They are used for divide and conquer, they belong to Sup Forums, where a bunch of teenagers actually gather. The flags are not even accurate, people can use proxies anytime they want. All in favor should repost this daily. The whole idea behind anonymous imageboards is to focus on post quality, not identity. It is perfectly fine to use IDs withing threads, but country flags are wrong.
Take away the flags of Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
t. Literal ape
I got a banana here for you monkey
Nah, hate on european countries would rise.
Favela dweller gets mad the thread.
Fuck off nigger
No, fuck off faggot.
Money throws shit at people, more at 11.
No, they reveal niggers.
The dumb kind.
kike says "give shiksas less info waaaaa oooyyyy"
shut it down?
we may all be one race but many inbred supremacist cults want to divide the masses of humanity into simplistic groups to benefit their percieved "ethnicities" and "caste structures"
kikes call their redheaded offspring "bastard jews"
kikes ran the trade routes (including slave trade) and divided countless cultures with divide and conquer propaganda emotional manipulation provocateuring
kikes invent, suggest and promote racial divisions with their media and business power
what does the average working kike think about the concept that Hitler may have been a decendant of Rothschild and the same nazi thing the crypto triad claw murranos lined up in europe to justify the tanks rolling into palestine seems to be unfolding in america now?
westside triad claw?
maybe related to the triads like the chinese gangsters sheldon adelson and mitt romani and the koch bugeyed brothers hang out with...
kikefag says: "nothing wrong with jews please stop being mean to them"
tiredofthekikebullshitfag responds: they propogate and ofuscate an inbred supremacist ethnic cult... they defend khazar pharacees with silence and denialism... gazagas must be outed and phrenology human heraldry exposed or all jews will continue to risk being conflated with kikes...huffing emotional manipulations and half truths are not enough
Then use a proxy if you're so scared of being called out as the hue faggot you are
lol at all these paranoid posts about niggers trying to be whiter and get out of the hood... you think you can stop the "progress" of section 8 freeloaders no matter what color they are once the kikes decide to sell out a community and rent the spots they cant find ignorant shiksas to buy up at "bargain" prices... then once they install a few trailer parks next to your farm house and incite a few race riots and your mortgage is underwater, kikes simply refuse to extend your mortgage insurance, watch goyum familys go homeless, rent them a storage unit and apartment for the same price as their old mort gauge or real estate
then they buy that shitty farm house back for 10% at auction gentile PIEfaced proto indo european sucker... gods chosen, the real big schnozed ratfaced, bug eyed, butt chinned master race who invented the concept of inbred supremacism plays the suckers and uses their pride against them again.
all while you rent your house from a kike mort gauge company, after you are cleared for the usury bankster loan by a kike credit union...
so your kids can go to a "good" school where kikelings will peck all the gentile PIEfaces into cucked shiksas, sell them bolshevik dope and call the stupid toeheaded blondes and fat soulless gingers until they commit suicide physically, socially, economically or just mentally
hey but stay worried about those niggers like the preachy kike bignosed pharacees tell you too cause "moorish hamites are coming to get you and dont you dare blame the semites, stupid antisemetic shiksa trash, dont be a bigot or consider our antigentile propaganda bigoted, gentrification is ruining the world and niggers have every right to reclaim their city slums by force as long as cousin hymee sold all my stock in the block already"
>Reads post
>Looks at flag
Oh. The nigger is trying to feel at home. Sup Forums is a white christian board. Fuck off.
They really do have a lower IQ on average.
We need to get rid of the dead weight and you're not helping.
I'm not saying everyone on Sup Forums is smart but blacks have a tendancy to make things worse.
I like the flags. Lets me filter entire countries like Canada.
No one cares about your retarded filter, ruskie
insane user in this thread
I like your copypasta and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Can I give you my email here?
Fucking pussy, take it like a man and stfu
how will people know i'm by default better than them if they take flags away
We can tell who you are by your disgusting spelling and horrible bastardisation of our beautiful language
>calls a biscuit a cookie
>calls a scone a biscuit
>calls a streetcar a trolley
>calls a buggy a shopping cart
>calls an eavestrough a gutter
>calls a gutter a sewer grate
>calls a chesterfield a couch
>calls curtains a drape
>calls a bowler a derby
>calls a derby a blucher
>pronounces derby like DUUUUR BEEEE
I miss getting to pick a flag. I loved having the jolly roger :.(
Holy fuck Romania steps up.
Some of my best friends are Russians.
We beat the fuck out of the open super-gays here in Canada and drink various hard liquors and spar with each other.
Why would you do this to me Russia... Why?
You know what, fuck it. No more weed shipments.
I'd like flags and IDs on every board desu. (Except maybe Sup Forums because who really cares)
But how will I get rare flags if I don't post on Sup Forums?
Sup Forums spends all its time shitting on the US, there's no benefit for me to go there.
>Nationalist board
>Please get rid of flags