Muh Jewish conspiracy

How mindbogglingly dumb do you have to be to actually believe that the entire world Jewry is a one cohesive movement dedicated to the subversion of Muh Whitey Culture?

I'm an orthodox and very rightist/nationalist Israeli Jew, pretty broke too. Are you stupid enough to say I have some sort of secret pact with elite banker Jews in EU *and* with atheist Marxist Jews, *and* with reform/atheist SJW liberal globalist Jews? These all are incompatible worldviews if you have the tiniest shred of sanity.

Also, aren't there elite banker pure whites and marxist pure whites and pure white SJW degenerates? Why aren't THEY a part of your dastardly global conspiracy?

Zionist and anti-Zionist Jews, hardline religious ultra-Orthodox and venomously anti-religious Jews, pro-Muslim Jews and Islam hating Jews, capitalist Jews and communist Jews and libertarian Jews. They are all in cahoots and work towards a common goal from different angles, now aren't they? Can you honestly say it doesn't sound profoundly dumb?

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Someone is new to pol

A kike BTFO a kike. Only in Sup Forums.

Don't bump your own fucking threads, Schlomo, it isn't clever.

Jews are 2% of the population but 60% of the Supreme Court, own 90% of media and publications, and were the last three federal reserve directors.

That's a really really big coincidence!

Don't forget 40% of Nobel (Glo-bel) prizes.

>What is AIPAC
>What is ADL

Schlomo pls go

Also, if you really aren't one of those people, which, lets be honest you are kikely shilling,

Then you know you aren't one of those people....

There, you sorted it out.


Look my large nosed freind, we know not every jew is involved.

But, those involved in the conspiracy, call it whatever you want, eg. NWO, are predominantly Jewish. They control the banks, media, and education. Of course not every lowly jew is involved, and if they were the majority would likely dislike what was going on.

It's mainly zionists btw. But really we are talking about maybe 1000 people only

All jokes aside, I feel this way, I'm sure many others feel this way.

im glad to see that not all of pol is as retarded as sometime appears.
this is also the mistake of hitler i think.

while it is true that: most bad things happen because jews are involved.
it is not true that: all jes are involved in bad things.

i know jews pretty well and to boil the jewish spirit down i would use these words: conniving, psychotic, idealistic, cowardly fearless, bipolar, intelligent and sad.

So...Karl fucking Marx and Ayn freakin Rand were both, equally, a part of some sinister cabal which works for the same end? Any proof or logical explanation for your dimwitted, paranoid-Schizophrenic theory?

If I saw an alien world where a certain group/race/nation is in the head of pretty much everything, including ENTIRELY OPPOSING agendas, I wouln't say "It duh beez ZOG conspirazy and sheet". I'd say this particular group is probably more developed than other groups and thus has a better probability for it's members to lead and innovate anywhere they set their sights upon. Perhaps you just don't have the mental and emotional capacity to admit your inferiority.

It's not all of you, but it is enough of you that your people are genuinely fucking up Western society and they are doing it on purpose. I look at it like a Ponzi scheme. The bottom rung are the good productive small business owner Jews who are taught to be decent god fearing people. Then there are the doctors and lowyers that are a mostly good group. Then the higher us you get the progressively worse they get. The ones on the bottom are taught to protect the tribe and the ones up top flee to greener pastures. When everyone finally breaks out the pitchforks and torches because everything wrong with their countries has a signature that ends in stien and Berg. The nice ones suffer and the rich asshole agitator Jews point and moan about the shoa while profiting and getting victim protection until it happens again in their new land. You sound alright, but Soros would let you grease an oven if it benefited his interest. It's not you or those like you it's your elites that need to spend some time in a delousing chamber.

you still think hitler tried to kill them all?

what are you sliding, kike? what did the jews do this time?

There was a video I watched recently that explained that most of the Jewish influence is actually from leftist secular jews. Rightist, orthodox jews who live in Israel are actually natural Sup Forums allies, being nationalists themselves.

Israel is a great state to point to as an example of what we want for ourselves.

wow, can you say cucked? go back to tumblr, jew-lover.

this is pretty accurate

Tl;dr kike

kikes would be on suicide watch, but then again everyone wants to see them die.

this man is a disinfo agent

it's like how you can read black nationalist literature and understand it even if it's opposed to you instead of being unfathomably retarded like lefttist material

so you read black nationalist literature too? holy hell, how have you not died of AIDS yet?


How dumb do you have to be to think there are any (even moderately) successful groups of any kind in this world, that aren't conspiring against other groups, while those groups are conspiring against them?

Don't you even Machiavelli in Israel?

stop it schlomo you cannot brainwash Sup Forums i already tried that.

Prove that ALL elite Jews are in cahoots and are a cabal, not just the liberal ones. If it's only the liberal ones then antisemitism is null and void, since the common denominator here is liberalism and not Judaism.
If it's all "elite" Jews - well, prove it.
Prove Karl Marx and Ayn Rand were, each at his time, a member of the same think tank and were secretly working toward the same nefarious ZOG goals despite having. Protip: you can't.

Just take the idiotic list you attach: what it is is just a list of some liberal/progressive Jews spanning 120 years. Does it support any antisemitic claim? Nope. I can easily give you a LONGER list of very prominent pro-confederacy, anti-negro and anti-degeneracy Jews. I also can provide you with a 100X longer list of pure nordic whites who were prominent in enabling degeneracy. But of course the white race, and in particular the white wymmyns, can never do no wrong. Us whiteys dindunuffings.

>we are stupid because I said so
>ad hominem in question form
>makes educated guesses on the financial and political elite
do research, then have an opinion



what's life like at Martinique?

Don't have to prove shit about ALL Jews. How about MOST Jews. Some Jews? A FEW Jews? One Jew? Fuck Jews.

No mr shlomo , poor jews like you are useless , we are talkinh about RICH Zionists , rotschilds and such , the ones who controll banks and media . Ofc not all JEWS are involved

More and more I'm beginning to feel this way. I'm not anti-semetic, I'm anti-conspiracy.

No, you retarded faggot, you need to prove the existence of a either a Lizard Masters tier conspiracy of all prominent Jews everywhere, anytime are a part of a secret organ hellbent on dissin' us whitey.

Alternatively, you can prove Jews are genetically evil and some obscure DNA fragment we have automatically turns us into your eternal bane.
Bringing idiotic lists is not a proof, It's just retarded. I can post 1000X big list of self hating whites, and a 100000X big list of genetic Jews hating Judaism more than Hitler ever did.

ask how many Americans have a choice to keep there dick-skin?
>Not a Conspiracy
t-thanks for tell me how to THINK!
Ya Jews are friends

Pol is retarded. The west swung to the left due to the female voter not jew conspiracies. Jews occupy high level positions because they have highest avg iq. Occams razor stormfags

The proof is in your religion. There, problem solved.

Yeah, every inch counts for you shortcocks, even if it's flimsy skin, right?
Seriously- keep your foreskins on. The actual purpose of circ. is for Jews to be a separate culture, and not marrying shiktzas. It actually beats the purpose to have everyone cut it.

2 caveats:
1. My religion does not instruct to interfere with goyim's internal matters AT ALL. In fact, we are to be separate from goyim in every single matter, sans trade.
2. A full 100% of all liberal Jews you mention are atheists who hate Judaism, or Reforms who hate Judaism even more than atheists. Soros is an atheist who hates Israel.

Did I say all? Maybe I should have been more discriminating when I said elite at the end, but yes my statement was intended to convey that the loxist Marxist agitator Jews need to go. Or aleast removed from positions of power and held liable for harm they cause. The entire statement was to say that it is infact not all of you, but a very specific and entitled subsection of you that are the problem. I however do believe that all of you are involved in that historically Jews will protect their own in spite their wrongdoing. I don't think that means you all should be put in boxcars. I just think that much like borders and nationalism are obstacles to Soros and the multicultural assholes Jewish nepotism and protectionism are keeping us from protecting our countries and way of life. I don't wish harm on you or your family, but if I could trade my life to take out Barbara Spector or George Soros I would gladly.

I don't believe you.

>defends jews
>look at flag
Merely a coincidence?

I'd probably be the happiest person on Sup Forums if every single liberal Jew got gassed, starting with Soros. Not because they "shame our name", but simply because they are evil and dangerous to me 20 times as much as they are to you.
It's still not a "Jewish conspiracy", though. There are plenty of pureblooded aryans and nords who cuck their respective nations - and yet I never hear anything but good things about whites.
60% of white women are reliably leftist - is there a Female Conspiracy here, or simply a result of western degenerate education?

oy vey d-d-DELETE THIS!

fuck you demon--

>TL;DR Its big business goy!