It’s cannabutter time, boys and girls

It’s cannabutter time, boys and girls.


kill yourself you boring faggot


What kinda butter are you using?

tell the recipe you use or stfu, dopehead.

Too much butter. bho in coconut oil is where it's at

Love me some Lurpak

>TFW Nobody on Sup Forums knows how to make decently potent cannabutter

Your first mistake is using fucking butter. It's 20% saturated fat. THC binds to saturated fats. By using butter you're wasting 80% of the bioavailable THC.

Fucking new age stoner faggots lmao

What is best? Coconut oil? Seeing your enemies driven before you and hearing the lamentations of their women?

Bound or not the body will still scoop that shit up you dumb cuck. Only thing that matters is that you heat it enough that the oh-thc converts to thc.

Who cares, weed is for shitbag hippies. Have fun getting high and doing nothing.

Ever tried frying with it?

Extra virgin coconut oil is 80% saturated fat, 4x stronger than regular butter

Wrong. Binding the decarboxylated THC to a saturated fat is what causes the effects to be stronger. Failing to do so will result in less potent product. By your logic, you could just heat up the week in the microwave and eat it straight and get fucked up, but in reality you can't. Wanna know why? Because you have to decarboxylate the THC, bind it to a saturated fat, and THEN ingest it for the hepatic route metabolization to occur.


NOOO that’s not even real butter!

Are you stupid! The THC is activated by the fat!

I love rubbing coconut oil into my pussy

What is the first time smoking / trying weed like? Id like to try it with boyfriend

What are your thoughts and experiences with vaped bud?

Have fun being up tight and angry all the time

Never use a microwave. Coconut melts in your hands or in jar in hot water

Pretty tasty

Im telling you that yes, it doesn't fuckin matter if it's dissolved in oil or not. As long as you decarb. Take a look at the pharma THC pills, do they fuckin ship with a stick of butter? No they don't. Why? Since they dont get their information from dumb stoner niggers like you


Depends on the strain of weed. Do not smoke a bunch your first time. Take 1 light hit, wait 5 minutes to see what the effects are.

This guy knows whats up. Just google it dumbasses. Coconut oil does WAY better.

What about hemp oil? it's not. THC is considered "activated" when it has been decarboxylated and bound to a saturated fat.

You can use vaped bud in edibles, just skip the decarboxylation step as vaping it does this already.


I didn't say it has to be dissolved in oil. I said the THC has to be bound to a saturated fat for the hepatic route metabolization (edible effect) to occur. Otherwise you're not ingesting bio-available decarboxylated THC, you fucking idiot. Do you not understand biochemistry?

If it isn't bound to the fat then you have to eat the weed that has been decarboxylated...


If this post gets more than 10 replies I will provide a recipe for the most potent cannabutter scientifically possible

Source: I am a biochemist who works with cannabis edibles in a laboratory setting professionally

too much butter, too little weed



How to make DMT omelette?

where did you find this picture??!!

i'd make cannabutter if i didnt live with other people

At least 9 more people need to be interested for me to feel incentivised enough to violate the NDA I signed

anyone know where to get cannabutter online? if not where do you get it irl

Who the fuck cares you moron I can gram a gram of oil in a small amount of butter so what the hell is your point

show me the butter

you fucking make it

ITT People who smoke trash and act mad and like they're too good for weed but want to steal your tech

I'm in

>you moron I can gram a gram of oil in a small amount of butter so what the hell is your point
can you take the cock out of your mouth and try saying that again please?

I don't understand that sentence

Eric? That you man?

I would like to know your technique, Mr. biochemist who works with cannabis edibles in a laboratory setting professionally

Using salted butted like a newfag.

i'm sure your coconut oil tastes like saturated neem and avid

Pick one or the other faget

ok, I'll bite

You literally just crush/grind 3 or 4 nugs, simmer some butter and mix the shit, let the stuff settle. The canaboids bond with the amino acids in the butter. Mix the produced mixture with whatever a regular recipe calls for, i usually use half my weed butter, and half regular so I’m not overwhelmed by the taste of pot. Boom edibles

You can decarb after infusing.


I’ve had deep fried thc butter

>implyign you're not all fucking up by starting with weed and not hash oil

there is no magic tech it's a joke. you extracting an oil into another oily medium. that's it. anyone who says anything otherwise sucks nigger cock on a regular basis.

I would think commercial edibles would go with oil rather than butter.

This thread is going to die before 10 people reply so please share some knowledge before it is too late

fuck off its not hard to make edible. Just put lecithin when you mix the weed with the butter/oil and dont forget to decarb.

30 min decarb at 200 (really this depends on your weed)
45 min in oven with oil at 230
Freeze in freezer
Thaw it mix the weed press on the weed in the oil
45 min at 230
Freeze in freezer mix again
Strain if you want to tada you weed butter/oil is ready.

If you want your oil to have more cbn (more groggy sleepy feeling) just do one or 2 more cycles.

Edible are pretty simple

the only tech is for idiots who leech a ton of chlorophyll and plant matter in the final solution and give you a product that makes your farts smell like an old vape for days and not using pure shit like most people do to make it.

Brutal dubs chek'd and kek'd.

Okay, I'll give you the rundown.

> grind buds finely
> heat to 250 F in airtight oven for 30 minutes
> heat coconut oil to 220 F
> add decarboxylated weed to oil
> heat for 20 minutes
> strain weed
> ta-da

I'm more interested in making tinctures. If I want to eat a brownie, I'll eat a brownie. If I want to get high, I don't necessarily want to have to have a snack!

this is dumb, you're vaping/cooking out a lot of THC before you put it into the coconut oil. that's why your kitchen stinks

why not just grind the weed, then add it to the oil, then heat the oil to 220 degrees?


you need at least an hour for full decarbing

Stop same fagging. Also u cant make brownies or cookies with coconut oil retard. Or do you just slurp up coconut oil(fat) u fat fuck?

Because what is butter duh

go on

There's 3 ways to do a tincture Glycerin/Alcohol/Oil/
It's the same principale infuse the thc with the solvent by heat or time. You can just make cannabis coconut oil and eat it. People do brownies because they're tasty and it's a staple in the dudeweed culture. If you don't want to wait then just drop a glycerin or alcohol tincture under your tongue.

This guy gets it.

>he isnt using a slow cooker over 4 days


I want to know



>cant make brownies or cookies with coconut oil retard

yes you can?

wtf is wrong with you idiots? See

Also have insane amounts of weed and good/cheap weed to buy ready available in CA, I don't have to ration like your pleb ass probably has to. Stop attempting to seem smart because you were able to use google. Also everyone i know that smokes or makes budder are already aware of what you previously remarked.

If you don't decarb the weed your oil will be less potent (thca vs thc stuff google this). You can still decarb into the oil and wait till the bubble rising at the surface stop but it takes a long time if you do it into the oil and more of your material will be converted to cbn which gives that couchlocked groggy feeling.

ITT: some guy trying to make people waste their hard won weed by cooking off the terps and a buncha cannabinoids

chill out man

You can make brownies with oil. Your oil just need to be more concentrated if you want to make a brownie pan without breaking the calories counter.

I make brownies all the time with coconut oil and they are great. Don't go around just making shit up, user. You make yourself look stupid.

Soz dude out of brownies : (

Recipe pls

That temp seems a little high. Other recipes I read were very specific about not getting above 245F. How do you know when you are getting the max amount of THC by going to 250F?

Oiled up pussy or GTFO

Protip: He doesn't.

Dude thc doesn't burn off till like 360. You're fine.

Now that I think about it, the temp was max decarb at 241-242F, do not exceed 243F because something chemistry science shit.

Nope, I'm a dumbass. Here's the chart I was referring to.

make cannabis oil/shatter. add that to your baked goods

This is the shittiest recipe ive seen. 20 minute is not long enough to extract all the thc. You'd be wasting a good chunk of your weed with this method.

OK here's how to make cannabutter:

>Half ounce of bud ground into a powder
>Pound of unsalted butter
>Heat a large pot of water to a boil then reduce to a simmer
>Add all the butter until melted
>Add the bud and keep stirring gently
>Let simmer for 20 minutes and keep stirring
>Take the pot off the heat and let the bud fall to the bottom of the pot
>Do NOT stir at this point let the butter float and the bud sink
>Place in the fridge overnight
>There will be a thick layer of green butter congealed floating on the water
>Carefully remove the butter later with a spatula (fingers will melt it) and place it in a container and put back in fridge
>Throw away water and used bud

That's it. The heat from boiling activates the THC. You can spread the butter on toast or even better make cookies. I've had friends lose their minds after eating one cookie made with my cannibutter. You're welcome.

You know this graph is bullshit right. Decarb time depends a lot about your weed. The time change depending on the age and the humidity of your bud.

Hey I'm not the expert. I was just sharing something I saw. Every experiment has variable that skew results. I found it here with an article if anyone wants to see it.
cannabischris dot com slash 2012/10 slash decarboxylation-of-cannabis

I don't know if the guy knows shit, just an interesting read.

The only thing water does is make it easier to scoop the butter out of the bowl and make you lose more of your goods when handling it. 20 minutes and overnight is also not enough to infuse all the weed to the butter, you're just wasting a big part of your weed.