These gooks are red-pilled as fuck!
These gooks are red-pilled as fuck!
pastebin where?
Chinese are shitskins
Their lives worth less than nigger lives by the single fact there are two billion of them
Take your chinkery out of my board
Why are chinks so racist? They are even worse than Black people. At least Blacks have contributed something to Humanity. Chinks are just a bunch of soulless shit
Only whites can be racist.
Also the chinese and all the other asians don't give a shit about this white guilt bullshit
You are just mad that chinese immigrants assimilate and that you beaners dont bother.
How does this make them redpilled, exactly? Or do you just like throwing around words you don't know the meaning of?
Wasn't there an Italian commercial that was the EXACT opposite?
>shitskin calling piss-skins shitskin
Build wall Enrique
funny how no one wrote articles about the original cuck-core cuck italcuck cuckad
antisocial deviants sure love their pet nigs
This is China's secret. They don't have so many chinks because of breeding or anything like that. They have powerful detergents that turn niggers into chinks. Ancient Chinese secret indeed.
Nice try NYP, but we all know reverse racism isn't real. Only whites can be racist.
>only whites can be racist!
>the chinese are racist!
>They are even worse than Black people. At least Blacks have contributed something to Humanity.
Wot? The contribute to a huge amount of crime, if that's what you mean.
>it turns out that racism isn't something that occurs only in the US
Somebody with a career in journalism unironically wrote those words.
>At least Blacks have contributed something to Humanity. Chinks are just a bunch of soulless shit
Congrats, you're retarded.
>it turns out racism isn't something that occurs only in the US
These people need to watch Empire of Dust. Whites are likely the least racist group in the world.
>it turns out that racism isn't something that occurs only in the US
No fucking shit you sheltered piece of shit.
well there's an italian one which does the opposite, but thats a-ok of course
>it starts pretty normal
>mixed couple
jesus fucking christ burn all liberals fatfucks.
What the fuck are you going on about? Blacks have not contributed anything other than evolve into humans.
Tbh is this really racist or red-pilled?
It more looks like a cuck fetish for asian housewives.
They put the idea of fucking an (attractive) black man into their heads.
It's like BLACKED for asians.
This some top tier b8.
Sauce please, what has black people contributed?
> Dr Anthony Napoleon
Whu.. what ?
There's actually nice reddit thread about this topic where they do gymnastics to justify the italian add, but condemn the chinese one. It's worth a read if you want to contract a cancer.
>why the Chinese stay Chinese
oh lawdy
Yet they have done more in history and been more successful than Mexico. A nation of Spanish rape babies who chimp out at some orange dudes rallies.
kys cuck
yeah, gunpowder was farted out of Samuel Colt's ass.
The entire human species
Peanut Butter
Civil Rights
Black Twitter Memes
I was just thinking about this
This is an exact gook mirror of that Italian BBC laundry ad
Shut the fuck up, you are making us look bad
LOL you are mexican!
That means all of the groups you mentioned are actually superior to you even American niggers.
Stop breathing.
Okay meximan
I brought a lot of these tubes back from Taiwan and gave them to my liberal friends as souvenirs.
Kek, ethnically cleansed.
Um no you "look" bad because you are bad!
You fucking suck.
It's just a joke, you think he's a black guy with some white stains when in reality he's an Asian man covered in black stains
I fucking busted a gut during that commercial. I'm not even offended.
>Chinese are shitskins
What's with shitskins calling shitskins shitskins around here.
This some sort of roleplay board where everyone is some aryan god?
You're just pissy cuz we're borrowing their wall idea. Better be ready to make our wall, amigo.
Why would you be offended? Do I smell chicken?
Yes. I'm half-black.
>nobody likes niggers
>its everybody else's fault
>not the only constant
I'm sorry. Is there a cure?
It looks like there is.
It's shown in the video
>The entire human species
They made humans?
Seems unlikely considering the smell like shit.
Semitic/Levantine/Assaryians/middle east in general =/= Africa
>Peanut Butter
Picking it and making something useful out of it are two different things.
>Civil Rights
And now blacks today want safe spaces from whites... almost like a separate but equal facility...
To what?
Just because they believe in voodoo doesn't make it real.
>Black Twitter Memes
I don't know how to respond to that.
If only more blacks were like you.
Only niggers get offended by that kind of comical gold
>Female Asian/Black Male
As normal as you can get according to them.
Did they force the black guy into the commercial? Is the black guy complicit in the racism as well?
>Blacks have not contributed anything other than evolve into humans
blacks =/= humans finbro
I'm really not offended easily, much less so if it's funny. The commercial didn't even imply there was anything wrong with black people; it's just a bit insensitive. It's not like i care what some Chinese guys think of me anyways.
why Chinese gotta steal everything?
mexican calling gook shitskin lol man you really dont get it
The sophisticated art of carjacking you when you're stopped at an intersection.
The Chinese steal it and do it 10x better. Go China!
I was thinking of that. There actually were a few old bleach commercials that showed black people bleaching themselves to become white.
Darkie Toothpaste?
>This commercial starts normal
>With a nigger flirting with a human being
I wouldn't go that far, Ching Chang
>Is the black guy complicit in the racism as well?
He obviously thought it was okay. I don't see why anyone is making a big deal over it. It's Chinese soap; does anyone really care anyway?
In Greece there's a saying "If you wash the nigger you're wasting your soap" meaning don't put effort into impossible things
>based chinks
>white ""people""
From what I've heard they was kangz, and shit.
>contributed something to Humanity
>chinks have not done this
toppest kek
Whites get shit on in our media ALL THE TIME in ways that are way worse than this.
I thought only white people can be racist?
Be careful, some white supremacists around here probably actually believe that any and all "innovations" were entirely the white man's, without any hint of irony or self-awareness.
IKR. This really isn't a big deal. It's not even racist if you look at it; it's just a joke about how black people look.
They stole the idea from Italy
This is why I sometimes admire chinks, they hate everybody and openly show it.
>It turns out racism isn't something that only occurs in the U.S
someone actually wrote that line.
Is it not comical how low iq they are?
Everyday these shit latrinos love running their mouths proudly even when they look like fucking idiots.
It must be exausting being offended vicariously for Tyrone that lives off MLK who could give a shit about anything but slinging bricks. Fuck off, SJW victim-fetish cucks. Jesus.
>It turns out that racism isn't something that occurs only in the US.
No fucking shit. Racism is as old as humanity. Are people really this ignorant?
>starts off normal
>chinese girl with black nigger
Of course nobody believes that. Blacks did invent didgeridoo.
This clearly isn't the first time this has been done. The fact that anybody cares about it is proof that social justice has consumed the attentive mind of the West.
>blacks have contributed more than chinks
holy cuck
I would have just explained to that frustrated bro that I felt the same way.
We have to deal with foreigners in our nation as well, it is a problem for everything.
I would prefer if we simply stayed in our own nations.
Is school out already?
how fucking blue-pilled and retarded are these people?
Wow, China really does rip off everything
99% the same thing, but with an inverse outcome.
Oh! I get it! He was only black because he was dirty! Then she cleaned the dirt off and he was Chinese underneath! HAHAHAHA
>Blacks have contributed to society
>Asians haven't
WEW lad
That was the name before they changed it to "Darlie", however in Chinese the name is still "hei ren" which is black person/man toothpaste.
Niggers are going to be in for a rude awakening when white people are gone. There won't be anyone left to take pity on them.
there was that article where China sent their people to Africa to breed them out.
Are you seriously that retarded? The commercial simply states that "our detergent is so good that it whitens even skin". It's the SJW:s thinking black equals dirty. Although, I completely agree with that.
Dude... If you're going to say that blacks have contributed to society more than the Chinese... just get out.
The first Chinese knockoff that's better than the original
>it turns out racism isn't something that only happens in the US
>African turns into a continent of Blasians
Please China do the world a favor.