Hello friends, I want to fucking kill myself because of reasons...

Hello friends, I want to fucking kill myself because of reasons, I want something quick (don't care if it's painless or not) what do you recommend? be specific if you say poison or something.

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Jump of a tall bridge or skyscraper. They say you really die of a heart attack halfway down.

Sure you dont wanna give yourself a second chance? Post your reasons, please, we'll read.

corrosive acidic reflux is the only way.

‘What do you recommend’ you say that like we are like some suicide reviewers or something. Best way to die is old age btw

buy a shitload of apples and eat their seeds, theres cyanide in them, what are you waiting for? go get some apples and fucking kys

i really dont recommend that, there are a few bridgejumpers who survived, and every single one of them regretted jumping the moment there was no turning back. The "stay alive instinct" is just too strong. You will regret everything the time you fall, and it will be long and painful (mentally).

If you really wanted to die you could figure out a way. I can think of 5 ways to off myself right now just the top of my head.

So here have some attention

a very superficial reason would be "I fucked up a relationship that keeped me happy" as I said is very superficial, we had some brokes before, but this is for real man, and it's all my fault, she was a very damaged woman and I destroy her trust, to be honest I don't deserve forgiveness

I can't even think dude

Sabotage your own bungee jump.

That way people consider it an accident caused by you trying to live a little.

Don't do it moe

Use a book, a fork and a tomato

IFF you are serious then research the exit bag, and use it with nitrous oxide, or helium. I would go with nitrous oxide since it would make you high right before you pass out, best way to go IMO. Its 100% painless because you pass out long before death actually occurs. The only risk is if you don't follow directions, or someone discovers you before you go brain dead.

Dude, fuck it, you may have hurt somebody, it sucks but it happens, don't kill yourself, it's not worth it

You're welcome

get a car go straight in a bunch of people kill them or hurt them next you do is to shoot you in the face and thats it

Inert gas. Suffocate in

Heh... I did the same two years ago, losing a beloved friend and her friendship, love and, more importantly, trust. I know how you feel...

Then why don't you kill yourself too?

believe me, she was a very VERY rare kind of woman, at least nowadays, she wanted to have a family, a house and all that kind of stuff, she came from a broken family and she needed one, she saw the opportunity on me, but I screwed it, she found a conversation on my phone with another girl, I was talking shit about her, god damn, she defend me when people talked bat things about me, but I just keep saying shit about her, I'm unforgivable

You do know that you were just being played by her right? She has borderline personality disorder. And was actually doing something unfaithful behind your back when you weren't around because those certain "very damaged women" tend to be attention whores and she found someone better at it than you. And to make herself look innocent, she gets you to believe that you are at fault and that she isn't happy, without regards to your feelings because she is a selfish slut who is disloyal.

She's already moved on like the attention seeking vampire she is. Didn't she.

At the very least, take comfort in knowing that she will never be happily in a commited relationship. Because her happiness comes from the cost of the mans happiness. And in the end, she will continue to move from relationship to relationship.

TL;DR - Literally no reason to kill yourself over a thot.

If it means anything I did the exact same man. There was/is no other definition of love than what I have for her. I fucked up too. Tried so fucking hard to make it work. I really changed for her, I became a better person because of that stupid fucking mistake. But the damage was too much. She can't even think of me now without feeling disgusted. She even told me. I take some solace in this that she does appear happier now. I've cyber stalked her a little and she lost all her extra weight, which plagued her self esteem to where it was almost self destructive. She appears to be head over heels for someone else, like she was with me. She is finally getting all of the attention from guys, she would sometimes get jealous how guys would look past her because of her weight. She was beautiful in every sense to me, literally everything I ever wanted in a woman, I told her that every day. Now she finally has everyone else telling her how beautiful she is. I would move the stars for her. But she is gone now. She is so far away there is never any chance of us bumping into each other. Never randomly having a friend of a friend that we somehow connect through. She is just gone, forever. She might as well be dead. To be honest I kind of put it in my head that the short chubby beautiful woman, that I imagined my entire future with did die. There is someone out there with her name that kind of looks like her, but the woman I loves is gone and dead.

attention seeking fucking brat. Put a gun to your head and act like a man for the first time in your miserable existence.

Dude don’t fucking do it

How do you know she had BPD? Not OP. I am the OP of the long ass story a post or two above this. The chick I was with had BPD.

sacred shit, this is the fifth suicide thread today.

If you die because of that, she will know it and feel guilty all her life.

Look, everyone makes mistakes, but you have to live with them, learn from them and improve, don't take the easy way out, maybe you'll even be able to get her back, there's always a chance


Meh, you would be amazed at how someone could not think of that. I mean, yeah for a bit they may blame themself, but in the end they get over it, and actually may end up hating you for it. When I tried to hang myself my ex didn't really care. The only reason I'm alive is because my fatass broke the bar I hung myself on. She never tried to stop me or call to try and help me when I sent her a message in tears that I was going to do it.

I know her and I had evidence that proved that "the whore attention thot" is wrong, I knew a lot of people because of her and almost all told me the same about her, but the borderline personality would explain a lot of things she did; but believe me, a lot of arguments she told me where true as hell, something like "I love you, but you are not what I need, and you knew my needs" before we broke she said that in other words, but in that point I knew her love was dying slowly

Dude, you don't know shit. You can never step in the same river twice. That bitch moved on just like everyone else's bitch that broke their heart and carried on like nothing happened. Holding onto hopes like that only drag on your emotions. Rip the band aid off now OP. Don't hold out hope. Your only chance of survival is to overcome this. Become better because of this hurt. Don't be like me and drink the emotions away because a year later you would have gone nowhere with emotions and hurt still on your mind. Source: my fucking life

Go find a pimp/crack dealer/human trafficker and take him out on your way out.

oldie but goodie

when I was on my way to the woods to kill my self I though on that, that kinda stops me

fuck off dude, guns are not that easy to have outside USA, I have heavy machine bullets but it would get in trouble several people if police find it

as everyone else, I'm getting older, I got the tipical life of a looser who doesn't find girls that easy, that was my longest/best/worst relationship, she said she was weathered, and I'm affraid that's true, she looked younger than me when I knew her (despite she is like 5 years older) and now she actually looks older, she believe I was something else, someone good, that makes me double my sadness


Please read and follow this article. If by the end of doing these things you still feel like all hope is lost then you by all means have the right to do it.

Good point. Chuckled

Me I've planned out my suicide. Here in Indy there's this center of the city that's a big circle and a war monument in the center of the circle with a bunch of stairs

So I would sit down on those stairs with a megaphone and shout shit at everyone around there, just things that I've learned that are truths. An attempt to wake people up ya know. I'd have with me a edgelord from b to record for later upload to internet. This will go viral getting my scrambled message out. I'm wearing like a hooded robe and I then drench myself in kerosene and poof im ablaze.

In the vid description I have links to videos and books to help someone get into the head space I was in for their benefit. Money from vid goes to family,not much but eh. I think that's where active shooters come from really they are just to pussy to go out the real man's way.

i honestly dont know why youre still here... just tie a shoe string around your neck and cut off circulation to your brain but not tight enough to stop your breathing. lay down in bed and start breathing in heavy its real easy

sounds like a fantasy that will never come true tbh
if someone really wanted to die they'd alredy be dead

Oh yea for sure my man. Uh I could but I have a suspicion that life would jus start over again. the only thing keeping from it is that I believe there's something after this and it would be more of the same unless I figure something out first.

Life is beautifully contradictory.

I don't think it's easy personally, I mean death is the ultimate fear

Also you wanna off yourself that's your decision as a free being and I don't think it's so bad. I mean a society with people walking around who wanna die is worse really.

This got to be the most stupid reason for someone to kill himself. Just leave the past behind an go on with your fucking live, dipshit

i believe that every soul on earth will live again and again, that you on the inside, gets a new body, new family and a clean slate for making memories. We've communicated like this in a past life and will meet again in the next... hopefully under better circumstances


Well I don't necessarily agree but cant disagree. However I don't think the circumstances matter, like if you were born rich or pretty you'd just have different problems. Even the Buddhist have some understanding of life being suffering.

As for the part about family, sometimes I think wat if there's not many souls or whatever and the world is the same group of friends playing at life over and over simultaneously? Or even truer what if gods just bored and plays different roles, lol which would mean life is just god masturbating for eternity

Rush the Oval office and take one for the team.

Fuck quick pussy, how about you fucking commit. since you cant commit to living your goddamn life.

Take a razor
walk into a field
Slit your wrist, down the street not across