Albums where the 2nd half is better than the 1st

Albums where the 2nd half is better than the 1st


had to choose my first record


Album's first two tracks are probably the worst songs on the album

Okay but honestly every song on that album is incredible


The only song on the album that is good is the first song, sounds like Nick Drake with a synthesizer.

pls go

Nah, that's Radiohead. Their entire career has essentially been them trying to recreate Riverman.

Agreed, OP is blatantly being contrarian with this post.

>Cute Thing
>High to Death
>Famous Prophets (Minds)
>Twin Fantasy (Those Boys)

Is there a greater latter half of an album?

Challenging one, might have to do a think. If offbalanced, it's almost always top-heavy

"A Piece of the Sky" and "Apostate" really seal the deal for me here

Agree, "avatar" and "a piece of the sky" are my favorites in that album

Everything on disc2 is goat desu

>First half
I am listening to dadrock
>Second half


>insulting Paperhouse and Oh Yeah

This guy is right.
This guy fucking sucks.

>tfw you will never stumble through a parking lot high on acid with CAN as Damo searches for his black door carerra.

The difference is literally night & day.
That's part of the entire concept, actually.

>no sober to death
yeah nah

came here to post this



>first half has myrrhman, ascension day and after the flood
>second half has taphead, new grass and runeii
I couldn't decide desu

runeii is the worst track so first wins by default

actually its
>albums with just one good song on it

No it isnt be quiet