>falling for le marriage meme
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
>falling for le marriage meme
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
Seriously, is there any point nowadays?
My live in girlfriend of 6 years and I have gotten along just fine without the need for marriage, but recently she started bringing it up more and more frequently. Is it time to abandon ship?
Not coincidentally it also started to come up shortly after I got a new job with a sizable pay increase.
as a man you should cut that shit out right away
if she doesn't stay with you because of something like that then she's not worth keeping anyway
Get a Prenup if you are worried at all. And it could help take away some of the stress of getting a marriage.
>Married for 15 months
>Will get tens of millions
why does she think she deserves any of it, fucking disgusting leech
Don't marry her, prenups never hold up in court. Don't throw away your future,mif she loves you then she doesn't need a bit of paper, just wesr thr rings if she is that bothered and have her change her surname.
wolf of the wallstreet
looks like the movie became reality
>knows a girl for 6 years
>comes to a chinese naked cartoon website for relationship advice
The answer is in OP's pic
>6 years
you're already married bro
>have millions
>no prenup
He deserved it. These Hollywood types are retards.
>live in girlfriend of 6 years
> recently she started bringing it up more
She wants to know if you're serious. It's hitting the 7 year mark of doubt and uncertainty, where you either commit or don't.
Were you planning on having a family and future together or not? America's laws are retarded, so mention prenup and watch for her reaction.
>Not coincidentally it also started to come up shortly after I got a new job with a sizable pay increase.
The fact that you're so suspicious of her really bodes for ending it already
But again, what's your plan in life? You invested 6 years into a relationship you didn't believe in? You aren't going to get younger.
>implying prenups make a difference
Judge's can just decide that they don't think the prenup is fair and throw them out on a whim. There's literally no legal protection behind a prenup.
Chances are in your state you're already common law married. 5 years = shes entitled to half your stuff
>My live in girlfriend of 6 years and I have gotten along just fine without the need for marriage
You're already fucked for having her stay with you for 6 years. She can still get half your shit.
>he left his greasy jizz in her butthole at a rate of $500 per day
She's hot and all, but damn no pussy is worth $50+million
Run fast and away bro.
>meet a rich as fuck girl
>She makes 200k a year, family is loaded, mother was a lawyer, father was a general
Literally no risk in marrying her
Wasn't she a self proclaimed dyke anyway? What was Captain Jack Sparrow thinking.
>jizz in her butthole at a rate of $500K per day
He has some high-end tastes
This, only marry up.
>Tfw getting married today
No fault divorces were a mistake.
That would only be $225,000
More like $200,000 a day
>just fine without the need for marriage
>just wesr thr rings if she is that bothered
>just decide that they don't think the prenup is fair
Another wifestitute? When will these hollywood tools learn?
Next level thinking right here.
>Get cucked by Australia and forced to make an apology
>Mother dies
>Wife starts going after your $$$
Do women have any sympathy?
if you live in a common law state, you're already married in the eyes of the law lol
They think that their marriage will be the exception
kek I'm not even making this up
She's a bit chubby and is basically Sup Forums as fuck but god damn the money makes it worth it all
Kek Say what you will about Leo but nigga aint married
I dunno, even if she gets half he'll still as comfortable as possible for his entire life.
She's a 10/10 and seems like a freak, may have been worth it to live the dream.
>Do women have any sympathy?
Of course not.
It's not and she's not that great tbqh but he's a fug autist twice her age. Dunno what he was expecting
bitches always be complaining how he gets a new 21 year old girlfriend every 3 years.
leo knows how to play the game
Is this Stain/Stein thing? Last I heard (Jesus) she was a lesbian. And wasn't he married to some French cooze?
I bet brazilians know how to get rid of such devilish women... permanently and with pleasure, hehe.
If I were to get married and then get a divorce, could I give my wife half of my debts?
Like if I married a German girl
I can related, I use to date a chick because her dad was loaded and she paid for everything, it was great.
There is definitely hotter, she's a smart one to marry Depp, she's set for the rest of her life after taking some old cock for a couple years, smart girl
That's what qualifies as "smart" for a woman?
imagine a knife wound gushing out blood between that demonic seductress' sinful tits...
All I can say is if you're going to marry, make damn sure that you have a good judge of character.
Make. Damn. Sure.
Shes a whore who is going to be hated... evryone loves.johnny depp and this lil slut broke his heart days after his mum died...
Karma will claim this bitch
love doesn't exist. marriage is a sham.
How many more successful men need to get cut in half before this epidemic of gold digging whores is addressed?
No, you'd be forced to pay debts to her as well
LOL women fucking suck.
Film at 11
what an idiot, deserves it
>dating above an 8
>thinking she doesn't cheat on you
>expecting her to not be a ruthless cunt in the end
But J Depp deserves it. He's a slimeball.
>Not coincidentally it also started to come up shortly after I got a new job with a sizable pay increase.
I don't know how the courts work but I hope she doesn't get shit except coffee mugs & coat hangers. Nobody this blatantly greedy deserves shit.
she can wipe her tears with hundred dollar bills
>first you try to smuggle dogs into australia and then your mother dies? UGH i can't take all this stress you cause
You better hope you live in Louisiana buddy
I wonder if Johnny fucked her armpit pussy, pic related
Well technically, from a woman's perspective, yes.
>be a useless chick whose looks are fading
>marry guy who is ultra-rich
>get divorce after committing some time
>get a large chunk of his wealth
Smart move by a broad to get married - A stupid move to get married by a dude.
Didn't Depp insult Trump a while back?
Praise Kek!
Why do women like Johhny Depp? He looks like an ugly round potato-face.
Is it because he put on stupid costumes and starred in pretentious films about feelings?
>celebrities getting divorced
>he fell for this stupid Sup Forums meme!
Jump ship m8.
To be honest there is no point in marriage in the west unless you marry up or you bring over some religiously raised girl that has a family that will exile her for a divorce.
>Not paying only couple million for her to have an accident
I'd fuck the shit out of her armpit
>another idiot! ecks dee!
Is there something like a prenup but that holds up in court?
He's tall, dark, and rich.
>Not coincidentally it also started to come up shortly after I got a new job with a sizable pay increase.
You better not trust her with birth control. Go and freeze some sperm and get a vasectomy asap without telling her
It's a blog where someone into hollywood gives many info on sex, drugs and money of AAA-Listed actors.
>not paying a couple more to punish her yourself
>Didn't Depp insult Trump a while back?
KEK is a vengeful god, praise KEK
>“If Trump is elected President of the United States, in a historical way it’s exciting,” Depp said during an interview with Channel 5 News in London. “Because we will see the actual last President of the United States. It just won’t work after that.”
Asked if he won’t be thrilled if Trump wins, Depp added, “I don’t believe in that stuff.”"
Marriage is fine if you dont marry a degenrate whore.
Marrying a party girl you met at a bar and fucked in the bathroom will always end badly.
Be a man first of all; do away with childish things. Find a modest girl who respects herself and you. Make sure she shares your beliefs. Dont do any stupid shit and everything will be grand.
back to redd*t you go
Why do people not get prenups? If she disagrees, it is clear what she wants. If is agrees and it ends, you can move on without worrying about paying half your salary so she can fuck Tyrone.
If you get married without a prenup, you deserve all the shit that happens to you.
But he isn't any of those?
He uses black eye-liner. He's 5'10" and he looks like an Elliot Rodger beta-male.
My money is on the meme films girls saw in the 90s.
God how can anyone be that pathetic? I don't believe that person is real.
Fucking this. People ask for advice from all of us autistic faggots like they have no confidence in themselves. Marry or don't, go out with the girl or don't. Stop asking if its okay to fuck some Asian, White, or Latina girl and just fucking make the choice yourself. Stop being a pussy.
>Be a man first of all; do away with childish things.
What the fuck does that even mean anymore?
>he's 5'10
holy shit i never realized. what a garden gnome
well at least he has millions of dollars
Amber Heard was 4 fucking years old when Edward Scissorhands came out.
>Married 15 months.
>Going for his fortune.
What a stupid cunt. Theyre needs to be a law that these leeches get nothing.
all women are degenerate whores
>What the fuck does that even mean anymore?
"When I was a child I spoke as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child; but when I became a man I put away childish things." I Cor. xiii. 11.
In childhood the mind, pleased with every trifle and void of care, vacantly pursues its little pleasures, and, blessed with ignorance of the ills and disappointments of life, looks forward with sanguine hopes to fairy scenes of happiness; while the bright and tearless eye, resting on the outside of things, sees a paradise in every lawn and grove. A recollection of these childish delights is often cherished with rapture in future years, while the man, forgetful of the frettings and whining of childhood, indulgently inquires, Why were the former days better than these? But he does not ask wisely concerning this. A virtuous manhood is much more to be desired than the state of children. It is capable of far nobler pursuits, of knowledge, enjoyment, and action more congenial with the ends of our being. The child has no high and manly aim, no cares for great and dignified things, little thought for his future well being either in this life or the life to come. His understanding is feeble, his knowledge is small, his pursuits and pleasures are useless to the world, his years are trifled away in pursuing airy visions, and he is a stranger to elevated and substantial happiness. He speaks as a child, prattling unconnectedly of his little concerns; he understands as a child, superficially and contractedly; he thinks as a child, incorrectly and inconsistently; but when he becomes a man he puts away childish things.
Only a retard didn't see this coming from a mile off.
Anyway it's not Sup Forums related and who cares about a shitskin drug addicted paedophile?
Fun fact: Amber Heard is lolbertarian
His taste relishes nobler objects; his conversation is more dignified; his conduct and pursuits are manly; his views and knowledge are enlarged. Spurning the shackles and toys of babyhood, he becomes perhaps a philosopher, and explores with astonished gaze the works of his Creator. His unrestricted fancy, not confined to the policies and interests of kingdoms, wanders among the stars, and delights itself with the numberless worlds which revolve above his head, while his faith and knowledge are employed on the great affairs of the kingdom of God.
Amber Heard is what Blake Lively would look like if she wasn't half horse.
Heard was a goddess in her prime but she is aging like milk and Depp looks to have aged 20 years in the 15 months they were married. She is a literal succubus draining his life force. She's just moving to greener pastures as Depp's well is dry.
You realize that all these wise men would write different things if they would have to live in this current time period right?
This. By asking here you are already confirming you are not a man.
>bisexual degenerate
>ends marriages
>marries for money
>ends marriage to get money
>gives no shits for males emotions.
>writes in capitals on every word indicating mental illness.
Not even once. No standards.
He's anti-Trump. It serves him right.
And C. S. Lewis poignantly turned the entire thing on its head saying the childish things he put away were his hangups on what others thought of him.
Hey bruh can I have a beer?
Wait can I kiss my girlfriend? She said she loves me should I jump ship?! OMG SHE TOUCHED MY DICK SHE WANTS KIDS!!!
Did you just assume my gender?
of course she is.
fuck you got mine!