Kebab here

Kebab here

I'm guy who lives in Turkey and planning to send a letter that contains talcum powder and the note below to the Embassy of the United States.


Btw i dont have any Turkish roots and not even Muslim either, so any assaults like "Fuck muhammed" or "Remove kebab" will be futile.

The question is; how can i wriggle out such joke without getting a bullet in the head or spend 10 years in jail?

lying faggot, Sup Forums is banned in turkey

You dumb fuck Sup Forums is banned in turkey not even vpn can get through

In home yes i cant post anything to Sup Forums yet in university campus i can -probably its because im using eduroam here

lmao what a dork

haha fucking dork lmao

>The question is; how can i wriggle out such joke without getting a bullet in the head or spend 10 years in jail?
Don't leave any fingerprints. Don't leave any DNA. Put random mans hair into the letter.

you will be dronestriked so dont bother worrying about jailtime ...

also all letters go trough radiation treatment and are scanned with xrays so they will find the powder long before opening and since its not shielded they wont shit their pants as any assumed biological warfare agents would have been neutralized by the radiation.

Here, only proper way i could find to prove my words. I only covered up the exact coordinates for my safety

>without getting a bullet in the head or spend 10 years in jail?
But that's the funny part

Even joking about something like this will get you in trouble. I know a guy who got drunk and has send a letter to the white house, saying he's gonna hurt Bush who was the president at the time. A few days later they came for him and his still in jail to this day.

so now you have given the american authorities your location , a sample of your handwriting and a written account of your plan .

let that sink in before reevaluating the question of " how to get away with it" ...

first of all Allah doesnt exist and virgins are pleasures of the flesh not when you are dead and no body to fuck. smarten up mudslims

I dont think they will send a fucking drone for a lowlife like me but the second part, x-ray and radiation... fuck, what a disappointment

well i also gave them the information thats completely a joke
and the coordinates only saying i live in ankara not really so spesific

and also sex is basically to reproduce, i dont think we'll need to breed in heaven

boy i hope you are sitting behind 7 proxies because otherwise they know a lot more than just your city

so why they love to get 70 virgins in heaven? so they can provide you what? food? hotel style service lol i dont get it.
if allah is real then all other civilization is in sin. if christianity is real all other religions are sining.
whats the only good religion is Believing is your self and what makes you happy and other happy. thats key for evolution not some god that doesnt interviene.

God you’re a hapless, drooling retard for even entertaining these thoughts. I love you for it. Please do it and post results.

fucking deserved it
bush jr was the most ridiculous pres ever
i still laugh at the bush jr meme compilations on jewtube

nah dont listen to all these people
do it for the memes

dubs of truth

nice nons user