Drumpf BTFO
Drumpf BTFO
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This meme drives me fucking nuts.
Did they not see Captain America: Civil War?
In reality, Bernie is stuck under Hillary's fat ass. Bernie fans are delusional man children
Fantasy literature i like it!
>Arabs for Bernie
So what, are we cucking them now?
>jews for bernie
>arabs for bernie
>Arabs for Bernie
Into the trash it goes.
lol UK poster posts a tweet from Arabs from Bernie.
Calm down Muhammad
First try didn't get enough replies?
No one cares about your slide thread.
>losing horribly to hillary
>decide to call out trump
Jesus christ bernfags are past the point of delusional.
Don't you think you should win the nomination?
It's shit, alright.
>Arabs for Bernie
you have one job America. Don't disappoint us.
Didn't anyone tell them that Captain America has actually been a Nazi this whole time?
>Donald trump as bane breaking bernies back
More accurate
You should be extremely alarmed by anyone Arabs are promoting.
>Commies in cpt.America costume
Nuke Arabs pls
>Hitler was a socialist
>Cap believes in free speech, hard work, personal responsibility, and FREEDOM
>So the freedom hating, gibsmedat socialist is Cap
i literally just looked at the tweet and saw arabs for bernie, so i stopped there. holy shit.
Cap is a Nazi now though
arabs for bernie
Shock n' awe huemonkey
>Bernouts are against violence
Isn't Captain America an agent for Hydra? Doesn't this mean that Bernie is really a Nazi?
The gall of arabs and jews to claim the mantle of captain america is just disgusting. Who do they think made america?
This really convinced me guess I'm a #CruzMissile now
That's it.
I'm a #CruzMissile now
> bernies the patriotic hero
Bahahahahahhahahaha. He is more like the hamburglar.
Can somebody explain this "Make Donald Drumpf Again" """"""meme""""" is?
It is supposed to be funny? what does it mean? Are lefties this bad at banter?
Not sure which is more offensive. Bernie as a billionaire inventor or Bernie as a fantasy military hero. Bernie/Hillary have government shills their entire lives. I'd say they were more like tony stark and his mutant registration but neither one of them are job creators and neither of them are fighters. Trump is more like Stark than Rogers.
The current year man said that Trump's original surname was Drumpf, although I found no evidence of it.
But let's say it's true and Trump's Grandfather migrated from Germany to America and changed his name from Drumpf to Trump to better intergrate into America and Donald Trump had no control over this.
It's basically libtards repeating something someone said and being twats about it.
Ancient comic
Thanks worst enemy.
Hail Hydra.
>Arabs for Bernie
>Assuming Muslims aren't all violent regardless of their taste for Bernie
> repeating something someone said and being twats about it.
Holy shit they got memes
Captain America was literally created to inspire Americans away from communism
But captain murrica is a hydra agent, coincidence?!
As if. Trump would beat the shit out of that ol' Kike.