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man says it like it is

It's a monumentally ironic statement.

This. Trump is definitely a hater. Also, Trump University makes him a loser as well.

You stupid, stupid cunt

>4 years old

Only winners become Presidents


Fake news

preach it

NULLC confirmed





>"stop whining"
>proceeds to whine



You misspelled "whiners".


>but Hillary
That just proves my point lol

Heres trumps new vid

aww someone mad?

only proves how retarded you are.

>still relevant

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


What can be said by a faggot sounds like it was said by faggot

then he wonders why kim wont be his bestie.

I accept your concession.

One question though.

y u mad tho?

Evidence of absence is not absence of evidence

Doesn't apply. Try again.

that doesnt mean what you think it means

You reversed it. The opposite is true. Lol wtf.

Guys look they released a new vid! These guys are my favorite

Everyone just laughs at how low the once mighty US has gone.

Funniest I promise youtu.be/6bTfjcnYQl8

I like Trump's style. Srsly!
He's acting childish at times and his decisions might products of intense brainfarts (at times) but at least he's not full of hypocrisy and ambigious bullshit like the nigger before him!
So instead of watching a bigot lying in our faces every day I enjoy watching the big blonde jerk dragging down his nation with the sense of humor that I find tremendous.


your statement was the evidence.
this retarded

Nah you are triggered lol Srsly!

hater or loser?

Damn are you a monkey? Monkey see monkey do monkey see words monkey say words...

And what great nation do you hail from france? Btw we are laughing from the inside out at how the minority of us are in the limelight like some sort of movement or new age majority lol

sure kid

My evidence wasn't in question though lol. What you said is true of the one I responded to. Try again.

Your words are the intellectual equivalent of a monkey's shit flung at the wall of the Internet.


So weak

The shitposter and Chief, fucking love it. Also you people got to realize that this is not a trump thing this is a New York City resident thing. Every straight normal testosterone having male in New York is a shit talker.

Lowest unemployment rate in 40 years economy is doing better than it has in a 100. Lol go fuck yourself idiot