Obama being sued
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>only 11
>Transgender bathrooms are a human rights struggle - and a Jewish imperative
>Even the rabbis of the Talmud understood that we do not live in a gender binary system. We find six different gender identities in the Talmud.
Why is Sup Forums is always right?
Disabled is a gender?
Is anything actually happen with this, or will obama just shut them down?
Sure, why the fuck not? Who gives a shit anymore?
>We find six different gender identities in the Talmud.
>Is anything actually happen with this, or will obama just shut them down?
It will go the US Supreme Court, and the Court will say LGBT people are a constitutionally protected class just like race, sex, etc. and consevatshits are BTFO forever. Just like marriage equality
most don't care and have just ignored this issue entirely
Westerners are silly
Poland is Western Europe user.
Shit mixed up the flag.
Westerners are silly.
Can we drop this farce of "transgendered people don't really think they're the opposite sex"? Please explain how a bathroom is a gender trait.
>"Hey, let's just make it completely legal for men to walk into restrooms that teenage girls use. What could possibly go wrong?"
>"Hey, let's just make it completely legal for men to walk into restrooms that teenage girls use. What could possibly go wrong?"
So men can't do that, but women can sure go into men's bathroom right you anti-male feminist?
I didn't know wheelchair people were a gender.
>LGBT getting rights means Transgender automatically get rights no matter that
Slippery slope totally isn't real guys
>Slippery slope totally isn't real guys
We are headed towards an atheistic secular godless society, we just have to drag you conservashits into the 21st century kicking and screaming.
Rightwingers haven't really thought this way through.
You'd be forcing trans women who like men to use the bathrooms with your little boys.
You'd be forcing trans men who like women to use to bathrooms with your little girls.
What these loons really want is to ban transsexuality. And if you live in fear of transsexuals, you're just going to live in fear of something else.
>we are headed towards an atheistic secular godless society
>this is a good thing user!
you'll think different when we euthanize you because you're not a perfect, you fucking nigger.
And no, we won't want to clone any part of your slimy lazy ass. Better kill yourself now
What I don't get is they fear trans people or FUCKING WHITE MEN are all pedos and rapists. I thought we got over fears like this in the 1950s.
divide and conquer nonsense to distract you
don't let it happen to you Sup Forums
>Joining Texas in the suit were: Alabama, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Tennessee, Arizona's Department of Education, Maine Gov. Paul LePage, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Utah and Georgia.
I guess this restores my confidence in the governor after vetoing those two bills.
that's bullshit. the six cases mentioned are two basic sexes and four developmental abnormities. there's absolutely nothing about gender there (sojourngsd.org
This is what politics is now, people bitching about shit that doesn't actually matter.
The rabbis at haaretz probably know better than some damage control shill.
>rabbis at haaretz
why would there be any?
>Men who think they're women should be allowed in the women's bathroom!
But they aren't women.
>But they think they are!
But they're not.
>B-But they think they are!
But they're not.
Ad nauseum. What is wrong with these imbeciles? Let's say I think I'm Jesus. Does that mean everyone must now worship me? Are leftists brain-dead?
If conservatives are really afraid of this, they're only going to be more afraid when passable trannies walk into the bathrooms of their birth sex.
You all have gender neutral toilets in your houses, on trains, in certain fast food restaurants, on planes, hotels, the disabled is gender neutral. It's such a non issue.
Crux of it is, some people still see trans as some kind of perversion. That's transphobia. What about gay men in men's toilets and lesbians in ladies toilets are we going to start having a "I fancy men" and "I fancy women" toilet split?
It's called principle. Obviously no one wants a trany using any of the fucking restrooms, but they push and we push back.
It's not a perversion, it's a mental illness.
If not wanting to associate myself with the mentally ill means that I'm some sort of buzzword, then I'm glad and proud to be that buzzword
>You all have gender neutral toilets in your houses
single occupancy
>on trains
single occupancy
>in certain fast food restaurants
never saw this, praise be Allah
>on planes
single occupancy
single occupancy
>the disabled is gender neutral.
single occupancy
>It's such a non issue.
not if it's your stereotypical public restroom. single occupancy means it's difficult to corner a girl in a secluded space for some ficki ficki.
Think of all the times you've molested little boys in the bathroom. Now double that. This is what we're up against.