Trump will be America's Berlusconi. I know most of you are just literal teenagers and memesterati but any adult who supports Trump is depressingly ignorant. We cannot stand by and allow Euro-fascism to undermine the Republic. Also racist and hateful viewpoints are generally dismissed from mainstream discourse not because you are being repressed or oppressed by political correctness but because hatred and nationalism are anachronistic aberrations and are the hallmark of low intelligence or psychopathology. Grow the fuck up.
Trump will be America's Berlusconi...
Other urls found in this thread:
Berlusconi is still much better than our current government and most European ones. We weren't getting flooded with niggers and we didn't have 50% unemployment with him.
Grow up
>Berlusconi didn't ruin Italy's economy and international status with corruption
What you Maoists seem to ignore, or more likely do not know at all, is that first round of people actually going to the camps during a communistic takeovers will include them, too.
The revolutionary avangarde gets put down first with the dissenters, because you just can't keep people like this around.
This is basic history, why are people so fucking stupid these days?
All you fucking libtards make me want to puke. Bunch of brainwashed, communist, millennial puppets.
Let’s check out Trump's presidential qualifications for POTUS:
Obama is against Trump
The Media is against Trump
The usury bankers is against Trump
The establishment demonrats are against Trump
The establishment republicants are against Trump
Who is the Establishment???
The Mainstream media (MSM), GOP, AIPAC, ADL, SPLC, Federal Reserve, Goldman Sachs and their cuckservatives...
The Pope is against Trump
The UN is against Trump
The EU is against Trump
The Bilderberg Group is against Trump
The Council on Foreign Relations is against Trump
The Trilateral Commission is against Trump
China is against Trump
Mexico is against Trump
Soros is against Trump
Koch brothers are against Trump
The whole (((AGENDA))) is against Trump
#blacklivesmatter terrorist is against Trump
MoveOn.Org is against Trump
Hateful, racist, violent libtards are against Trump
Meanwhile, leftist garbage set fire to bussinesses and cars in France, stirrs unrest, false flags, censure and silences people (as they always did), disregards any laws they deem immoral, steal people's property and call all of that activism. You, you faggot, are way bellow any bald headed nazi.
>Italy has had an economy or international status since WW2
why do people give serious replies to these threads, despite knowing full well that they're just baiting for replies?
>inb4 lol because im bored
Please only use words which you are capable of using correctly.
And on to your fact free and totally idiotic second level of analysis: the fact that trump inspires distrust in both high levels of power and the mainstream media is only a greater indication of his unsuitability to represent the people and the cultural ethos of our Republic. These groups and individual have a wide array of valid reasons to distrust a pathological liar who only succeeds at business by virtue of his moral poverty and inherited wealth. He is the embodiment of crude, thoughtless authoritarianism and would be just as successful as Hitler (the guy who stole money to socialize an economy and falsely inflate productivity but quickly squandered those gains to maintain the support of a desperate and stupid population by employing mass murder and total conformity) The right is guilty of countless crimes and not just the ones committed daily by police and bankers
Most of america is still racist we just learned to tolerate minorities back when they didnt have much power, but now they are gaining steadily and white are starting to react. And i dont mean that all minorities should be killed or whatever but come on know your place shitskin.
Italy has the 4th largest economy in Europe but under Berlusconi GDP growth was comparable to Zimbabwe and Haiti
We should still shut down these kind of arguments with facts just in case some normie takes this seriously. As much as we want to discredit it, most people take what they see on the internet seriously.
Most of America is not racist that is why our laws are getting progressively more tolerant and we elected a non white president you deluded and insecure moron stop projecting
Those who think globalist whore Hilary Clinton is a viable option need their head examined.
She is a hardcore sellout to the globalist bankers.
Who opened the borders? Who pushed for multiculturalism to dilute Western culture? Who is behind Cultural Marxism? Who owned the media which hid the agenda from the people?
Undermining a nations sovereignty for jewish interest is treason punishable by death.
'murica's Berlusconi. never heard that one but I like it.
commie takeover? you're crazy. china could fuck up 'murica in a blink of an eye economically, but they'd be fucked as well.
...but it isn't time to take the guillotine out yet. media: blablabla effects: minor. they should move their arse and work.
You're adorable.
Don't know what this is about but I'm out of here I plan on making a more concerted effort to break up your inbred fascist echo chamber in the future. Also btw Hillary is not a good choice either but she is not an avowed racist so she is going to win good luck with your tears nazi fukkkboiz
t. Memesterati
>The right is guilty of countless crimes
Please, toss some more non-specific word salad my way, all those glorious examples are just not enough for me. Meanwhile I watch dipshits chimping out in Paris, few days ago in Belgium, possible voting fraud in Austria commited by antifa, anarkeks in Czech republic burning down restaurants and throwing molotovs on the home of Minister of Justice while attending state funded college, like all these fucking hypocrites always do. That all just in one week. Bussiness as usual.
He probably discredits anything wrong said about jewish as being neo-nazi anyway without realizing that antifa is just another tool of social dissolution.
>Italy's economy didn't surpass Britain's in 2009 under Berlusconi
>Italy wasn't a close ally of Russia and didn't have close relations with Libya under Berlusconi
Go read a book before spouting muh bungabunga memes
You are an idiot
so what. he sold us and will bring cp to google's front page. I wonder why they employed him in the first place.. credits for Sup Forums but well we ain't got a good name out there and Sup Forums was and is cancer.
Why is it all these anti-trump leftist "anti-racist" "antifa" types are always bottom of the barrel looking genetic scraps who look like they've been scraped off the streets to go protest. Jews control your nations, you are almost demographically reaching tipping point to never turning back white minority in every western nation on earth, and these leftist SCUM are still so blindly confident. Guess whos far more conservative, sexist, homophobic and racist then nationalists who fear their own nations erasure? The Muslim and African hordes who will enjoy bludgeoning your heads in and dominating your filthy feminist whore women. Youth Ignorance is Bernie Sanders only fuel.
Actually it doesn't even matter if he is a true or false commie/socialist. What really matters are the people who support him and what are they ready to do.
The thing is that the American society is giving the opportunity to people like Bernie to raise the popularity of leftist ideas and therefore lead the whole country to a massacre someday. I can't believe this is really happening.
You did not make an argument.
this picture gets me everytime
How's living with your parents like 60% of people 18-35 in Italy do???
Do you have syphilis OP?
keep raging communist faggots
There's nothing wrong you racism you deluded dumbass, it's the acceptance of facts for every race. African Americans are cancer because their lineage was destroyed by white and Arab slavers for centuries, that's why their IQ is so low.
The entire problem with political correctness is that it's censorship. It's delusion pretending to be fact as an attempt to avoid political dissidence. Its only creating more ideas of racial supremecy over racism. Our culture of "acceptance" is based on the hatred of white people. You see why that might be a problem?
>huur I can't refute his point about Berlusconi being harmful to the economy
>better change argument
How was Berlusconi bad for our economy if under him we managed to surpass Britain's?
>implying it's Berlusconi's fault
You got me. I circled the post numbers linking incorrectly. GG tho
Look in the mirror with your "goodnight right side" picture while you call us le edgy may mayers.
Your entire political movement is just one big cuck meme.
Antifa, Ha Ha Ha
Pretty fucking well, thank you
Including the several mass shooters who you idiots love to sympathize with? What about ISIS? They are very right wing and protofascist. Also the way that police are constantly brutalizing and murdering people I mean to go into specifics would be mind numbing
Meaningless bullshit.
The only totalitarians in Europe are leftist.
That's pretty common in Europe, user.
The whole "when u 18, u out" mentality of the anglosphere doesn't really stick on other european countries.
You don't have to worry tho, the american dream has finally come true and the USA are slowly realizing how absolutely retarded is that whole concept when applied to any country that isn't a superpower, including the stagnating and soon-to-collapse USA.
Additionally, I'm voting for Trump. So *I* have no idea what you're on about.
He's a memer that hates Berlusca because "muh Huffington Post told me he's racist XD"
Why do you tell lies on the Internet?
You didn't address the fact that the decade leading up to 2010 saw Italy's gdp growing at a rate just slightly above Haiti and the fact that unemployment for people under 40 is out of control and how Berlusconi accrued laughable debts while still forcing austerity on the people that his class victimizes.
>Sup Forums sympathizes with ISIS
MEGA keks.
If there is nothing wrong with racism then why do the majority of people want to eliminate it? Oh wait there is probably some "conspiracy" right???
>unemployment for people under 40
only after 2008. Before it was much lower
>Berlusconi accrued laughable debts while still forcing austerity
Austerity was forced by the EU and it's what castrated our economy in the first place. Or are you implying that public debt is harmful to the economy?
>We cannot stand by and allow Euro-fascism to undermine the Republic.
Today we have fascism calling itself "anti-fascism"
>Also the way that police are constantly brutalizing and murdering criminals
fixed that for you.
Have fun in your death camps if by some miracle you ever succeed pic related
He's hoping he's America's Caesar. The Republic has run its course.
you die and go to hell, you hear me? fucking niggerlover
>We cannot stand by and allow Euro-fascism to undermine the Republic. Also racist and hateful viewpoints are generally dismissed from mainstream discourse not because you are being repressed or oppressed by political correctness but because hatred and nationalism are anachronistic aberrations and are the hallmark of low intelligence or psychopathology. Grow the fuck up.
Some of your activist friends got charged with attempted murder over the past week.
b2reddit, nigger
>Afrocentricism a conspiracy theory
Kek, that's an ad hominem argument btw because you have nothing else to argue about except you not trusting me.
I'm guessing you don't know much about Malcolm X either other than what the establishment tells you about him. Racism just means there are established differences between the races, ffs this generation sided with the concept that race is social construct. Just because a group adopts a certain belief doesn't mean said belief is always correct.
Well I can't argue that the EU is highly guilty for what happened in that time period but Berlusconi certainly did nothing to improve the economy and besides this he was corrupt in so many ways how can you deny it
Right, we should vote for Hillary, who received millions in donations from Saudi Princes and Chinese communist dictators.
When will you lefties realize that nativsm benefits the working class?
Also, American Antifas are the cringiest of all.
How many of those mass shooters were there over the years? You are grasping at straws. I was born in period where leftist killed a hundred million of people due to their incompetence and laughable ideology, so tell me more about that 'right'
Hillarious how you useless twats are anti gun, when that brutal police just runs around murdering people at their leisurre.
>We cannot stand by and allow Euro-fascism to undermine the Republic. Also racist and hateful viewpoints are generally dismissed from mainstream discourse not because you are being repressed or oppressed by political correctness but because hatred and nationalism are anachronistic aberrations and are the hallmark of low intelligence or psychopathology. Grow the fuck up.
One of your activist heroes got charged for his violence over the past week.
Eh, why do you talk about European economics whilst you obviously don't know anything about them and how they function?
Fucking muricans, you don't a shit about Europe so stop pretending like you are somehow experts.
>Berlusconi certainly did nothing to improve the economy
He lowered taxes without cutting fundamental services and favored business, that's why we surpassed Britain. Economic growth doesn't happen just because of magic.
>he was corrupt in so many ways how can you deny it
No one is denying this. He's just as corrupt as our current government, if not less.
Politics is corruption, to believe otherwise is just idealism
How else are you going to enforce the redistribution of wealth?
It always makes me chuckle when lefties hate on police.
>swiss banc accounts
that's a myth. if anything then Delaware or some mystical trust in with accounts overseas
>We cannot stand by and allow Euro-fascism to undermine the Republic. Also racist and hateful viewpoints are generally dismissed from mainstream discourse not because you are being repressed or oppressed by political correctness but because hatred and nationalism are anachronistic aberrations and are the hallmark of low intelligence or psychopathology. Grow the fuck up.
Some of your activist heroes got charged for their violence against a peaceful heritage group...
STOP THE HATE. Stop hating people because of the colour of their skin.
Swiss bank accounts is just a saying...It means people who keep their money outside of their country. The Swiss where the go to place in the early 1900's. I think Ireland is allowing people to keep massive savings there...Before it was panama
Anti Fascism is not "left wing" it is not defined by Marxism of any kind it is a response to chaotic and hateful elements in society. We will fight fascism and make no claims to a plan for society. It is like if you have cancer you don't give someone a nose job you give them cancer treatment. Fascism, nationalism, racism and nativism are all cancers and they will be eliminated by any means necessary and of that means being just as violent as our enemy then so be it.
Literally committing crimes for their cuck fetish
This is only making me like him more, why on earth would I care what those Bilderberg bastards want.
You will do nothing we will shoot you dead...This is not Europe you cant attack a campaign office or attack a family business....We will kill you.
No, you're just another brainwashed militant nutjob who has no clue what concept he's actually supporting. Antifa can go to hell, it's just an excuse for youths in rebellion to find enemies where they don't exist.
> response to chaotic and hateful elements in society
Then you should literally kill yourself. Skinheads ain't got shit on you in terms of hatefulness.
oh shut the fuck up, as if you wouldn't be a marxist scum, and even if you aren't every person with half a brain knows, that socialism/communism are the biggest threats to freedom and equality is just a lie told by commies to make you their slave
Who's going to attack families? Trump will when he imprisons and then deports millions of them at huge cost to the is economy
>my communism is better than your fascism
good night left side
>Trump will when he imprisons and then deports millions of criminals
fixed for you.
you seem to forget user, communism has never been given a try ;)
You just said you would violently confront nationalists. Do nationalists not have families? All you are doing is repeating meaningless phrases from the left and trying to defend your ego at all costs. Like I said, you are just an exploitable nutjob being used by the higher ups.
You're on Sup Forums everyone has seen what antifa does... You can't operate here we have guns....You will stay in your little protest pen and march on your designated streets and if you get out of line we will put you in body bags
anti fascists aren't communists we are just not willing to allow our society fall into the hands of scum. I certainly do not believe in communism at all I think the anti fascists are communism is a meme that needs to die
I am a bissexual militay engineer. I'm proud that I'm voting for Trump.
You have no fucking power...We will vote... whoever wins wins and if you have a problem with that you can go to jail, canada or a morgue
nice meme
Okay Alex jones
The French resistance had guns as well among other things just sayin :^)
It won't die if 99% of you retards run around with Guevarra on their shirts and screech about social justice and tearing down capitalism with iPhones in your pockets. Source - every antifa rally pic I can choose at random.
>mass shooters
A drop in the bucket on the grand scale.
The majority of murders are committed by Tyrone and his Democrat-voting homies, they're just strung-out over a period of weeks instead of all at once. Also, the murders that happen in backalleys don't make it to the news as such a big deal.
Despite these murders, the US still has a lower murder-per-capita than Brazil and Mexico - countries with similar ethnic makeup, but extremely strict gun laws.
Basically, conservative whites are given the blame when niggers chimpout with guns. It's like saying Johnny should be punished because Tyrone used Johnny's eraser to throw at the teacher.
You do not have the people...The people will show you exactly where they stand on Nov. 8th and if you can't control yourself until the people have their say.....we'll control you
>Pretends to be intelligent
Come on man, just leave the grown ups alone and go back to McD
Trump 16'
You ever heard of egocentricism OP? Lool it up, but you'll probably forget about it. You haven't even discussed the reasons behind your own beliefs as of yet, you just apply different concepts as scum and attack. You repeat mindless pablum over and over again because you worship militancy without a cause. You're not taking power back to the people, you are your own enemy.
please take ein step into mein shower
Actually most gun deaths are white men who kill a large margin...but yea guns sure are useful against tyranny right?
>leave Sup Forums
>come back
>see this thread
>86 replies
>leave Sup Forums again
And yet it is communism and its adherents - a toxic, cancerous ideology created and propagated by Jews - that manifest the most vitriolic hatred and caustic condemnations of fascism (or at least what they perceive to be "fascism").
If a person doesn't want to be here anymore they can go....A gun is quick and painless
This great man. Kind hearted, American loving.
Finally, someone who cares about the US is the top candidate for President.
So I guess as long as they kill themselves without guns everything's fine then?
Yea I agree actually I wish kids weren't so stupid and fell into hippy commie stereotypes but I'm sure intelligent traditionalists wish they had a better candidate than the fascist trump
>Implying you will ever truly leave Sup Forums
>Implying implications
Trump isn't a eurofascist. It doesn't get more American than Trump. And I don't mean that in a good way.