Based faggot does it again!! SJW's BTFO
The triggering Continues
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>PS no one is trans, it is a brain disease
>PS no one is trans, it is a brain disease.
Kill yourself, faggot.
i almost wish i was black so we could fuck
>PS no one is trans, it is a brain disease
are you the american user who wants Frauke to piss in your mouth?
He has it wrong. Transgender people are tolerable, but homosexuals are the absolute worst.
No, but I think Frauke is very cute. Her smug look makes me diamonds.
Lots of Greeks and Romans fucked men. Never heard of a trannie that accomplished anything of note. It is a mental disease that is no fault of their own however.
who doesnt?
I seriously don't understand why he gets so much hate here. He's one of the only people putting themselves out there standing up for the real conservatives. I don't agree with his coal burning but no one is perfect and its not like he's going to reproduce. Give the man some credit. He's like trump he's literally putting his life and financial future on the line for this
>Taking it up the ass is worse than trying to defy nature itself
I'll admit openly homosexual guys are pretty bad, but I imagine a lot of gays are still in the closet so to speak and don't openly shout their faggotry to the world and just do it behind closed curtains.
Whereas with trannies, they shove it in your face that they're trannies and try to force you to use their preferred pronouns and change your behaviour to suit their needs. It's like living a lie and forcing everyone to follow the same lie.
>Shitlording 101
>This is how you get banned from speaking at colleges.
What's the depaul rating right now ? Was like 4 stars two days ago.
Its not real
>Shitlording 101
>literally putting his life and financial future on the line for this
He built his media position on being a contrarian 'conservative' faggot. Doing what he does is building his financial future, not damaging it.
Milo is based, but don't make him out to be more than he is. He is driven by enlightened self interest, not self sacrifice.
Which means he can then jump around shouting about how they are proving his point.
Its a Xanatos Gambit. All paths lead to victory.
Check it stands at 1.4 as of now
WTF.It is real..check it at Milo's FB page or review section at DePaul
Kek. That went downhill really really fast.
True but being a conservative, especially a gay conservative is not usually a big money making endeavor. He probably would've made a lot more pandering to sjw's. He's making good money now but easily could've been ruined in the beginning.
Didnt know milo was such an illiterate fuckwad, then
My bad, lambchop
>he probably would've made a lot more pandering to sjws
what a stupid thing to say
look at the comic industry, look at anything that explicitly panders to sjws. Sjws are professional victims, if someone agrees to give them what they want, they just move on to the next 'offensive' thing to whine about. Also, one slip-up and they all turn against you
Truly, he was the King of Sup Forums.
Based faggot is funny, but doesn't use the Oxford comma.
Come on, Milo. You're supposed to be a journalist.
>PS no one is trans, it is a brain disease
...but he never used the Oxford comma.
>Ronald Reagan, Ayn Rand and Donald Trump
>mischief, irreverence and misbehavior
Wait, misread. Nevermind.
I'm just not used to seeing people argue in FAVOR of its use.
>PS no one is trans, its a brain disease
The fuck is with your feminist tumblr gif?
Milo is essentially the best definition of, "an enemy of my enemy is a friend". Yeah he's a coal burning faggot, but he's fucking amazing at triggering the hell out of the bigger evil, he has the media position to get is voice heard, and just homosexuality has been around since the dawn of time and actually pretty accepted. It's just when you start mixing the rest of the alphabet and marriage into it that it's a problem.
>PS no one is trans, it's a brain disease
I read it all with a smile on my face but for some reason that little tidbit really got me at the end.
Wtf are you talking about? Tons of people have become millionaires pandering to these morons. The clitons, obama, jesse jackson, al sharpton, anita. Thats just to name a few people not even companies like Facebook and Twitter that pandering to them. There are always morons who blame all their life problems on someone else and play the eternal victim. If you don't think playing these idiots is a profitable business then I'm afraid you're either one of them or have chosen to stick your head in the sand about it
Kek he is such a whiney little bitch. No wonder Sup Forums admires him.
Depaul uni plz
found the underage "alt right" children.
get a job you worthless faggots.
>PS no one is trans, it is a brain disease
>projecting till the cows come home
i like this guy, i dont care if hes gay.
This would have been the time and he fucked it up.
Why, does it offend you?
Milo's great. He's one of a tiny handful of journalists who understands the nature of the internet.
Jane Austen was a tranny and he was one of the greatest authors of all time
>get a job
How's the hard work of suckling your parents teats going for you?
its kellysee
the absolute fagman
>Ronald Reagan, Ayn Rand and Donald Trump
Need more proof this fag is a Johnny-come-lately who doesn't really know or care about politics?
just like ben was LE BAZED JEW LOLZ
until he suddenly wasn't
you're fucking retards,desperate for someone with a modicum of "status" to legitimize your opinions
it isn't necessary
trans, not french
I live near this school and it's predominantly fat white kids who pay a lot of money to go here because they can't get into any other school. It's hilarious that this school has to deal with this. They are largely a conservative catholic school.
>tfw DePaul was my undergrad
Kill me
Indeed, it has been only recently (literally this last century, and only in first world countries) that surgery has become safe enough that people routinely perform it for any reason other than a literally deadly ailment that couldn't be cured any other way.
There were no transsexuals in Ancient Rome, because not even the greatest of doctors at the time could sculpt a vagina or attach a new penis. There were only people whose nads had been mutilated, and they were considered slaves at best.
>mamamamamam mia spagehtti up-a my ass-a
Overrated, and I hate stream of consciousness bullshit.
I am so sick of seeing this kike faggot being spammed on Sup Forums. You're all cancer.
>Gif of actress laughing is tumblr feminist
Are you stupid or fully retarded?