In Austria they still use mail-in votes. Only the elderly who are bed-ridden or those shut ins use them. Today it's incredibly easy to tamper mail votes because they just have to be intercepted and modified. If you've ever opened a letter with a hot iron you know what I mean. Previously, for the last 20 years, only about 2-4% of all votes have come from mail in. This year it has gone up to over 12%, the numbers aren't exact as of yet.The organisation in charge of the vote count for the mail in is ANTIFA Austria. They were formed about a decade ago in response to a perceived "uptick in discrimination and hate crimes".ANTIFA has their HQ so to speak in Germany and they have been the #1 opponents to refugee intake limitations. They are violent people who attack AfD protesters and other like minded folk. They are not communist, or even Marxist, but what could be called as globalist.Their end game is to see the destruction of borders in Europe, and this has been stated by their leaders.
This is the same end game as George Soros, a Jewish businessman who (long story short) funded both sides of the Yugoslav Wars, funds many puppet organisations around the world that target the concepts of nationalism, tradition, separate masculinity and femininity, and many others I can't possibly all list. George Soros is one of the chief funders of ANTIFA and has a high leadership position within. In addition to funding the home attack, Soros also funds the smuggling of refugees into Europe. Basically a fucking twisted man who is NWO if I've ever seen it. So, let's recap. A subversive "anti fascist" organization, who is funded by a man who has made it his life goal to change the world in his own twisted way, is in charge of counting the votes in a major European election.For some odd reason that has yet to be adequately explained, ANTIFA Austria was chosen to count the mail in votes. Now you can see the opportunity offered here to these people. A virtually untraceable way of changing an election to their favourable outcome. It's as simple as changing the choice on the ballot to the other candidate.
>democratic elections
>your candidate lose
>durr its fraud
Unfortunately for the ANTIFA, there weren't enough mail in votes to swing the election. Van Bellen of the Green Party (a watered down version of the CCCP) was their preferred candidate. He only had 48% of the vote. The other candidate, Höfer of the Freedom Party had 52% of the vote. A candidate in Austria only needs 50.1% of the vote to win. So with only 2.1% more votes needed to win, it seems the ANTIFA and everyone working with them thought it to be a small matter to "edge" the vote count so to speak.It now seems that the idea of fabricating votes came into being. With only 3% of the total vote being mail in, it was enough to swing the election, but it would look suspicious if all those people voted for the same guy. ANTIFA, and the groups working with them, created a scheme to make up fake votes that overall favoured Van Bellen while still having some for Höfer so as to create the illusion of balance.This created the situation where Linz and other towns and cities in Austria reported a voter turnout of over 100%. People who didn't even exist voted. Van Bellen won, but there is a great outcry for a recount. He cannot cement his power until the results are final.
Austria has previously been part of the anti-EU, anti-refugee, anti-globalist pact of nations. The most prominent members are Poland, Czechia, Romania, the UK, Hungary as well as Austria. Austria is the most important economically and strategically to mainland Europe out of this group. More on that later, it's important. The other pact is pro-Eu, pro-globalism, pro-refugees. These nations are France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, and led by Germany. The lines between these two pacts are geographical as well as ideological. They all belong to the EU. Of course it is the wish of those pro-EU nations to see it continue on. Germany in particular is desperate to hold its power over Europe. Over the past few years, alt-right sentiment has grown to the point where we now have a full scale nationalism vs globalism schism in Europe. So what can the nations of the Western Pact (my own term) do? Flaunt their power.
Why is a leaf taking interest?
Days before the Austrian election, the director of the unelected EU executive branch stated that any countries that have "far-right" (aka anti-EU, anti-globalist, anti-refugee) governments will have their trading and voting rights stripped from them. They would still be a part of the EU, though they would be forced to stay because they could not even forward a motion to withdraw. They would be vassal states, slowly starving out due to the near complete block of trade. Poland is already experiencing this. This was a political card to play to push the people of Austria to not vote for Höfer, the big bad nazi!!! See, it's all fine and good when Poland, Czechia and Hungary hate you. They are only slightly relevant east Europe countries. If Austria were to join the Eastern Pact however, that would be the trigger for larger events, which could possibly culminate in the Brexit. In the event of a Brexit, the European Union would have a total collapse, rendering all globalist plans in Europe invalid and permanently blocking the road to single nation integration for all time. Nothing besides a world war would put Europe back into the state where an overarching government could be created.
The purpose to swing this election is clear. It was to prevent the success of the opening moves of the nationalists. If that could be stopped, then this new law regarding "far right" governments would have time to work and would prevent any real resistance.
Now watch this thread get slid faster than shit out of an Indian.
>ANTIFA e.v.
you are an idiot
More than any other event, this election fraud shows the plan at large.
I concur. I really hope something will come of it. If not Hofer becoming president than at the very least right wing winning and Austria and perhaps Hofer becoming Chancellor.
Godspeed Austria, bring back proofs and data and red flags so other countries can learn. Have a bump
I do wonder about one thing: how can one explain to others the degeneracy and ugliness that is the left nowadays? These elections are a great example that when the left feels it's loosing it breaks any and all laws because it feels their goals excuse it. How do you talk about it with blue pilled people?
Doesn't look like Hofer would become chancellor. I don't expect Strache to give that to him. He's been leading the party for like 11 years now and it grew big again in his hands. He won't let anyone take that chance from him even though the party would most likely gain even more votes with Hofer at the top.
My fellow Austrians.
You know what this means....
Start. A coupe.
I've found that you really can't. Only talk about it with people who have started on the journey towards knowledge (as gay as that sounds)
>I don't expect Strache to give that to him
they play a different game
Strache is making claims of fraud and corruption
Hofer is the nice guy
Kickl is getting the word around
i don't think there's a chance Hofer would take party leadership. Don't forget that the current FPÖ high-ups already survived and remember the last split-up.
the most disturbing thing atm is the claim about people voting twice using mail-votes and voting-booths.
RT german
We are in opposition now. This has some advantages. In the next years much damage might be done to this country. All of this will be on the leftist government. They will become the focal point of hate. I wonder how many Austrians will regret voting for the 'lesser evil' when things turn bad. I won't let them get off easily.
I've spun quite the dystopian series of events in this thread with the bits of info that have come out about the election but it seems that quite a bit of damage control is going on. Can you possibly point me in the right direction to good sources on this?
>Strache is making claims of fraud and corruption
>Hofer is the nice guy
>Kickl is getting the word around
>the most disturbing thing atm is the claim about people voting twice using mail-votes and voting-booths.
That's how I see it as well. Postal votes in Vienna might be a topic in the ZiB news in 3 minutes. Regardless, Hofer is the one who actually needs to call for reelections and recounts and he already openly admitted his defeat openly. Let's see what the future brings, I'm not expecting much.
Is echt a riesen scheißdreck. Hät's euch und uns gegönnt. Hier sind noch zu viele im Elfenbeinturm.
Wahlanfechtung bis 8. Juni möglich!!
so on 8 of June we WILL know if it`s over or *HAPPENING*
>Regardless, Hofer is the one who actually needs to call for reelections
that would be HC Strache
>Der Zustellungsbevollmächtigte ist der Ansprechpartner für die Wahlbehörde - und auch jene Person, die laut Gesetz bei Einreichung des Wahlvorschlages den Kostenbeitrag von 3.600 Euro "in bar zu erlegen" bzw. den Zahlungsbeleg vorzulegen hat. Außerdem kann nicht der Kandidat selbst, sondern nur der zustellungsbevollmächtigte Vertreter eine Nachzählung verlangen oder die Wahl beim VfGH anfechten.
>Can you possibly point me in the right direction to good sources on this?
its only rumors atm
court action will have to wait to June 1st. until then the party has time to decide
Simply put, no country should allow mail votes.
Here in britbong we even have a system for voting by appointed proxy, so the mail vote is just there for fraud.
In our more 'enriched' areas, mail votes are the primary way people vote, and by miracle, even the dead and the non-existent seem to be able to vote, given the lack of checks on who is voting from which household.
Austrians, you need to demand a recount and even a cursory check on whether people are voting twice or the recently deceased are casting their votes.
Oh, okay then. It would be amazing if something were to come of this, but my hope is slim. All we can do for now is spread awareness and wait for the 1st-8th of June.
>even a cursory check on whether people are voting twice or the recently deceased are casting their vote
undemokratisches Verhalten
HETZE! :^)
but seriously: all other parties (which represent 75% of the parliament) are in favor of this outcome). without the constitutional court there won't be much of hard change.
What happens from the 1st to the 8th?
it's the deadline to call in the constitutional court for evaluation of the claims.
>8th of June
last chance for happening
Oh shit well I hope there is a claim
Fuck off spurdo