Walk into your bedroom

>Walk into your bedroom
>You find Cara Delevingne standing there
Wat do?

Ask her who she is

turn 360 degrees and walk away

Call harvy to tell him to come get his bitch.

wonder why the fuck Ronald McDonald is in my room

Add an l

shoot the thing in the head, then proceed fucking the dead corpse, until it starts to rot, then eat it

Start mocking her shitty quotes from Non-Stop-Pop FM.

tell her to leave and only come back after removing the paint and the primer.

So you'd walk into her again - go back to math class you dumbass.....

i would ruin her pussy

Ask her to lick her armpit & a.hole

shave her mustache

>Cara Delevingne


obviously kill her before waxing her eyebrows out and raping her

sexy time then sue her because I contracted herpes from her


Make sure she's had her eggs and escort her home

>being this new


Tell her about this time I saw a Sup Forums post about this exact situation.

Check for a penis


Do a 360 and club her with a 2x4
