How would you effectively trap and kill a mouse Anons?

How would you effectively trap and kill a mouse Anons?

High IQ? Smarter than a mouse?
I thought so, I tried. I laid out glue traps and I even caught the little fuck.

All twisted and contorted stuck to a glue pad and I left it for the morning me to have to deal with.
Only to find that varmint gone to Vermont. Gone! A clump of hair left and a left testicle. Gone along with my dignity and that chad mouse is probably fucking mouse pussy left and right.

So tell me Anons how would you perfectly engineer a trap that you think would work.

What would be your most humane way to euthanize or inhumane way to EX-TER-MINATE?

Think youre smarter than a mouse?

Other urls found in this thread:

I caught a mouse using nothing but a stick a bit of peanut butter and a Tupperware container.

however I took it to the bush and let it go because I'm not a stupid sadistic fuck that needs to use glue traps.

tho if I wanted it dead I would put it in the freezer once caught.

I call it a “gun”

and so does everyone else u fuck wit

who cares about killing it inhumanely? its a fucking rodent pest that can carry potentially lethal diseases. just use a trusty victor mouse trap with peanut butter and discard its carcass properly

Buy a snapping mouse trap you idiot.

i'd tame it as a pet

or there's also this


Don't do it dry - put in enough water to drown them, it's more humane.

Simple live capture trap:

All great suggestions thank you all!

"Now I know what to avoid! Muhahahaah."

I just shove poison in every crack of my house. That way when they get it, they carry it back to their young ones and it kills the entire family.

Then they begin stinking, and I can immerse myself in the smell of victory for at least 2 weeks.

Certified Mouse Catcher

I accidentally a mouse once.

>in barn playing vidya
>feel something tickle my ankle
>think "OH FUCK SPIDER!!!"
>hit it with the fist of an angry sperg
The little guy's eyeballs had burst out of it's head, also tongue stuck out like it was bloated. Probably was looking for somewhere warm to hide.


Can't mice swim?

I see what you're doing mouse.

Humans can swim as well. But if you try to swim for too long, your muscles get tired. What do you do then? You start to sink.

Okay its settled im getting a chicken!

Yes, yes they can. So can people. But, there are other factors - a mouse can jump pretty high, and if they are in a dry bucket, they can get a running jump and get out without too much difficulty.

And if you put a person in dry tank with sheer, unclimbable sides, BUT the edge can be reached with a running jump, they can escape. If the tank had water deep enough to have their head beneath the surface if their feet are touching the bottom and the edge high enough that they could not reach it, then they'd (eventually) drown like the mouse would.

The reason why this is more humane is that a properly set up bucket trap is self-resetting, and can catch several mice in a single night. If you leave more than one mouse cornered in a bucket like that overnight, they tend to turn on each other.

Behind the internet nobody knows I am a mou- Oh squeak 751704894 caught on.

I am hu-man just like you. I enjoy cheese like.. Hu-mans. My second favorite place to be is in the dark with food. I like to fuck sweet sweet vermin squirm'en like I see done regularly by alpha algeronanons.
I.. am just like.. You!


>You've got to set up cheese in a sort of dead zone. Put the cheese at the very center of this dead zone, and close up the walls around this dead zone as soon as the mouse gets the cheese and slowly shrink the zone.

>Get a fan, put cheese inside fan, if see mouse inside fan, close up exit holes, shake mouse into moving blades.

You are oddly in luck.
I feel as though it was destiny that I was watching these random videos about catching mice and this thread appeared.

This will be my first post ever on Sup Forums...

I hope I can finally help a Sup Forumsrother out.

Glue traps are pretty horrible. Get a snapper trap and kill it quick and humane