The biggest Mary Sue bitch in all of animation. Why are female leads always cringe?

The biggest Mary Sue bitch in all of animation. Why are female leads always cringe?

bc they always try too hard to make them look strong and indepentent

try that again, OP

>literally cannot die
>has survived his only "weakness" multiple times
>when he does die, immediately comes back to life
>his superpower is everything
>inexplicably powered by the sun
>hurr dur im an alien plant

at least korra had a relatable haracter arc, obstacles to overcome, and real life challenges that couldn't be solved by blowing on it real hard or spinning the fucking planet backwards t reverse time.

so many mary sues you could have picked, and you choose the one the creators tried very hard to show was, for all her skill, a deeply flawed person

Cause they are stonk women. I find the more you look back in the past the better female characters are done. Most now are done just to appease a certain crowed knowing they will eat anything up regardless of quality.

Female leads can be done right like pic related

>superman doesnt have a personality and multiple universal worlds where he has to struggle with moral and ideological beliefs or the fact that people start to fear him, he has lost his family numerous times and snapped and killed everyone

>somehow a mary sue

To bad superman is only known for being a mary sue and those problems you mentioned rarely comes up and are solved anyway.

>flawed character design
>inability to defeat some enemies alone, or without avatar state
>difficulty progressing some skills, even with help
>diplomatically retarded
Pick someone else if you want to hate on a female protagonist

Mary Sue? He's compromised by not only kryptonite but also magic.

what he said.

"oh no, he's having moral conflictions today!"

doesnt matter. he's basically a walking god and nothing can fucking harm him.

Korra was totally worthless in the show. She couldn't do anything.

he's been hit by these things multiple times, yes. and the solution is

>pan in and zoom on his face
>show constipation
>he thinks real hard about the people that need him
>he overcomes the weakness of his vulnerabilities
>does the thing
>takes like 5 min to recover
>is fine. whatever. he's superman, after all

>Getting upset by cartoon characters.


She is not the biggest Mary Sue and female leads are always cringe because you've only watched show with shit writing

>marry sue argument rather than normal plot armor argument.

literal retard detected

who is in pic related?

How is this hoe a mary sue?
>is usless and least likable character in S1
>is usless and least likable character in S2, who is saved by real mary sue "spirit world magic slut air bender cunt"
>S3: a stupid usless cunt who only fucks up endlessly trying to fight radical terrorists and has her friends bail her out over and over. Also bitch cunt air bender child saves the day again by rallying the air benders to make a tornado. Also has cunt mary sue powers of fucking teleporting her mind over the whole world by cunt projection.
>S4: kind of mary sue, but still worst character, loses fight to regular bender, and also has no idea how to save the day so she relies on other better characters to have plans for her.
She is no mary sue, only the worst most fucking usless character to ever be created. The fucking bitch broke the connection to all the other avatars, thus literally killing them, cunts dont even exist in the spirit world anymore. Everyone only loves her because she entered a portal with her best friend, who happened to be female, therefore according to everyone who ever watched the finally, she's a fucking lesbian. People who honestly think that should be killed.

No joke Korra is one of my top tier waifu's. Of course most of those who end up on my list end up lesbian though... RIP my Tracer fantasy.

>His race were a bunch of pussies
>None of them had that much power
>Literally moved the planet earth

Come back when you grow hair in your balls kiddo

Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3 (And technically at the end of silent hill one with the good ending as a baby)

>mary sue
but shes a bumbling fool that can't do anything on her own

She’s arrogant, brash, somehow is able to bend all of the elements except wind at the age of 4 when it took Aang seasons to bend the other elements well, blames everyone but herself when she makes a mistake, and goes into Avatar State for petty bullshit like winning a race while Aang would only go into Avatar State if he absolutely had to. What about her character is good?

Not a lesbian fool

Nothing. She's a cunt

She had a huge ass


Only good aspect of her is the body. She'd be better in the show if she was just a blow up sex doll.

oh thats cool, she looks like a good character, never played any of the Silent hill's I will try to check this one tho

I know on silent hill threads on Sup Forums theres a picture that tells you how to install the PC versions or run emulators. I would post it here but the file size is to big. Also avoid the HD remake, its a garbage port.

Korra is best anime girl



thats WAY too much muscle on a female character. fucking trash can artists. here is a better picture


Yeah they are, sadly, the cuck writers of both that gay Korra shit and Overwatch made them both fags to appeal to the insane amount of fags that are afflicting this country.

There's nothing more disrespectful to the opposite gender than being a fucking homo queer useless bitch. Literally fags are an abomination and anomaly; they simply exist and do absolutely fuck-all to benefit our race's longevity. They can't reproduce so what the fuck is the point of them living? They're basically castrated humans; like no testes/ovaries so they can't do anything--so why let them live at all? Or I mean, they can live but why don't they just shut the fuck up and not talk about it?

Then maybe we could have normal fiction characters that aren't fucking fags. I've never watched that Korra shit or played Overwatch but I instantly hate both these faggot cunts just b/c their writers decided they were carpet munchers.

Gosh damn it I really don't fucking like faggots.

you are way too obsessed with the sexual orientation of nonexistent characters my friend

Most people today aren't even gay, they just say they are to get attention and victim points, hell they might think they are gay because some buzzfeed quiz told them that.




loli version clearly the best version.

Being a bad character/a cunt doesn't make them a Mary Sue you twat.

okay, thanks mate, will look for the image and avoid the hd remake garbage

Of bi oen 1!!

she wasnt a master bender at age 4 she could only do boofs of fire. aang mastered the other three elements in less then a year.

You need to be rescued
Only losing your life will save you from greed
Until you find peace

Liars know nothing of peace
Only the sacred few will appreciate
Sacrificing everything in the name of religion
The only reeldeemer

These are the chosen few
Heaven smiles on them
Eternally lighting their path

Gods only choice in this world
All the fated people know
Men only walk in this life
Even then they don't see the truth

Fuck off

aang couldnt go into avatar state unless he was really upset or was in mortal danger. even when he fought the fire lord he was forced in to the avatar state.


Because women are not predisposed to leadership roles. Therefore, in fiction "strong women" will always ring false and in real life, female leaders either have to "act male", often with disasters results.

aang mastered all the elements in a year, he could use the elements before he mastered them same as korra.
it took korra until she was seventeen to master three of the elements and she still couldnt use air at all.

Atla was my life blood as a kid. I never understood how people even liked Atlok because it really was just the fucking shittiest fucking sequel it’s not even funny. If you like Korra could you just do us true fans a favor and kill yourself?

she's weak, scared and undecisive most of the show though.

Alright let's get something straight you fucking faggots. All these characters are FAKE. you realise what this means? They can be any sexuality you want them to be. Who gives a literal shit what some duck with a pencil says to appease """fans""". You wanna waifu Korra? Go the fuck right ahead. She's straight, she's lesbian, she's bi, she ducks dogs. She doesn't exist and because of that she is everything and she is nothing. Anyone claiming any character is 100% anything is just a fucking faggot

why do you censor yourself, but only sometimes


you say that like it doesnt make you look retarded

Suck my dick

dont you mean duck?


Again repeat.

This thread again

and learn to spell

Thats what you get for liking overcuck. Terrible in both story and gameplay. Only good thing they did was character design

Are we seriously not going to talk about the worst Mary sue ever in recent years?

Killing yourself is easy

Imagine being such a lonely fucker the only thing you can do to entertain your self is cry on Sup Forums

The reason I’m not seeing the new movie


Fuck you, you'll watch it

I haven’t watched the new Star Wars because of her. It’s just not believable.

Fcking this man

Get a job

Nah I’ll just read the plot on wiki

Now We're talking loli is top-tier

>ITT people confusing mary sue and plot armor and bad writing.

Love korra

Because you're an insecure boy who is threatened by anyone who shows a backbone. Deep down you know that you could never display such moxie so you lash at women who, you perceive as weaker, and it upsets you to know that ALL men and most women are stronger than you.

its ok, daddy will still love you if he finds out you suck old man cock for money, hell he might even be proud that his fuck up son is at least good at one thing.

Maybe your insecure with people who have different opinions