I dont get it

I dont get it

polio vaccine scar

old vaccine shot scar?

A burn scar from bacon grease splattering. If not I really don't get it.

Grease burn. I have family in Waffle House

I don't know the exact location on the body , but that seems to be a scar form being vaccinated. This signifying that the person is disease free.

I maybe wrong.

Flesh eating disease brought on by sudden influx of nerve gas

It's an oil burn from a deep fryer, deep fried turkey is nasty anyway

a vaccine scar?

Smallpox shot from active duty deployment.
Got one myself.

No, motherfucker. It's a vaccine scar.

Everyone of us, people from the civilized world, have it.


Mexican vaccination

Mexican lol

that's the literal mark of the beast my friend

Mexicans tend to have those scars, from being vaccinated as infants.

you fucking bitches, its from a vaccine that people used to get up until the 90s ish that would fuck up the injection site and scar it. parents over 35 ish would have it

idiot! Rubella vaccination scar...jesus b

The smallpox vaccine leaves behind a scar. My mom has one.

Polio vaccine scar. indicates the food was cooked by an old person.

In the US no one under 50 has these. Unless they were in the millions tray or something

A certain vaccine in Mexico leaves a scar so a lot mexicans have it. The picture is probably saying they only want good/authentic mexican food

bababouie bababouie howard sterns penis

No, they stopped smallpox vaccinations here in the US in 1972. I missed having that scar by only a few years.
Got a scar like that anyway back in 2003 from a fireworks accident from a fountain blob burning the fuck out of my arm.

Polio vaccine scar, meaning they want old people cooking their food because grandma cooking.

I used to have one of those, no idea when it vanished. I blame ayy lmaos.

Not polio. Small pox, which is administered by a three pronged needle into the skin by several pokes and leaves this very characteristic scar. Small pox vaccination became unnecessary due to eradication of the disease in the 70s so anyone with this scar should be old, hence a good home cook like a grandmother. The only Americans currently vaccinated routinely against smallpox are service members deploying overseas.

My mom was born in 1968 and she has this scar from a vaccine i dont recall which.

It means that you've given up your white privilege in favor of a deeper humanity. All reprobate whites will have this mark. It shows that you are moderately more trustworthy than other whites and are at least makings an effort to deconstruct your racism.

I was born in 1967, they stopped the polio vaccine the year before I was supposed to get it.
I'm a pretty mean cook though. Cajun mother.

Just about everyone in this thread is a ducking idiot. It's a smallpox vaccine scar.

They were still an option in the late 70s, so the people who have them are 40 plus. What that has to do with cooking I don't know.


Recreational vaccine takers will also have this

Smallpox? Didn't we eliminate that virus with only two samples left, kept by the US and Russian governments each?

hey i have one of those

I have one of those right in the middle of my forehead, like where those indian girls put the dot, and I'm 29.

no faggot. it is not.

gotta deal w asia somehow

Will be back if anti-vac people become more prominent

Correct. It's a tuberculosis vaccination scar.

Small pox vaccine scar. Mine looks like a happy face

A lot of dumb fucks here saying it's from before the 90s and also only people over 35 and 50 have it. I was born in 1990 and I have it. Yes that's a vaccine scar from back in the day

It's from smallpox vaccination. Have one myself.

Yeah, we eradicated it through a successful vaccination program, before the vaccination it had an astonishing prevalence and a moderate rate of morbidity/sequlae.

You are Just ugly

haha checkd its true

im 22 and have one on my leg, there's a girl i know who's 28 and has a few on her leg aswell. always wondered wtf

Op now gets joke.
Op is still a faggot

I'm from the UK and it's known as a booster scar, yes vaccines.
Polio vaccine is administered via a drop on the tongue.

I'm 36 and have a 3 year old, if your kids aint vaccinated keep them away from mine you child murdering fucking cunt holed, mouth breather.

Your kids are getting blacked and they love it. Drink the black man's cum

don't worry, no one wants to be around you or your kid

lol at you fags that got vaccines

enjoy your autism and giving your kids (if you ever have any) autism

I had one

non vax gang represent

Then yours will probably be a chicken pox scar

Considering how the only TWO SAMPLES IN EXISTENCE are in maximum security research facilities by two of the world's superpowers, I'm going to have to doubt that position.

looks like Jesus..

It looks more like a pinecone

immigrant scar

White trash

my mom has a polio vaccine scar and she's a lousy cook

See, your parents did you wrong by raising you like a degenerate. I can see you're a child so I seriously blame your parents. My tax dollareeroos are going to pay to keep you inside and on your computer.

I'm guessing your father left asap when he realized his sperm was ruined by your mothers womb. It's not your fault you're a tard user, it's your mothers father...

That's the mark of the Elite T-Day squad. Legend has it that Zeus himself marks those with this burn.

but if your kids are vaccined they should be resistant to this shit, right?

Small pox vaccine scar. Fucking children have never seen one. I have 2

Drink the black man's cum off your children's lips. Stick your fingers in your children's assholes and lick it. Sniff the ass and get high. Your kids are pieces of shit that only could have come from a rotten shit tree. You can never get out of the shadow of the black man or out of the puddle of his warm sticky cum. Fuck you

>it's your mothers father...
>mothers father...

im 21 and i have it, its a tuberculosis vaccine. Small pox vaccines were stopped in the 70's i think

measles, pertussis, and bubonic plague are coming back. small pox is not a stretch.

>Home cooked food by vaccinated family members is bad

>I'll go the McD's for a turkey burger produced by nigs, sit by myself, and enjoy my moral superiority

Yeah my mom has this scar. Her thanksgivings are amazing!

Polio vaccination scar. I got mine in 1965

mcd's have turkey burgers?! holy shit i might actually eat there now, never heard they had those.

Don't only old Mexicans have that?

Nigger faggot

It’s a fucking BCG vaccine scar, you dumbfucks!
Do you just believe every single piece of data google throws you in the face, illiterate faggots?

They don't do that anymore it is a tb test scar they only do it if they think you have been exposed to tb
They used to do it to everyone

but mine is on my right arm....

Waffle house is the shit, wish I didn't feel like trash going there to eat but I prefer that shit over ihop any day

Old enough to have a vacination scare means they are somehow old enough to cook better.

Underrated post

It's a vaccination scar, but everything else you posted is a complete fabrication.
I was born in 78, my mom and everyone else her age has that scar, so 50 and up.

No, it’s not.

You're an idiot.

This is the correct answer.
Everyone else is either stupid or bullshitting.

That mark in the OP is from smallpox. The JOKE is that he doesn't want to get smallpox because the Europeans gave smallpox to the Indians which eradicated most of them.

Is that an arm nipple?

that's actually what it is.

until now because of influx of refugees from trash countries + no vaccinate mong parents

bruh the Spaniards fucked them up well before then though

I got one before my deployment to Afghanistan. Small pox was a piece of cake. That fucking anthrax one had me feeling like a zombie.

They stopped vaccing for smallpox though, that doesn't make any sense.

Mexicans have that on their left arm.

Americans have it on their right thigh?

Spain is in Europe you dunce.

I'm mexican and I have it on my right arm.

I don’t have this scar, but I know I’m vaccinated?

Dude, if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, just keep your mouth shut.

Vaccination scar.

Oh shit right so do i, my bad.

Please leave.

Go suck your dad's dick (not him)