marry the one that they love.
>Is there any argument against gay marriage at this point?
Canadian study showing a whopping 85% of "gay marriages" open up to other partners within 18 months? And then 100% of "gay marriages" either annul or open up to other partners within five years?
So much for monogamy in marriage, eh?
Yet heterosexual celebrities do the same thing and no one bats an eye.
Nice cherry picking fallacy
> the truly progressive thing is to turn back to religion
monogamy is very common in many societies but it is not natural or universal
what's bad about breaking up a gay marriage? they have no family to provide for so nobody is harmed.
If anyone care about two same sex People getting married they have a problem. I think it must be closet gays With issues.
I am hapilly married heterosexual man and I would have had to be gay to care about same sex getting married.
What about a Law to stop People from lying?
More like returning it to the civil society, communities and yes, churches. In a few years you'll have fags championing poly marriage, AI marriage and whatsnot.
Let civil society sort it out without having to wait 30 years till all the old farts are dead and shit isn't as controversial.
Exactly! Don't like gay marriages, don't have one!
no more than I would argue against childless marriages which I do.
Marriage is for produce and well raising children everything else is a farce
>heterosexual celebrities
kek, how naive.
All celebrity pairings are organized and scripted by their PR.
I have nothing against the gay marriage in itself.
However they should NOT get the same advantages that normal marriages does.
There is no advantages of funding them, and they should not be.
the state stepped in because civil society couldn't sort it out
>Because god forbid
Yes. Literally that, god forbids it, marriage is a holy sacrament between a man and a woman, that is the very definition of marriage.
>implying that only Christians get married
Not to mention that the bible also states that if you have sex with someone, you're technically married to them, thus why pre-marital sex is considered a sin.
Did you also forget that there's this thing called separation of church and state?
>This is always male on male.
I used to breed cockatiels and I can say for certain that this is a load of shit. When you separate the females because you don't want any more eggs, they just start fucking each other. It's a pain in the ass, because it makes the females lay unfertilized eggs which isn't healthy if they lay too many.
I don't remember gay marriage being a thing back when the Anglos came with this civil marriage bullshit back in the 18th century. When you give control to others over your life, you end up having to beg them for what's rightfully yours.
>implying that only Christians get married
Never said Christians invented marriage but marriage is still supposed to be a holy sacrament between a man and a woman though. That's how it was practiced for thousands of years. It's so petty of homosexuals to want to take part in it seemingly just because they're excluded from it. They don't actually care or want to get married at all, they just want to break into religious spaces and wave their cock around in a pastor's face.
Slavey was practised for thousands of years, guess that makes it okay right?
this isn't incorrect but the fact that there's legal entanglement with the practice of marriage makes it way stickier than that unless you claim to want to live in a theocracy
situation homosexuality =/= actual homosexuality
The birds would fuck males and not females at all if given the opportunity, correct? That would make them situation homosexuals, rather than actual homosexuals.
Regardless, I'm pretty sure that there are at least a few other species (dolphins and the more advanced apes come to mind) that have actual homosexual members...
Homosexuality is a sin against the laws of the creator. This is not debatable.
You're literally too stupid to insult
Yes actually slavery's fine desu.
At this point there is no logical argument against polygamous marriages. I can't wait for the day when the feminists start to push back at the mormons and muzzie who take multiple wives. Kek
I don't care, and it's not the governments business.
Not strictly true, an individual animal can be conditioned to have a phobic reaction to almost anything.
It's just a human being's faculties for interpreting symbolism also render them vulnerable to the invocation of absent fears.
See this pic
>Deviant paedophilia
I'm so sorry that the things that consensual people do in the privacy of their own homes really affects so much. Who cares if it's "deviant", stop living in the fucking dark ages. Pedophilia should be allowed.
A lot of gays are kidfuckers and you're giving them the option to make a partnership with another kidfucker so they can LEGALLY ADOPT KIDS TO FUCK
Are you getting the picture yet. Just have them join a union or something but keep them the fuck away from kids.
>All major psychological authorities
Psychological "authorities" flip flop based on political trends.
It's hardly a science, sure it predicts some aspects of the psyche well enough but it fails a lot as well; normal medicine has better solutions to mental issues (chemical drugs) than psychology.
Not to mention that this brings the question of what constitutes a mental illness, which is really what they're hinging on for not considering homosexuality, trans people as mentally deranged anymore. It's subjective and heavily influenced by predominant political views, which guess what turns out psychologists are "progressives"