How has Sup Forums changed you?
How has Sup Forums changed you?
Well I am not sure if Pol has changed me itself. I was already becoming reclusive. I do think if I were still going out etc I would browse pol a bit, though hiding power level for the most part.
Now, since I have started browsing pol I have taken on more of what you might call racist views, and it may have upped my stress levels. Though this could be due to current events regardless of pol?
P.S I used to associate with women, but now this is my waifu essentially (pic related).
So was browsing pol a good move? I think it is good, but you need to uphold the rest of your life also of course. I think if you can maintain everything else, a dose of pol is pretty brilliant.
So your eyebrows grow bigger after browsing Sup Forums?
Became even more depressed, though I have improved my physique. I'm still friendless. I think Sup Forums has made me a bit more bitter towards the world, though I don't take much of what's said here seriously.
Initally when i joined Sup Forums i had no filter after a while - would call people outright
Now i do it slyly - Much like the Juden
Confirmed my biases and given me a goal in life.
For the better
More self confident, more succes in general, more woman and friends in life as a result
based Sup Forums
Fool, Sup Forums did not change me I changed Sup Forums.
Quit my drinking :l
Pol has given me insight into the world that I did not have before. It has given me guidance, and a better world view from like minded people (I'm reclusive, but in no means basement dwelling. I see my life as progressing everyday, even though times are difficult right now).
Pol has given me a general aura of hope thanks to trump memes. It has also given my support to trump (I voted for obongo, since I was raised in the belief that only democrats support unions. I now realize no one supports worker unions other than themselves - also in a general sense, there are no gib dats.
Finally, Pol has relieved stress when I needed it to. That is all I can write, hope it helped.
Before Sup Forums
>Everyone should be equal and diversity is great
After Sup Forums
>I'm going to conquer and unite China under the Shu banner in the name of Zhuge Liang.
>letting this East Timorese bull-prepping board change your opinions in any way
Another thought I have. That Pol is a place for people to express themselves openly without worrying about what is politically correct. For men especially I think this is important.
I think this can have a stress relieving effect as says, as long as you don't get too triggered of course.
Not bc of pol but bc of being pro trump and all the negative bullshit that comes with it I pretty much don't want to associate with people who don't share the same idealogies.
I just want the election to be over, for trump to win, and for the chimp out to happen.
In the mean time I'll continue to trigger liberals. :^)
But you must come here for a reason. What brings you here?
it made me stop browsing pol. now im back for the election because now the place is even more ridiculous and everyone is easy to piss off
I am the one who controls Sup Forums
an addiction to shitposting, trolling, and the pic I attached in the post you replied to
I was here before we had Sup Forums.
I have become le le le redpilled
I honestly hate the right now. Sup Forums is underage immature autists roleplaying from their basements. Kinda sad.
Im traditionalist masterrace now.
Well at least you stopped being bald.
But can you control the loo ?
But you probably choose pol because it is anonymous and a politically correct free zone?
Still liberal but against a lot of liberal things, especially new-wave liberalism.
Before Sup Forums
>man those middle easterners are fuckin dicks man
After Sup Forums
>remove kebab! KILL EM ALL
There are plenty of other places on the web that value unrestricted free speech (within the hosting country's legal limits). There are even subreddits like /r/European where you can spam 'nigger' and 'cuck' to your heart's content if you feel like being an underage dullard. I come here because I can b8 you kids even when cognitively impaired with 6 drams of scotch. Watching your idiocy is like watching a train wreck in slow-motion - it's utterly fascinating.
This. Thank you Sup Forums.
It hasn't, really. My dad is an open racist, and dinners during my upbringing bore an uncanny resemblance to those dinner scenes in American History X.
After reading Sup Forums, I became even more convinced that white people are racist morons who think they're superior even though they're actually inferior to other raecs.
As a proof, white people are disappearing under the effect of race mixing because you are the kings of self-cucking.
Africa will rule Europe.
>Sup Forums
You best be joking bruv. Hiroshima knows more about you than Larry and Sergey.
Never forget...
Replaced porn as my front page
You sound like the type of person that causes people to cringe internally but they're too polite to mention how annoying you are.
The syntax of your post just screams autism.
not all of us are victims of >American education
canadian is an edgemaster
You just come off like you're trying to convince yourself that you're smarter than you actually are.
It doesn't take a genius to bait stormfags by posting black cocks, you stupid faggot. Stop acting like you're special.
as opposed to canadian education
>lets unlearn that
Yes, I always hated Muslims and Jews, Sup Forums just gave me more reasons to do so.
>inb4 are actually a leftist alcoholic cuck who needs to surrounds himself with an air of nihilism to feel superior on a weeb board
>Africa will rule Europe.
Lel, if Africa 'ruled' Europe, it would turn to crap. European would go elsewhere and be ok. Just look at South Africa/Zimbabwe with the farmers etc.
>literally a blue pill
Its kind of like those little thoughts I had in my head that rejected the standard multicultural PC narrative have taken over. It used to be randomly I would have thoughts like:
>Feminism is fucking crazy
>The media sure seems anti Christian White male
>Why do the Jews have so much influence
>Black people seem to be violent criminals independent of poverty
Then I would have those installed buzzwords and objections in my mind quickly shut those thoughts down, or other people would do it for me. Sup Forums basically confirmed things I already knew, and made me okay with thinking them
>still drinking the liquid jew after Sup Forums
>Be happy, normal functioning physically healthy human bean
>Get redpilled
>Stop going to the gym because subscriptions are a scheme by Jews
>Quit my job and move back in with mommy and daddy because the economy is run by Jews and I won't partake in it
>Dump my gf because she's half-Jew and refuses to be redpilled
>Get triggered by the littlest thing in television & film as they are the electric jew, stop exposing myself to it
>Rock myself to sleep at night as I mumble "cuck"
feels good man
Sup Forums didn't change my views on anything but it did enable me to continue them.
I lost 20 pounds. Thanks Sup Forums
I remember in the past, sometimes I would joke with my friends sometimes about things hinting at political incorrectness, there was nothing more funny and relieving. Though people wouldn't outright say things that are considered racist/sexist etc.
I live in a pretty leftist city, and I remember when I was young going to see Borat at the cinema. All the Jew jokes etc had everyone laughing so wholeheartedly, literally crying with laughter. And with that laughter a relief. I've never experienced anything like it. My thoughts are that this is due to the politically correct straight jacket being taken off. Disarming the trained politically correct structures in the mind.
Pol allows people to speak/think these things freely.
I got black out drunk last weekend and started making fun of redditors pretty loudly.
I don't remember doing it, but my friend recorded it.
It was very cringeworthy, and I need to get off this fucking board. Jesus christ, though yelling at nu-males must have been fun.
That hairstyle looks uncannily familiar
I came to Sup Forums to shitpost, but that was when feminism seemed it was the only bad thing to me, I thought it would blow over and it hasn't. Race relations began to sour as white people began to look at as some sort of dirty old nigger and black people looked at me as some sort of uncle Tom traitor. I had nowhere to go, except to post anonymously here. Maybe it's escapism. I don't come for the red pill, as I don't trust the notion of blindly adhering to some sort of label. Despite the anonymous tag, I can feel as if I have sort of identity, as autistic and faggy as that sounds.
Sup Forums has shown me how jews control the media and painted germany as the bad guys in WW2, it made me into a proud stormfront member and I hope i can do my little bit to change the world for the better
Will you reunify the Commonwealth when you become a superpower?
Before pol I was a tolerant liberal autistic.
After pol, I remembered that I hate homosexuals, women, black people, anyone who isn't British and anyone who thinks they're liberal.
Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich were good for America and 2nd amendment is an important right. Christianity was good for western civilisation and nearly colonised the fucking world. Jews are literally scumbag beggars who try to manipulate white people into being weak liberals. Also, weak liberals are fucking morons. Cant wait for their salty tears.
I also got a virgin gf and fucked her for a while.
I'm black so I think everything here is bullshit, but it's fun to argue with/trigger degenerate nationalists who are less successful than me. Sup Forumsis just one of my favorite ways to kill time.
>I also got a virgin gf and fucked her for a while.
It's made me angry at people I have no control over doing things of their own volition.
>before Sup Forums
I basically stopped coming to Sup Forums between 2010 and 2011 because SJW mods cucked up Sup Forums and Sup Forums was 100% shitposts
>after Sup Forums
now I visit Sup Forums every day because Sup Forums is entertaining
The most important thing Sup Forums taught me, is to stand up for what I believe, even when I am standing alone.
pel oh el!
Hey Timothy, I don't know if you browse P ol do you?
How does nobody else realize that that girl is obviously Jewish
I've never seen her videos so I'm not talking about her content. Look at her face. She's a Jew.
It hasn't I just come here to shitpost you guys are the easiest people to troll ever
The BLM movement did more than Sup Forums ever could
Its very easy to troll from an anonymous position. You come to pol knowing our stances etc, yet yours are not visible, if they were you would prob get trolled into wanting to leave.
This one is great
Like this.
Long story.
I was supposed to move away and go on some cruise with a band so we split up.
Everything was finalised but I wasn't good enough.
She ended up going out with someone else cos she will miss me sooo much blah blah blah.
I raped her to teach them a lesson.
True story.
I enjoy politics.
I have become red pilled, unironically too. Without the tinfoil hat. It is a bitter pill to swallow.
So you're still bluepilled.
>I raped her to teach them a lesson.
Come again?
I came here as a sceptical nationalistic hippie communist, foolishly thinking this was a board for clever political discussion.
Now I am sceptical nationalistic hippie anti communist.
Red pills work pretty well. Or they are subversion.
Honestly with the Trump Presidency in bound, I got Fit, started to believe in the Nuclear Family as the best family one can have, and the necessity of Christian Values in society
All in all pretty good ; Will MAGA
Made me start giving a shit about politics. I used to be willfully ignorant like 90% of people but now I at least want to understand roughly what direction the world is going in
I was posting here the first week. You don't get to question me on red and blue pills, Enzo.
You stop right the fuck there and you will tell me this story
Abe Lincoln was a good man, desu~
Enjoy your time in prison
the opposite. after I found a place full of people who actually know what the fuck, I found relief.
>Before Sup Forums
Foaming at the mouth left-wing libertarian, "free market anti-capitalist", C4SS type degeneracy.
>After Sup Forums
Neoreactionary/Traditionalist with some pragmatically oriented sympathy towards nationalism and fascism.
FUCKING leafs are still not permanently range banned from shitting up this place