Donald Trump rep: offer to debate Bernie Sanders was just a joke

>Sanders’ campaign confirmed he was serious about the opportunity if Trump was, but an aide to Trump clarified on Thursday that the former reality TV star was joking and had no intention to actually debate Sanders.

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I'd love to see it but there's not enough time to book a venue, get a network, agree on moderators, make audience arrangements, and do all the other things necessary to stage a debate before June 7th.

And it can't be on June 6th either because both candidates will be all over the state that day.

So really it's about June 5th or before.

COULD that all be done in 10 days? Maybe.

But then toss on top of it that the network has to agree to give away 2 hours with zero profit. And it has to be a noteworthy network that people actually watch - not like MSNBC.

The deadline kills the debate.

Trump apologist pulling on through. You guys were creaming yourselves a handful of hours ago, going on about his "mastermind" plan to debate Bernout and steal his Bern victims, and how this was a master stroke on his part

Now you're in damage control. Typical Trump supporter. Here come the leaf memes of course

Your shitposts need work.
Fucking leafs are just low-rent Aussies.

dont you have enemies to be not killing?

Go in the archives and look at the kind of comments trumpkiddies were posting when we he said he would do the debate

>This is a master chess move, he wins even if he loses the debate

Just end yourself faggots


What's your point? It would have been a really good move. I'm rather disappointed it isn't happening.

Unfortunately there is the deadline, and it's probably best to boost Sanders so he can steal California from Shillary. Oh man, If Clinton lost California, that would be the TOPPEST of keks.

Fuck I'm sorry I didn't even see it. I mean I knew it was a low quality troll but how the fuck did I miss the leaf?

>le leaf meme

My point is that you Trump supporters will go to any end, invent any argument so that you can rationalize your blowhard as always being correct in your minds. If he really wanted to do it, 10 days is more than enough time to organize a debate

Trump is afraid of getting his shit pushed in by an 80 year old jew, what a fucking joke.


Sanders lost why would a winner debate a loser?

yep thats pretty lame trump. i mean i understand why he doesnt want to do this, he has nothing to gain and bernie has nothing to lose but he said he would the puss

It is enough time. A Trump/Shekel debate on short notice is totally possible. I trust Daddy to keep his word and the networks would jump through their asses to make it happen because the ratings will be astronomical. Think about it: you have the two candidates with the most active, passionate, and vocal supporters. It's a win for everyone and it's going to happen.

Because he was put on the spot during a fucking talk show interview, you retard. This is not the kind of question you just answer without talking to your team, your advisers, making sure it fits in your schedule, doesn't conflict with any events you have already planned etc.


Trump repeated it today.

“I’d love to debate Bernie, he’s a dream," Trump said to reporters Thursday in Bismarck, N.D. But, he added, the debate would not come cheap: “I’d love to debate Bernie, but they have to pay a lot of money for it." How much is a lot? "Something over $10 million," Trump responded.

>not a joke

honestly, debating is for innefectual libtards and cuckolds with something to prove. Trump knows he's right so theres no point in debating, if sanders doesnt agree with him id rather trump just beat him up until he does then try to debate


that leaf is right

>Trump: I'll debate Sanders for $10 million for women's health issues

Haha, this guy...

But seriously, wouldn't CNN and Fox be throwing money at Trump right now to get it on their network? 10 million seems like nothing compared to what it would make.

>women's health issues

wow, thats fucking cucked. is trump a feminist?

Are you an idiot? Clinton backs out of a debate she promised to do. Women issues are a central part of her campaign. Trump now offers to take her place if they donate 10 million to women's health issues. That's a direct slap in the face for Hillary.

Kek maybe you should've seen some of the ravings of your fellow Trumlings this morning

>he'll weaken Hillary in the Dem. Primary!
>he'll steal Bernouts supporters!
>he'll destroy him and strengthen his republican cred!

And it turns out the truth of the matter is that he's actually afraid to debate this old commie jew. Top kek

If he wanted it to happen, it would've happened. He's a pussy, literally afraid of a frail old kike

its still helping out retarded feminists.

I was thinking it was a joke last night, but some of the reasoning other anons gave was pretty sound.

Do you have specific counter-arguments to each greentext line in your post? Even if Trump does not seriously want to debate a non-presidential candidate, those arguments still hold up.

Though I'm guessing you're not actually intelligent enough to come up with an argument and will just cower away by using some boilerplate insult, despite me not even being a Trump supporter.

What would Trump possibly stand to gain from that?

He's guaranteed the nom and Sanders won't get the nom, guaranteed


Keeping your word is pretty important in the west user.

>Sup Forums is one person.

>women's health issues
>Trump gives the money to a organization that helps out women who've been raped and abused.

rape isn't real you feminist cuck. its just sluts trying to ruin men's lives. and if you ask me, women could use a little more abuse.

>Not recognizing appealing to the female vote


women shouldn't even have the right to vote. Kind of hypocritical, don't you think?

Just posted.

I don't disagree that it would have been an okay, even good movie to debate Sanders. What I'm astonished and laughing at is how quickly Trump's supporters on here can do a 180, that he can do no wrong in their eyes. He was going to debate Sanders? Excellent move, mastery of politics! He's not going to do it anymore? Well it would have been a bad idea anyway/there's not enough time/he would have nothing to gain from it. It's ridiculous, Trump can do no wrong to these morons.

>Syrian refugees come to Canada
>Canada becomes a low-tier shitposting country


Fuck it, let's host the debate streaming on the Internet for overhead costs only.

>hes not a feminist must be a fedora

fuck off, tumblr.


The problem with this debate is that it can only be between Bernie and Trump. If Hillary demands to join, it would be a total fuck up.

It's true! This will be the largest debate in history


Are those not valid points though?
> Maybe they could. But if Bernie gets the nom then they debate anyway right?

Missed opportunity there senpai.

One step at a time friend