General Movie thread

General Movie thread

>Bonus points if you tell me a good movie I havent seen yet

Other urls found in this thread:

*the last enjoyable movie I saw





riddly scotts first movie.

Genna Genna

Hounds of Love



Fuck off with your pretentious cockwankstain bullshit.

The Man With A Movie Camera
Dir: Dziga Vertov
Soviet Union, 1929

Basketball Diaries is a classic. Just because you're too fucktarded to understand or contriboot


Stick to your bland capeshit, cock smoker.


moon 2009

ever heard of shit with strawberrys?

Waking the dead.

Not very good, but I enjoy watching it. Might be my favourite movie.


I can't watch this movie anymore without getting in my feels, reminds me too much of my ex :/


a over 100 years old?


a pretty weird movie about the subway of Budapest... worth a watch.


"Europa Report"

pretty good, albeit nor perfect, hard sci-fi movie about possible life on the moon Europa.

Can't see Jennifer Connelly in anything anymore without immediately thinking ASS TO ASS, ASS TO ASS



my nigga.
shame some friends couldn't seat through it due to sheer length. They misst the jazz !


I love Eastern European cinema but damn I could not get through this.



Fucking Weebos not posting good stuff...

Some absolutely beautiful compositions in this and an incredibly good set design.


Easily my favorite movie

>Easily my favorite movie

Forced and manufactured bullshit, which is a shame, because I like Bill Murray, but he's been in some fucking dross.


fuck you and fuck Bill Murray


>Let quirky Wes Anderson



Old Tarantino Movie with a bunch of cool actors in it.

Kek, I use this one to stump newfags in the "Describe movies badly" thread all the time.


underrated masterpiece


The ending of Dark City was beyond disappointing. The first half of the movie was really good though. But the ending was ridiculous to the point of insult.

Pic related is 28 Days Later

28 years later didn't really have anything interesting happen in it.

even if you described it well more than half of them wouldn't get it, it never got or gets much play but I've always liked it, thought Tim Roth was good even back then when nobody knew who he was.


I can't stand Mark Wahlberg. He ruins most movies that without him could be quite good.

but that's marky mark yo!


It's a very enjoyable to watch movie

This is the one roll he really fits in I think...

DiCaprio was offered the roll at first... now... that would have been a bad decision


This! Was unexpeced, but pretty good movie.

>marky mark
I didn't remember that one...


Hard 8 is truly underrated PTA

Got this to watch tonight

Hoping Dunkirk comes out soon its been fucking nearly 5 month since it was at the cinema


hope theyll release Sydney one day

I've read the book and watched the movie and it's great

Cloud Atlas and American Hustle

Good movies, pretty unpopular.

>American Hustle
cause it wasn't good

Yes. One of the most authentic sci fi movies.

What an amazingly shitty poster


I liked it a lot. The four people that went with me hated it, I didnt understand why. Its a pretty interesting and somewhat funny movie.

It kind of reminded me of good fellas.





Good movie, but the ending kinda ruined it.


I started watching "The Room" at the continual suggestions from Sup Forums. Stopped at 20 min because it looked like some lame ass love movie is it worth watching further? Does someone get stabbed by a ninja or not?

Really slow, but a good payoff.

Fucking terrible

I just saw this. It had a lot of promise, but I think they tried to cram too much into it. I think it would be a great 1 off tv season.

I was under the impression that liking the movie was kind of a meme

It wouldn't be the first time I got memed.

best movie i ever watched



ITT: children


Probably the best movie you've never seen. Definitely a mindfucker.




the best stallone ever did

classic shit

Green, crystal green.