Why are you still in the USA

I don't understand why white people still live in the USA. I have moved from there and have traveled through Asia and I'm treated like a god event though my looks are average. I don't understand why you would stay in this shit stain country and not move to a country with better choices for women. I'm about to move to the Philippines and I already have 6 women who want my dick just because I'm white and I put in zero effort. Serious post

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I have pride.


>dislike shitter immigrants invading country
>become a shitter immigrant invading another country
That's just not how a man behaves.

yeah, you're nothing but a coward taking the easy road.

>gee usa and europe the only two predominately white landmasses are getting less and less hospitable to whites
>I'll just give up and go to asia like a faggot with no honour or pride

>inb4 sweden, atleast I'm still here in my homeland speaking and acting for what is right.

Pride in what? Being in a country where are elections boil down to Trump and a fucking female robot. Unlike you uneducated Americans we elected an actual female in Taiwan and she is going to turn Taiwan into a powerhouse.

Because poverty, I still want out of this feminist shit hole.

Stand your ground traitor

>t. waito piggu

>>easy way out

Literally living in a country that pays you not to work and is opening its border to rapists.


Flips are honorary niggers.

In places like Japan, Korea, etc(actual good Asians), you ARE the nigger, and those women only care about money anyway(which the men there aren't short on), so being a disgusting neckbeard who fails at everything in life who goes to asia to find a submissive asian waifu is a pipe dream.

Stand my ground to what? What has the USA done for me that should make me stand my ground. A country is nothing more than a place you are born. It does not define who I am.

I bet you have not even left your home state. You have zero idea on how Asia is besides some neckbeards on Sup Forums telling you hurr durr

I've been to Japan and Korea, not Taiwan, however I have money so it's not difficult for me to get grills wherever I am. Educate me.

OP has a micropenis and has to live in Asian country to stand a chance with a real woman.

Why are Japaneses and Koreans the only good Asians? Educate me on that fact please. The Japanese are so apathetic to sex that its literally going to ruin their country, and in Korea the women are obsessed with plastic surgery. You admitted these women only care about women so I don't care if I'm the nigger there. Plenty of other amazing Asian countries to go.

Nice ad hominem attack. I have a slightly larger then average penis for a white male and you should see how big their eyes get when they see it fully erect for the first time.

you also are under the delusion that you are fucking hot women but in reality you are doing their 3/10s at best

is this a 3/10?

Chinese women, the only other good Asians, are even more money obsessed with money. Don't try to tell me it's so different in Taiwan which is basically China anyway.

>you should see how big their eyes get when they see it fully erect for the first time.

Officially discarded, this is nothing more than this pathetic faggot's fantasy


Taiwan is literally nothing like China. You speak with zero experience on that mater. In fact The Taiwanese women go out of their way to distance the way they act from Chinese women and they care very little about money unless you are talking about the gold diggers which exist in every country. I'm bring serious about my dick you have no idea how small the average Taiwanese penis is.

Looks like a camgirl. Do you have any actual proof that you are getting girls who aren't fugly?

She might be a cam whore I dont know I fucked her once and she does personal cam shows for me for free. I can post pics of my past gfs but would you believe me anyways? Set your tinder to Taiwan and just see how easy it really is.

Are you using some cameraphone from 2003?

>The Taiwanese women go out of their way to distance the way they act from Chinese women

Doesn't matter if they do, at the end of the day they're the same shit.

Koreans go out of their way to distance themselves from Japanese but they are pretty much the same, same deal with Russians and Ukranians.
>I'm bring serious about my dick
fucking kek

>slightly larger then average
What's average for you?

Its not a camera from its a fucking capture from a shitty webcam she uses. Taiwanese girls are much more liberal then Chinese women and enjoy white men because they want to try it out. They don't want your wallet. Sure there are plenty of gold diggers who marry for money but its easy to see them and avoid them. You must have never fucked an Asian chick before if you never seen her lust when looking at a white dick.

so? atleast I'm still here and not going to Asia to cry on desperate shoulders. You're actually using and exploiting these people which is incredibly more selfish than my lifestyle could ever be.

you're a fucking loser you cunt, and the only reason asian women will give the time of day is because they are truly depserate and only see your white skin and the wealth that is attached to that. Literally nigger logic, kill yourself you piece of shit.

What do you do in Taiwan anyway?
Any you can't really believe that the tinder population is representative of the whole Taiwanese population. That's like saying bar girls in thailand are representative of all the women in thailand.

My penis is around 6 and a half inches erect not sure about the width I can send a pic if you really want to see it.

Isn't your country in some type of small war with China?

You're no better than a filthy refugee.

Oh, so you're one of those 'world citizen' faggots. Fine, put your money where your mouth is and renounce your citizenship if you haven't already.

>admitting its a fucking camgirl

OK I officially think you're trying to troll now

I work for IBM in Taiwan, and I never said it represented the entire Taiwanese population I was just using it as an example on how you can meet up with attractive women here without being so attractive yourself.

>>She might be a cam whore I dont know I fucked her once and she does personal cam shows for me for free. I can post pics of my past gfs but would you believe me anyways? Set your tinder to Taiwan and just see how easy it really is.

Where did I admit she was a camwhore. I ltierally don't know what she does for a living

OP Confirmed banging South Asian farm trash for money. OP IS WHITE TRASH. At least the women here didn't Sucky Sucky long time thousands of strange sticks before giving you herpes.

Firstly, if I did move, it wouldn't be to a mongoloid nation. It would be to the land of my ancestors. Unfortunately, I have yet to find a non-cucked European nation.

Secondly, no one is impressed by the ability of novelty to pull temporary ass in Asia. Not one bit. Hell I can go to a honky tonk bar and get novelty pussy. You're pathetic.

How am I using and exploiting anyone? They enjoy the experience and so do I. hurr durr I'm not living in the USA waving my American Flag so I'm so selfish.

I'm not a world citizen faggot and it makes no logical sense for me to give up my citizenship.I paid 10 years of taxes from my hard earned money and I don't think I owe the USA jack shit.

Did you seriously move to the philipins for pussy?
you can just go for a vacation, fuck some pussy, and come back

Well post some pics of attractive women you've pulled. I see lots of expats here with women I wouldn't exactly call so attractive.

It's pretty much like the cold war. If China attacks Taiwan it would be attacking America by proxy since we are their allies.

By going into an economic zone lower than yours you are effectively employing the lowest tool of coercion known to man, "perceived economic status"

If you fail to see how you are in the wrong here then there is no point in arguing over this.

I'll leave you this, only low energy beta midlife crisis babyboomers will unironically use this "priviledge" to their advantage. I don't care regardless, I'll live comfortably over here doing what I do while you're over in Taiwan adhering to the lowest common denominator. Atleast my dignity, honour and pride is intact.

Literally only cucks and betas use this advantage while in Asia, and you as an America is basically going into occupied nations and taking advantage of their women, you're degenerate.

>Firstly, if I did move, it wouldn't be to a mongoloid nation. It would be to the land of my ancestors.

>tips fedora

>Unfortunately, I have yet to find a non-cucked European nation.

All Slavic/Baltic countries?


>Being in a country where are elections boil down to Trump

Don't come back, freedom hating gun hating Trump hating race hating faggot.

Who is she famm?

I nor my ancestors are Slavic. Also, in case no one has said it, you're a loser.

Asian broads:

1) No hobbies other than shopping
2) Enjoy expensive travel but stay in the hotel and lay by the pool the whole time
3) Must have the most expensive everything, even if it's a $4000 purse made by her enslaved distant family members
4) Will bring entire family over on your dime
5) Physically frail and small, not fit to protect children
6) Can't into outdoor activities
7) Even if they are smart it's only book smarts, they are like chidren
8) Can fly back to China or wherever and steal your Elliot Rodgerslet
9) Cant' even cook their traditional cuisine, dumping rooster sauce on rice noodles is not traditional cuisine
10) Except in rare circumstances usually resulting in stardom, no tits or ass
11) No sense of humor, or if it exists is identical to that of a six year old
12) Whiny
13) No idea if the girl is really ugly or cute, plastic surgery approaches or exceeds 90% in most of SE Asia.
14) Loves Disney for some reason, probably emotional retardation.

This kike-chan bait has to stop. Asian womanlets are just plain inferior.

So much this.

Look at those monkey lips.


So by that standard I can only bang women who have equal or higher wealth than me. Taiwan is not exactly a third world country. Taipei is first world and I would say that I'm maybe in the top 20 percent of the earners in Taipei. Its not the money that attracts the women here. Its the intrigue with being with a foreigner and its the status they can achieve with being seen with a white guy. I will openly admit that I'm using my whiteness to get women, but isn't the point to attracting a mate is to use your advantages to woo them? Enjoy

>I nor my ancestors are Slavic.

You said "European nation", not whatever shithole your unimportant ancestors came from. Last time I checked slavic and baltic countries were part of Europe.

>muh dick
You're no better than niggers

Not sure if this list is a troll or not but I will bite
This list can be interchangeable with nearly any country that has "gold diggers". Also if you are going for mail order bride type women you are doing it wrong so I dont have an issue with them bringing them over on my dime. Why the fuck do I care if they can protect children? Most women here love outdoor activites. They enjoy volleyball,tennis,walking,outdoor parks, and climbing mountain trails. They can't cook? wtf where did you even get this bullshit.

>using my whiteness to get women
LOL, this pathetic bait.

All you've done is post photos of a sucky sucky five dorrah camwhore. We all know you're not getting that micropenis of yours wet even in Asia.

you sound a little jelly sven

It's not my about muh dick. I actually enjoy the company of these women and unlike niggers I actually have a soul

Why aren't you moving to the Philippines yet?

This guy did and he's the happiest he's ever been in his life.


>"I find the West commercialized, consumer mad, and extremely degenerate"

>"I find the Philippines a breath of fresh air, to be honest"

>"There is a social displacement in the West at the moment"

>"If you go to the Philippines, none of these PC, SJW stuff are your problems anymore"

>"In the Philippines, it's not your problem, it's a different country. So you don't even think about it."

>This list can be interchangeable with nearly any country


Lol, you're JEWISH too. How fucking precious.

None of this list applies to proper white women.

>fucking soulless gooks and chunks
>having a soul yourself

Choose one.

He also looks Jewish.

Why are Jewish betas so obsessed with Asian hookers?

>posts ugly fat chick
Kill yourself tyrone

another expat who's living the dream


because most of the girls dont look like your post

If you honestly think that white is somehow exotic over there anno 2016, then you are only lying to yourself. Sex tourism in that part of Asia is literally 90% of the revenue in these countries.

For these bumpkin farmgirls who usually support children while doing this IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY, they have no education, more often than not are single mothers and don't live in the major metro areas, they travel many hours by train bicykle or whatever the fuck to go to places like bangkok with the express purpose of making pathetic pleb foreigners feel like kings.

If you're doing this then atleast have the decency to pay double you sack of shit.
The girls that work in these poor conditions are working under a tyrannical matriarchy where something like 70% of all the money they make goes to the bar where they hang out as "prostitutes"

To insult to injury you are sex touring in Taiwan a place known for child prostitution and slavery, and kinds of nasty underworld shit.

How would you feel if the roles were reversed huh? Anyways there is no point, you are high on some sort of megalomaniac fantasies and you're ego tripping harrrd, kys.

There is zero proof of me proving the pussy I get without revealing my indentiy and I'm not gonna do that and again another nice ad hominem attack.

>this butt fucking transfag thinks this chick is "fat"
It's called high test, something that a tranny / gook fancier like you will never understand.

I enjoy ruining your bait kike. Later I will ruin more with mummieposting.

OK Chaim, but nobody believes you here. Your use of Jewish weasel words is all we need to see into your soul...

jelly? I've met and talked to men who've done this exact same thing, they are literal sperg autists that cannot into normal society, so go to places like taiwan to feel special, this one mentally retarded guy from my church is going to the philippines to do this exact same thing.

On a mental level this guy is a child, but in reality he is a 50 year old virgin.

the fact that you would even suggest this sort of thing of me is insulting.

People in the USA think that cucks who need to scrape the bottom of Asia to find some "wife" are pathetic too.

all testosterone makes you want to do is fuck. that means the only thing that is happening is that your standards decrease so that you can fuck. i dont understand why you guys tout this fucking high test bullshit when all it does is make fun of yourself. wow, you are going to fuck a girl, great job. really makes you think about test.

You are thinking about Cambodia and Thailand with sex tourism and child prostitution. 90% of the revenue. Last figure I saw for Thailand was around 20% and where the fuck did you get Taiwan is know for slavery and child prostitution. Taiwan is literally the worst country to go to for sex tourism infact if you don't speak Mandarin you have very few options.

Before moving to the Philippines, watch this travel vlog by two Americans. It's pretty detailed, raw, and unbiased


You think you can survive over here? You decide

She's a qt, an average qt that is obtainable but your dumb ass things he can get 10/10s lel.

lol I love how you say proper white women. There are more "proper Asian women" than white women period.

enjoy your whore american girls. Sup Forums and the robots will be here when they leave you for some chad

You're jibber jabbering now.

Men never bought the Jew- and gay-pushed standard of female beauty (skinny, knobby knees, meth'd out, unauthentic, non-curvaceous) that's been crammed down our throats.

Real men have always loved high test. I understand how a transfag NAMBLA Asian fancying kike like you gets angry when you see people collectively rejecting your brainwashing.

do you know if israeli girls like to fuck with german tourists?

I didn't move to Asia because I'm a sperg. I just wanted a more attractive women and I wanted to get away from the SJW shit that was affecting my town. you do sound a bit jelly

I am the Chad you dipshit.

I fucked your sister, I fucked your cat. I would fuck your mom but the bitch is too fat.

>File: image.jpg (40 KB, 371x604)
>I am the Chad you dipshit.
>I fucked your sister, I fucked your cat. I would fuck your mom but the bitch is too fat.
Had two white women who cheated on me, not a single Asian woman.

I'd jim jam right in the whim wham

Yes well a beta orbiting Jewlet like you would get cheated upon.

Can't say I feel sorry for you either.

No its become the women are brought up with a sense of entitlement that they are the princess and that everything in the world is their life story. Its a different story int he East women dont cheat on their man on a whim because loyalty and faithfulness actually matters.

>not an arguement

dude why would I be jelly? How could I make this any more clear? I have ZERO respect for you, the value of your existance wacky adventures to me are ZERO, the only reason I'm even here is because I believe in Jesus and I'm trying to enlighten you on how you're abusing dissadvantaged people.

Swedish girls are 100% more attractive than slants. Since I go to church and I'm not severely handicapped like you, I will be able to provide for myself all that which you could not.

Like how you said the governemnt pays for me to breathe, how could my situation get any better?

>remove kebab

that's another discussion all together

ps. Aim a finnfag btw

yeah I did mean thailand and co. my bad

Taiwanese girls are shit tier, though. Not only is the base Hoklo gene pool already saturated with jungle Asian genetics, the Taiwanese also have a ton of admixture with the abos. Only horny Japanese and white men think Taiwanese women are especially good looking, albeit for different reasons.

>>goes to church and posts an image to kill myself.

So you are a hypocritical Christian fag. Another reason I left the states. No one gives a shit about religion here and its awesome. too bad your Swedish girls are too busy with that exotic meet to breed with a local.

It's a new brand of the lord and saviour.

Deus Vul, it is time to purify this globe.

>swedish girl meme

yeah ok whatever you say

pic related ; what you will never possess because you are a beta fuck scraping the bottom of the barrel in Asia.

LOL Asians in Asia divorce foreign cucks like you all the time though.

And you're double fucked when that happens in Asia as opposed to the USA you idiot barbarian Jew.

Sounds like a plan. Do you manage to get by with english? or have you had to learn more languages.
What do you work in? I mean, if you want us to follow your advice we'll need some more background on how you got there.

>implying they aren't all culturally enriched

Please have sex

5 6 8 7 4 3 2 1

You do know millions of Han Chinese fled to Taiwan. There is a lot of untainted women here

not an arguement

not an arguement