All faggots need to die

All faggots need to die.
They are bad image for the children.
How many straight men has Sup Forums turned into gay by feeding them traps?
Thread after thread of innocent men getting curious about experiencing homo sex.
Media have an effect on them and it is poisoning their mind.

I love that image

Dude I been dreaming about cock since I was 9 aye


isnt op always the biggest faggot of all

who cares who eats cock or pussy
people like you ought to be removed
though you are getting removed not by killing, but just going extinct, hopefully you are sleepless thinking of your dick sucking sons, I shall personally fuck them.

Who gives a fuck about you die of AIDS I said Children. Do your nasty in the private.

>muh bad influence
user, it doesn't work that way.
I'm masturbating to cute traps daily and I am perfectly straight.
Your move, asshole.

aids is gonna disappear in a decade or two
there is nothing immoral when two men fuck, or two women fuck, you are illusional

Why is it the gay ones are always hung the best?

>masturbate to traps
>perfectly straight
You already contradicted yourself.

If they were traps they would still be alive because traps arent gay.


>aids is gonna disappear in a decade or two
No it's not.
There's money to be made in treating it and not curing it.

AIDS isn't going anywhere, YOU unnatural men. I don't care what you do, My point is they are bad for the children, If they watch two guy kissing on the subway or saw them on TV, It affects their young fragile Mind.

thats pure evil, science will def find a cure for it against those corrupt medical industry cunts

Watch me pull this rabbit from my..... ahhhhHHHH.OOOHHHH YAS!!!

I can see his lil peep.

yea so fragile, you are underestimating kids and their character and reasoning powers, you confused fuck

there is nothing "natural" left for humanity on this earth, civilization tramps nature, since most of it is pain and torture

So children watch the grown up.
They learn from them.
They see two men kissing, They think it is okay.
They saw the grown up smoke, they think it is okay. They don't know shit. They are a piece of paper, and you fucking taint them because you are fucked up in the head, and you want right to be seen in the public, You want to dress like rainbow and do your parade on the street Wearing your filthy bikini,

stop using this unnatural technology too!!
Go back and live in a forest then mate
natural he says, fucking cunt

Greed will win out against good intentions every time.
That's why Russia beat out Germany in the second world war.

It is biological unnatural to do what the HOMOs do.
Thats why Nature find ways to get rid of them, it makes disease to combat them.

>It is biological unnatural to do what the HOMOs do.
>it's unnatural to stick your cock in a warm tight hole

Of course it doesn't make sense to you, You are fucked up.


Same goes to lesbo, and faggot who uses female avatar.

If it is unnatural why does it happen in several species?
I mean there are gay penguins and more recently gay lions.
Heck there is even a species of lizard that got nicknamed lesbian lizards because they are all female and breed through parthenogenesis, yet they will still do mating rituals with each other to start the process.
Also on the idea of natural=good, tsunamis are natural, do you think they are good?

No, it's unnatural for you to stick your cock in a warm tight hole without the purpose of reproduction you genetically inferior parasite

>"I mean there are gay penguins and more recently gay lions"
sounds like jewish lies to me

How about killing gays and fags and dykes. Just kill them however we can.

>not having oral and anal sex with your girlfriend
Why even live?

You gotta be pretty insecure about your own sexuality, if you can get so worked up over what Consenting ADULTS do in their bed.

Pussy feels better
same logic as people who say gun owners have small dicks, it makes no sense unless you yourself have a tiny dick and it's just something you say when you have nothing else to say

Pic of O.P.

Ok. For gay animals. It is more ignorant than intentional.
You see, For a species to survive it has to Reproduce by having NORMAL sex.
And you have the organs intended for that sole purpose, It is made for breeding, and Its very crucial. So now you are abusing your organs and body parts for things that they are not intended to do them, you get all sort of problem.

This is a little bit off topic. Think as tsunamis as AIDS, if you keep polluting the world, cutting down tree, AIDS will get you

When faggots insist on doing so publicly, you're encroaching on my grounds.

I am talking about Children and the effect of gay materials

I'm sure it does, but you can look them up and verify it on your own. There are peer reviewed studies on gay animals out there.
I'm kind of the opinion that since I don't think other people should be allowed to kill me for my opinions or my lifestyle, I won't support anyone in killing other people for their opinions and lifestyles.

NO religious, absurd and ignorant people like you is the one that NEEDS to die to let the humanity advance, its a shame that is illegal to kill scum like you

Don't shouldn't think your lifestyle is okay. Gay is not okay, It is wrong, You won't want to see druggie shoot up on the street don't you? Will you let your child watch them? Same things goes to kissing on public and all those shit

There is a limit on freedom. Its people like you now kids have 27 gender to choose from. you fucking cancer

Lemme ask you this then user, if you weren't supposed to have at least the option of taking dick in your ass, why is it possible to stimulate your prostate to the point of orgasm through your ass?
Also have you considered that same sex attraction might be an evolutionary valve to avoid overpopulation or to avoid orphaning offspring?
If you have a set of parents that can't reproduce normally and a young that has lost it's parents, what do you think happens?
I'm a straight guy, my lifestyle is the one you are ostensibly protecting. I'm of the opinion that if people wanna harm themselves(drugs), they should do in private. People kissing in the street can bother me if I'm feeling especially lonesome, so if you wanna go all sharia and ban some people from kissing, you might as well go for all of them and be honest about what sort of zealot you are.

>stimulate your prostate
it is possible to stimulate with Erotic asphyxiation too. Do you think physical wise it is reasonable to do?

>same sex attraction might be an evolutionary valve to avoid overpopulation or to avoid orphaning offspring
It is possible, but personally I think the society is sick, and the price is high, you get more diseases, with the increasing risky behavior and high rate of stds, they become more and more resilience, and it could turn into a plague which could wipe off huge amount of people

Perhaps you didn't read few of my posts, What I am saying that they are bad influences for the children. The way you feel about drugs users, Gay should be keep in private not ban and stop sending message that it is okay to be gay.

You're entitled to your opinions, I just don't think you should get to kill or discriminate because of them. This goes for all people in my mind, the gay and trans people who have a hateboner for straight people also shouldn't get to kill or discriminate because of it.
So what this basically comes down to is, if you wanna be allowed to kiss your girlfriend in the streets in front of kids, they are also allowed to do so with their lovers.
It's equality under the law or else we are heading towards an authoritarian society where laws can be passed to ban and/or kill anyone we find offensive.
As an atheist, I'd rather not be killed for lacking a belief or even have the power to kill others because they do believe. In a society where we ban some people who aren't victimizing others, we'll ultimately end up banning other people who aren't victimizing others.
What you are proposing could just as easily turn around and come bite you in the ass.
If you happened to be ginger and that was the next thing we banned after lgbt people, your support of the first ban would be inconsequential, since you're a filthy ginger.

You can't turn gay. It's either always there and you didn't know it or didn't want to know it, or it wasn't. Religion has got you all fucked up my dude.

>There is a limit on freedom
That's the most un-American thing I've ever heard

>Ok. For gay animals. It is more ignorant than intentional.
>You see, For a species to survive it has to Reproduce by having NORMAL sex.
>And you have the organs intended for that sole purpose, It is made for breeding, and Its very crucial. So now you are abusing your organs and body parts for things that they are not intended to do them, you get all sort of problem.
That isn't true in all animals. Often you will have one male who does all the mating while the other males are little bitches. Or in bees where the virgin queen gets fucked like 10 times consecutively while flying and then never mates again. She stores all the sperm within her for the rest of her life -- think of all the males and females that will never reproduce, it will be the vast majority.

>All faggots need to die.
This is an expression. Not saying we should KILL them, but the liberals need to moderate a little, they are the nazi of left. Why don't we just legalize all drugs, its their body their choice, BECAUSE we know it is bad, and gay is not healthy, We try to keep them at bay.

There is a limit on everything, you don't want things to get out of hand. You have to know where to stop.

Male and Female. You don't see a species which males fuck males, because if it existed, it already extincted

People hanging it's a bad image for the childrens.

This is an adult site. Luckily we don't have public hanging.

Actually in Portugal they did legalize all drugs, decriminalized being an addict and used some of the proceeds from the now legal drug sales to offer rehab for addicts.
The use of hard drugs have gone down, people are actually less interested because of the lack of a taboo factor and less people end up being complete addicts.

You're not a real man unless you fucked a real man's asshole balls deep, ya pussy.

Well. I read that. Perhaps.
>"Portugal decriminalised the use of all drugs in 2001. Weed, cocaine, heroin, you name it — Portugal decided to treat possession and use of small quantities of these drugs as a public health issue, not a criminal one. The drugs were still illegal, of course. But now getting caught with them meant a small fine and maybe a referral to a treatment program — not jail time and a criminal record."

found the closet fagget. eat a dick you fucking cuck nigger fetish loser gayboi

Next thing you would want to fuck a child, a donkey, then a corpse. And now is it too much?

>thinking being gay is an insult

>Posting on Sup Forums
>apparently not gay

OP is a faggot

daily reminder that half of shitposters on Sup Forums are now old ass baby boomers with too much free time and too few brain cells

>muh slippery slope