Which one should I buy? I will post the second option

Which one should I buy? I will post the second option

Other option


The color scheme looks better on the widow one, but i personally can't stand that she's purple. It weirds me out

Get this one

Where do you even buy these?

But for real get the tracer x widow

Overwatch has a worse fanbase than the Jonestown massacre.

So is that a vote for tracer?

Tracer 4 sure

The dude drew porn of his own mother as a gift



why does widowmaker have a dick?

She doesn't lol

The choice is obvious.

Not really. If you like widow, go widow. I said personally to show that's something that affects me and not you

To his mum, or someone else?

then how do you explain that massive bulge in her pants retard?



>playing with toys made for children.