>Sup Forums worships a degenerate jew faggot simply because it espouses vaguely similar opinions
what next? will Sup Forums be sucking the balls of a literal cuckold?
>Sup Forums worships a degenerate jew faggot simply because it espouses vaguely similar opinions
what next? will Sup Forums be sucking the balls of a literal cuckold?
Other urls found in this thread:
I like Milo. But I'm gay. He's not an overlord. He's just trying to cash in on Sup Forums rage.
>Sup Forums caring about "degeneracy"
hello newfriend
Sup Forums only wants a wall and muslims out because they are anti-degeneracy, we have no problem with degeneracy and gay people.
>Sup Forums worships a degenerate jew faggot simply because it espouses vaguely similar opinions
He's a fag. Nobody worships him. His tour across US colleges is amazing though. It would be amazing if he was straight or even if he was a furry.
Also you're Australian so you have no valued opinion
>Every single day we have this thread
Why does this thread keep getting made? I hide them all because I don't give a shit about youtube celebrities or drama or whatever this fag has been on about.
But day after day, faggots keep making this thread claiming that anons worship him or something? Just fuck off how about.
Milo is liked because he uses his homosexual illness for the greater good - as a shield to deflect baseless arguments from women and liberals. This forces them to actually have to engage in debate and address facts, wher the fall to pieces immediately because being a homo is plot armor against SJWs.
I'm convinced it's just fucking milo with proxies making this thread. Shame he didn't actually get fucking assaulted at that event.
OP is a PR faggot, stop promoting and talking about these irritating and vacuous people
Pretty sure that's how it works bub. When you share opinions with people you tend to like them.
Darling you missed one hell of a shit show yesterday. His university speeches are amazing less with what he actually says, and more about the type of people that show up.
If you hate his guts, America will take him.
I find no pleasure in watching people be absolutely shitty fools in public though, which is why I tend to tune out from anti-Trump protests or chimpout threads.
Thinking Milo is a faggot is like thinking Sacha Cohen is from Kazakhstan.
Milo is just another tricky kike pretending to be things for fame and shekels. It's all an act.
Sup Forums doesn't worship this coalburning faggot.
Yeah, he doesn't say a whole lot. Just the fact that he shows up sends SJW into spasms of rage.
Do you think Milo masturbates while scrolling through Sup Forums ?
Everyone here hates him you fucking shitposter.
Sup Forums worships a cartoon frog
Probably. All the heroes of the alt right are fags and kikes. Jack Donovan's another one.
At least it's not a cartoon wolf.
yeah those two things are the same.
He will get killed and it will split the liberals against eachother, so many people will come to the Sup Forums side then
>country built from degenerate criminals
He gets triggered by his own photo the way no-fappers are triggered by pic unrelated posts of round nubile asses.
He is honorary straight because of his ability to dish bantz. Kind of like how zimzam is honorary white because of his ability to drop nigs.
>reddit loves fags
>reddit are niggerlovers
>reddit loves video games
>reddit loves kikes
>reddit spams here
Go figure. Literally noone from Sup Forums likes him. Only r-dit crossposters
>this is the face of new/pol/
seriously kill yourself you fucking degenerate cunt. no gays, no niggers, no jews, no abortions. that's just for starters. never give a fucking inch otherwise degeneracy will erode our morals
absolutely. doesn't mean i lack the capacity to pull myself out of the mire of my genetic degeneracy and make something of myself. By posting on Sup Forums, i become an informed and influential member of society.
Sup Forums BTFO
He literally said he loves black cock, if you want to associate yourself with that sort of faggot fine but don't be surprised when he's shunned even though he "has the same values we do" (he doesn't really, he's just so-opting the movement)
>vaguely similar
literally the same tbqh
Australia not handling Milo bantz?
Must be a leaf using a proxy.
hey there milo
>we have no problem with fags and degenerates
Hello newfag. Reddit is that way >>>
Calm down Benji
i'm pretty sure leafposters of the last month or so are ausposters abroad or using proxies. canada is too cucked for top tier bantz
this guy sucks. ben shapiro would shit all over milo
Does he have aids yet?
There's being upset by banter, and then there's being upset when a gay racemixing jew says he speaks for you.
>has browsed Sup Forums for >4 months
typical greeknigger
>we have no problem with degeneracy and gay people
literally kys nigga. pole is a christian board.
he literally said that because all black men have aids he probably has it too kek
>that irony
or was it gays? not sure
still kekworthy tho
That's not what I meant.
Video related
Maybe b/c this is about ideas and not trivial bullshit like who he likes to fuck.
Milo has pretty much admitted that being gay is an illness. When DePaul's president said that Milo claimed being gay was a choice he was twisting his words from the times he said it was a disease. He constantly makes jokes about himself being gay to give liberals cognitive dissonance
You are the newfuck. Sup Forums has always hated degeneracy. You obviously werent around for the height of the anti degeneracy bantz of 2011. Now get the fuck out faggot.
He pretty much also said that if he could choose he'd choose being straight over being gay.
posting a better faggot.
i cannot excuse this based on ideology. this is fucking awful, seriously
So far this flag never fails to be a shitposter.