Are we ever going to be a first world country? Why not?
Are we ever going to be a first world country? Why not?
Only when the south secedes. Then Southern Brazil will be a paradise, while northen Brazil will become india 2.0
Because of mortadelas, such as yourself, who keep electing economic illiterate leftists as our presidents
I voted for Aécio, friend. Also the elections are always rigged anyways, not like it matters
Brazil e' merda.
>first world country
too many niggers
Maybe in a decade or two because Brazilians don't have many children now.
gauchos are all cuckolds anyway, good riddence you horse fucker piece of shit.
Can we just nuke South America? What a colossal failure that little experiment was. Way to go Spain and Portugal, you ruined an entire continent.
t. flat-headed northwesterner
you need to drive to the west coast and take over all those shit countries, just like we did
>Implying you will let al that venezuelan oil burn with it.
t. AIDS carrier paulista
>Defending the destruction of an entire continent with the little bit of oil that a failing, communist state has
Your continent is only a slight improvement over Africa. Venezuela has economically nuked itself already, so it's a start.
>firstworld country
You guys are a colony of Africa at this point
Brasil will never be first world because of compulsory voting.
all the poor niggers HAVE to vote and they will always outnumber the rich whites. especially because the politicians that win keep them poor + gibsmedats.
Independência ou morte > Ordem e progresso
Praise the Empire.
you're not welcome here senpai
Genetic limitations.
Tropical diseases.
this guy get's it.
You'll always be trapped where you are without a revolution. Arm the miscreants in the favellas and tell them they can do as they wish to the wealthy. That's the first step of many that will never happen.
You also need to kick foreign mining, fracking, farming, deforestation, and military out of your company. Just in sugar cane and fruit alone Brazil could pull itself from bankruptcy.
Stop hosting international events if you can't afford it. The world cup bankrupted Brazil and the Olympics will only aide the already wealthy to get wealthier. It tra slates $0 to the average person outside of small business owners... which is a temporary stimulus. Giving poor people a large chunk of money always ends up in trouble or frivolous spending.
You're also letting all your skilled people leave to work abroad. A good system for people with advanced degrees is that they MUST work a minimum of 10 years in Brazil after certificates/diplomas are issued. This will ensure a more stable workforce and stimulate the festering STEM markets, medical fields and maths industries.
Stop trading with my country. Only sugar and fruit. We're absolutely raping you of every natural resources you own and you think you're getting the better end of the deal.
No, never. It's because your country is filled with third world niggers called "Brazilians."
No. Because of people like you.