So Sup Forums, what is your opinion on the DREAM Act (acronym for Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors)?

Myth: The DREAM Act uses taxpayer dollars for scholarships and grants to undocumented students.

Fact: The DREAM Act states that undocumented youth adjusting to lawful permanent resident status are only eligible for federal student loans (which must be paid back), and federal work-study programs, where they must work for any benefit they receive. They are not eligible for federal grants, such as Pell Grants.

Myth: The DREAM Act allows undocumented students to pay cheaper tuition than citizens.

Fact: The DREAM Act gives states the option to offer in-state tuition to students registered under DREAM, but it does NOT guarantee cheaper tuition. At most, the DREAM Act allows undocumented students to access the same benefits as their peers. The DREAM Act allows undocumented students to access in-state tuition, but only if they would otherwise qualify for such tuition, and if state law permits undocumented students to receive in-state tuition.

No relief for Alien minors.

>Alien Minors

By allowing them access to school, they would be better educated and it would benefit the country.

I'm in the dream act. Been here since it turned 2000 and I'm more American than half the fuckers in this country. Everytime I see an America flag I feel a surge of happiness because I know my country would fuck any other country up. I also support Donald Trump. Probably the only illegal in America to.
I'm from Mexico and 20

Call me an uncle Tom I don't give a shit

Does't it eventually allow you to sponsor you parents for citizenship ?

Nope. It doesn't even make me legal. It only allows me to work and continue on to college.

Question , are you parents in the process of getting citizenship ?

That's so nice of you. You should build all the homeless in your community a house and buy their children school clothes and bikes.

Oh you want to use other peoples money.. Gotcha..

You heartless grinch.

Myth: The DREAM Act gives undocumented students and their families access to public benefits.

Fact: DREAM Act students receive no special benefits and are subject to the same public benefits eligibility requirements as other legal immigrants. This means that DREAM Act students and families are NOT immediately eligible for Supplemental Security Income, food stamps, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Medicaid (other than emergency care), and numerous other federal benefit programs. In general, a person must be here as a lawful permanent resident for five years before they receive non-emergency federal assistance.


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Illegal aliens should have literally 0 rights. It shouldn't even be legal for them to set foot in a school, and doing so should be grounds for a death penalty.

>I've become so numb!!!
You should probably leave this site until you are 18 years and older.

I would prefer to have educated immigrants here in America, they would feed back into the economy and it helps reduce them sucking off the governments teats in the long run. Maybe as payback they get to be punched in the gut once per year by a court appointed gutpuncher. Women would not be excluded.

I bet your lazy ass got grants and scholarships in schools because you're an illegal

fuck that i dont want some space jews coming down and stealing our precious metals.

Why do you put the interests of foreign nationals in front of the citizens of your own nation?