Is so they can raise 10-15 million dollars for women health issues charities. And Hillary doesn't get an invitation because she didn't wanna debate Sanders to begin with.
Absolute madman, HOLY FUCK.
Is so they can raise 10-15 million dollars for women health issues charities. And Hillary doesn't get an invitation because she didn't wanna debate Sanders to begin with.
Absolute madman, HOLY FUCK.
Post a link you cunt
I wish people would still wear these wigs. Style was better in the past.
Top Kek
“I’d love to debate Bernie, he’s a dream," Trump said to reporters Thursday in Bismarck, N.D. But, he added, the debate would not come cheap: “I’d love to debate Bernie, but they have to pay a lot of money for it." How much is a lot? "Something over $10 million," Trump responded.
>not a joke
He's gonna get all those berniefags on his side now, "Hey , womens charities, Maybe Donald isn't so bad!"
My heart, She Thumps, She Leaps!!!
Grow some balls, wear it if you want to wear it.
>literally making your opponents pay to get BTFO in front of millions
He's right. #Bringitback
I mean, it'll probably be the TV network paying for it.
Sanders camp says they've already been contacted by every single media outlet, trying to host.
They'll probably go with Fox, so Fox will have to put up the 10M (while making much, much more off the event)
Basically, Trump and Bernie both benefit from this being a WWE style wrassle.
In two weeks you'll be watching the news and there'll be a protest somewhere. So you're watching this and they switch to the field reporter. Suddenly a guy walks by wearing a white wig.
You'll be pissing yourself for weeks.
"man", more like nu-male
Massive PR victory for the God Emperor regardless of the debate outcome. The man really is playing 3D chess while everyone else is playing Tic-Tac-Toe
How cringeworthy can Hillary get?
But whats the point if im the only one?
>tfw they used a stock model
>most famously known for metro ads on Portland subways
>the ads are about syphilis
They are not nearly as good at meme warfare
Please tell me somebody here mocked this up to spread around, tell me it's not legitimately from her fucking campaign.
I'm going to wear Epaulette's to the next Trump rally.
To liberals, that is a "man's man."
Just want to point out that If you google "Portland syphilis", this guy is the second image result
>they couldn't actually find a male Hillary supporter who would be in an ad
>they didn't even reverse image search the guy
Fuck sake.
You being the only one would set the trend.
You have to do it right though and not look like an autistic fuck.
In today standerts everyone, who can grow a beard is considered a men.
Please be clear about something.
*Trump has spent decades looking AMAZING in front of cameras.
*Sanders is cucked whenever he's on stage.
I don't know if 3D chess cuts it. Trump is playing strategema.
>vote for me
>why? because am a woman
Do some retards really fall for this?
The event would "get high ratings" and "should be in a big arena somewhere," Trump said
last sentence got me
I bet you are qt fag show boipucci.
Which is worse--the spread of communist ideals that proliferate Portland, or the spread of syphilis that will lead to an untreatable form of super syphilis?
Yes, they're called leftists.
the madman, Trump is the best
>debate is going to be an hour of both Sanders and Trump agreeing on trade and bashing Hillary Clinton
she has only herself to blame
Powdered wigs: Alt Right fashion sweeping the nation's youth.
Implying someone would follow me. And how the fuck would i dont look autistic in pic related.
I'm slightly worried. Not because I think Sanders can actually outsmart or out-debate him, but confronting a desperate man is usually a risky move. Sanders has no path to the nomination, so he's just going to do whatever he can to boost the Democratic side at this point.
Bernie just posted.
>They are not nearly as good at meme warfare
I don't know if it could be called memetic warfare, what they're doing. More like 'female advertising majors volunteering for Hillary Clinton create jpgs - the graphic novel.'
my god this is real.
trump has single-handedly moved american elections to a new dimension.
kennedy-nixon introduced the televised debate, which changed everything.
trump has moved it a step forward.
This is going to be legendary.
uncommon at best
Oh fuck
Will they go to Beaver Stadium?
>Commie thinks he stands a chance
Oh God that would be great. Trump and Bernie patting each other on the back while slightly disagreeing. It would crush Hillary.
it's not that rare
Literally never even heard of your country. How does that make you feel?
>people on twitter unironically wanting TYT to host
The fuck? I thought even lefties hated those faggots
>You betterrr nnnot aaatttaacckkkkkk
That face looks so familiar... he reminds me of the fitness guy from that reality tv show with the fat woman who says she's healthy.
>Trump's meme magic totally BTFO's Sanders
he will probably die on stage
>they do it in an mma ring with no shits
>trump shows up on eating a powdered wig
Never date a woman with a bigger ass than yours. Hers is fucking huge, and it will only get bigger, what a nasty bitch
Trump is so fucking shrewd it's ridiculous. He makes seasoned politicians look like rank amateurs.
$10 million dollars sheeeit 10,000 bernouts only need to give $1,000 each to make this a reality
There's never a dull moment in this campaign. Jesus Christ.
>Never date a woman with a bigger ass than yours
What kind of sick logic is this? I'm not black, but come on.
who is that?
but most women have larger asses than men
#BLM, which is run by Hillary, will NEVER allow this debate to take place. Trump, and Bernie would have to do it in a secret location.
Cowboys Stadium, come get fucked hard you commie
Trump is going to tone down his attacks and make calculated strikes at Sander's message.
Namely, he is going to point out how the fuckhead will basically tank the economy trying to implement his ideas.
Your system and idea can be fantastic, but if you can't come up with a transition plan its basically useless.
>the Trump vs Bernie wrestling gif where he tackles Bernie has just become reality
loving every laugh. kek is real
Trump won't completely crush Sanders because he knows he still needs him.
The absolutely best outcome for the debate is being interrupted by BLM and prevented from occurring with violence and riots. It would make both candidates skyrocket in the polls.
Bernie is basically already out though.
#BLM interfering would split the democratic party and ensure a Trump presidency.
>Your system and idea can be fantastic
Will the savage Bernie supporters be able to coexist with the followers of the God King, or will they be extinguished by the sheer force of meme magic?
Yeah I honestly expect a very boring debate. Sanders isn't really into the overt mud flinging and Trump is interested in looking more official or presidential.
How can Hillary be so incompetent. She has to be a Trump plant.
>What kind of sick logic is this? I'm not black, but come on.
>but most women have larger asses than men
Her ass is twice the size of of her torso. Its disgustingly huge, and as she ages it will only get bigger
Sanders took it easy on Shillary to win the nomination, what incentive does he have to be civil to Trump? He knows that he's lost and this would be essentially a publicity stunt.
Bernie doesn't want anything close to that. Come on, he is a fucking socialist scum BUT there are also lots of elements of capitalism leftover in his idea of a country.
He thinks he is taking the best elements of both socialism and capitalism but would just quickly find out the ideas are incompatible.
But don't you see? Hillary can't do anything about directly or indirectly. Speaking out against the debate makes her look like she's against women (totally goes against her message). And getting thugs like Soros protesters or whatever makes the left look bad to the public. It's win-win.
Win-win for Trump that is.
The longer bernie is in the run the more he'll bleed Hillary.
Fuck, if it happens, his poll numbers go up and Bernie ends up taking the rest of the states, including california the democrats would have to go to convention.
I think the network will pay right?
Bernie is just giving Trump even more legitimacy
Trump is going to crash that debate and leave no survivors.
It's going to become the biggest brawl in history,
It's only a win for Trump, that's why Hillary will have to turn up the violence, and hope the media will blame Bernie and Trump for it.
It's going to be in California, idiot.
I hear that some courthouses in the world still utilize wigs.
#BLM interfering would be the perfect way to outline their criminality.
Trump polls very poorly with women
So this is basically Trump's plan to secure some of the woman vote
Trump sure knows how to lie to the right people at the right time, I'm glad he's on our side
I swear to god, Trump is playing everyone like a god dam fiddle. He came pretty much out of nowhere and punched his way in like a god dam sledgehammer through a porcelain vase.
There's no breaks on this train. Time to grab those bernie supporters, next stop, white house.
>The debate ends on a spectacular reveal:
>Trump announces Sanders as his VP
>Trump-Sanders goes third way and completely oblierate both dems and reps forever
A man can dream
that's a retarded dream
Consider supplementing testosterone, dude.
>Trump Nationalist
>Bernie Socialist
Some cuck would just shoot the Donald to get the cuck in office
You're a retarded dream