Why do people defend businesses?

Why do people defend businesses?

These businesses care very little (if anything at all) about you. They only care about money. From small businesses to big corporations.

Then they take that money and hide it. They aren't even using the money anymore. It just sits in a hidden bank account. The money doesn't get invested. It doesn't get circulated back into the economy. It just sits.

Even when you have a contract with the business, they rather spend money on weaseling out of the contract than fulling their end of the bargain.

Again, why defend these businesses that screw you and I over? What are you getting from defending a business? Money? Even if you were an employee, why tarnish your name and reputation for this shady business? They are most likely under paying you anyways? So why defend a business?

What are we getting? The most functional system ever and therefore the highest standards of living.

>business doesnt complete a contract

pick one, lame puerto rico

If bussiness doesnt complete a contract, then you can sue the shit out of them. Law and contracts are enforced by state. The fuck is your point?

>puerto rico
Typical Amerifat.

The same reason why a factory worker in 1946 praised stalin or a serf praised his lord. Most of the people are very content with the status quo.

also propaganda, it is very ironic that in the age of "self interest" people admire businesses who don't give a crap about them.

Businesses exist because there is a demand for them to do so. It may not be a demand that you have individually, but somewhere if there is a need or want for a product or service, a business will likely exist to provide.

As objectionable and downright shitty as they can be, their behavior is calculated.

I dont blame the corporations at all. I blame the people for not doing anything.

I havent met a single person who admires businesses, most of them despise businesses and corporations. I also havent met a single person who opposses capitalism.

t. Bernie Sanders

>then you can sue the shit out of them

no lame version of Puerto Rico, depending on how much the contract is worth will depend on whether or not you can sue or take them to small claims.

this requires MORE money as well for lawyers and such. which means you and I are shit out of luck.

>It just sits in a hidden bank account. The money doesn't get invested. It doesn't get circulated back into the economy. It just sits.

Do you even banks?

Crony capitalism is detestable. True capitalism is almost rare today

In normal countries, the losing party pays it all of course.

Obviously not. Every sentence of his shines with ignorance. I am starting to think its just a bait now.

Yes, businesses don't care about the people who put food on their tables and keep the lights on.

No one thinks business owners are any more or less corrupt than anyone else.

What IS defended, is competition.

True capitalism is child labour

perhaps in lame version puerto rico, but in america, you need to pay lawyer first before lawyer tells his minimal waged lacky to print off the required documents.

Seems like a good investment then, Amerifat. If the other party breaks a contract, you just put some money into your lawyer, win the case and got multiple of that back as compensation for broken contract.

Thats a fucking goldmine!

What difference does it make whether they "care" about me or not? All that matters is that they are producing quality goods that I can choose to trade some of my resources for. This is a far better and more efficient alternative than being forced to produce every single one of your possessions on your own or relying on government manufcatured "goods" with no quality control.

Assuming total anarchism, yes.

This doesn't end the conversation of "what benefits and harm do regulation bring?"

>why do people defend businesses
Because they keep the economy moving, and business can be started up by anyone

>These business care very little
Strangers don't give a shit about other strangers
I care about you very little too

>Even when you have a contract with the business
You're implying every business is exactly the same, it's liberal bias

>so why defend a business
Because i'm older then 16 and have some basic understanding on how supply vs demand correlate to having the high first world standards that I enjoy

>What are you getting from defending a business?
Civilization? Massive improvements in quality of life? I'm not too keen on going back to hunting deer with handmade spears and gathering berries, and nor are you if you stopped and thought about it OP.

If you mean big corporations, they are the natural outcome of big government, massive over-regulation produces massive monolithic corporations that are able to react to the dancing landscape more effectively than smaller business. It also almost guarantees in-effect bribery of politicians, with the resources to make them offers they really cannot refuse.

Unregulated capitalism is a time bomb. Murifats are slowly finding that out.

Goldman Sachs and IMF shills

I don't expect them to care about me. I expect them to offer a product or service for a price that they see fit and it's up to me whether I take it or leave it. I expect them to pay their employees the wages that they've agreed upon. If they do those two things then they're already contributing to society plenty.

As an added bonus, many businesses and business owners actually do demonstrate that they care about the community by going above and beyond the taxes that they pay and choosing to donate to charity.

>These businesses care very little (if anything at all) about you

What is it with the idea of only dealing with people or organizations that "care" about you? What is the qualifier for "care"? Is it sitting you on their knee and telling you what a good Goy you are? Why do I give a fuck if they care for me?

Do you need a fucking caretaker or do you need a fucking food supply that's readily available, a working automobile, and a functioning power grid?

Commie faggot. Go wish a famine somewhere else.