WTF? I hate China now.
How can we trust Chinese food?
Other urls found in this thread:
"They eat puppies, don't they?"
Pretty sure boobs arent comprised of muscle tissue
That "body" on the right picture looks fake as fuck.
Next time you eat something of China, remember this.
>Chinese producing corn beef is actually human meat
>show tuna can packaged in Indonesia
Makes you think
Yep, that's how I knew it was fake.
>bewbs in china
this is fake idiot
the pic on the right is from some resident evil promotion
that corpse is so fake its funny
This is not so funny, though:
Real life is always worse than fantasy.
It's fake you idiot, human musculature is not remotely like that. Look at the breast (one example) Breast are made of fatty tissue not fucking meat.
Really makes you go 'hm'
How you know though? I never seen a dead bodie.
why even save that gif
This is racist against Papua New Guinean culture bigot!
>sending to africa
Ok so who gives a fuck?
Why not? It's not like animals actually feel pain. If you record yourself slamming your toenail against a nightstand then play it back, does that mean your phone or other recording device is in pain?
Sick fucks......
Even if you eat dog why make it's death so painful.
Also take note that whenever you see these kinds of videos it's the shitskin southern Asians rather than the based northern ones.
its fake you daft twat
shitskins are not human, treat them accordingly.
Are polacks really this fucking dumb?
>Sending them to Africa
what's wrong with that?
Why wouldn't an animal feel pain. Do you think they yelp out of tradition.
>How can we trust Chinese food?
Chinese restaurants in the US don't import meat from China obviously.
They still manage to make it a health hazard though somehow, just nowhere near as bad as in the motherland.
The OP i sfake, but we all know damn well that happens all the time.
good goy! protect the fluffies! dont use your energy and time for actually useful things
Netflix tuna
Why? Like what does this do? Why did they set out to do this? What is the benefit here?
Automatic responses, nerves firing. Animals don't have a soul, so they can't feel actual pain. It all disappears into nothing the moment their neural network suffers catastrophic failure.
>Animals don't have a soul
Neither do slavs apparently
Humans don't either
Americans still obsessed with tipping I see.
Go give rights to your toaster.
Back in our communist years, we used to get canned pig from China. Everyone knew it wasn't pig, it was processed babies/people.
Japan should have completely genocided that shithole. HOly shit, this makes me mad.
Butthurt furfag detected.
are you just pretending to be retarded?
I've dissected two cadavers during med school, that's not how bodies look.
Why? Are you saying humans should only have rights because we have souls? If so, please explain to me where exactly your soul is and how it entitles you to rights.
I don't need to explain anything.
>humans aren't animals
At the very least condemn the cruelty for it being immoral, jesus.
Because you can't maybe? I know you're just shitposting but in the off chance you do actually believe in souls, I would like to know how you think it works.
What cruelty? What immorality? There's nothing bad happening there Just a couple of guys preparing food.
Humans have souls, given by God. Animals and anything else do not. End of story. GG, no re.
>believing bullshit on facebook
Ok grandma.
based furfags
I see you are a subhuman then, not a pole.
Dogs are not food unless you are starving to death.
And all the autists on this board think that marrying fucking subhuman asians is something good.
Why can't we just hand out fucking pills so they can get of this planet.
My only problem with this is that cooking it in that manner makes the meat taste absolutely horrible. Ask any chef worth the salt they use to cook with.
>Dogs are not food unless you are starving to death
says who?
poles, the 'shit' of humanity.
Those are pics from a French museum.
Fucking racists are the ones posting those lies.
Ive seen some shit in my time but this...
Fucking hell what a cunt.
i'd eat it
Man domesticated wolves and bred them to be our companions over thousands of years. I would not condone treating any other pet species as in but dogs are "man's best friend" for a reason and hold a special place. They are the most affectionate and faithful animal towards humans and deserve our respect for the things we rely on them for. There's a reason seeing-eye-dogs exist. There's a reason soldiers with PTSD are given dogs to help them. There's a reason sick children are visited in hospitals by dogs. If you can't grasp that then you truly are a subhuman and you disgrace your entire people.
I don't see why you think the soul is the reason we feel pain. Animals and humans feel pain so that they know what to avoid.
Torturing the defenceless for fun. Not even factory farming is that cruel.
is the weather racist?
i hate wind now
Chinks are walking cancer
corned beef != tuna
Are you retarded? Those bodies are fake as fuck.
The Chinese Internet Defense Force to the rescue.
why did you post this?
Not that I trust Chinese made food, but this is obviously fake.
"I do not see why humans shouldn't be as cruel as nature." - Adolf "THE GOD" Hitler
trolling and shitposting this hard should be banable
they're sick,and believe that the more an animal suffers before it dies, the tastier it will be
desu thats why we get stuff so cheap from them, because they are horrendously retarded
>10 cents has been deposited to your Chinese shill account.
Hitler also loved animals.
>>neural network
they aren't fxxking skynet from terminator
Our sinful nature causes us to abuse these things, sometimes without even realizing it. Yet, God expects the Christian, above all others, to be sensitive to all of His creation, knowing that exploiting or abusing it shows a disrespect for God Himself. Abuse of anything that God made is not the character of God, but rather of the Evil One.
You clearly never touched a tit, either.
So does a computer the way it's programmed. The computer isn't suffering when it overheats but it still "reacts" to it.
>but computers don't have nerves!
Nerves are just shit that send electrical signals to your brain so you can react
That's apex retard. Stressing out or causing pain to an animal causes it to enter a fight or flight response and most of the glycogen in their muscles is used up as energy. No glycogen means no lactic acid in the muscles post death which gives meat its tenderness and flavor.
White people figured this out a long time ago. You only have to eat a few animals you've killed yourself to know why hunters favor quick kills. When the animal suffers or flees, the meat is notably shittier. They are either "just that retarded" or they like to torture things and jump through hoops to justify it.
But Africans are naturally cannibals, are they not? The Chinese are just catering to the market.
This is the shittiest analogy ever. Computers are not alive. They have no brain, heart, blood, etc. inb4 your genius ass comes back with
>muh cpu is a brain
We have an image stickied on this board, newfag. Look at it.
>Also take note that whenever you see these kinds of videos it's the shitskin southern Asians rather than the based northern ones.
t. Hongcouver
Would you trust a chinese car?
The chinese will do anything for profit.
Fuck wasn't there a scandal a few years ago where they reused gutter frying oil?
The computer shuts down because something has been damaged internally and it can no longer function, or it has been programmed specifically to do so under preset conditions. Animals (including humans) have no such if-then logic. Animals do however perceive different levels of discomfort and act according to situations they have never encountered before. There is no mechanical mechanism to tell the dog to "shut down" if it is being burned. They feel excruciating pain because their brain is telling them to get the fuck out of there. If computers are ever programmed to "feel pain", whatever that may mean for a sufficiently complex system, we probably should rethink how we treat those systems.
Fucking underrated
Its fucking fake, its one of the pictures of some butchery that did a gig for Halloween with sale of human parts and they used that picture and couple of others to actually prove that meat was safe. I remember shit-ton of threads about that, some of them bait, some of them really concerned because newfags can't into source and research.
This is nice sensationalist bullshit working for people with no fucking memory for old memes.
Im really that fucking old?
no you dumbass
the flavour of the stressed meat is what they PREFER, hence, that's why they seek it
they find "quick death" meat to taste like shit, they crave the intense and tasty flavor when the animals stress hormones permeate the meat
u gotta be dumb as fuck man to not realize that. differnet cultures dude, they dont have the same tastes as u
That must smell terrible because of the burning hair. Why would you cook something alive instead of killing it first, skinning it, and removing the entrails. This seems like a good way to produce bad tasting, disease ridden food.
I'm so old I remember this one.
but in all seriousness don't eat anything that comes from china, especially those big ass shrimps.
Oh shit my bad
>"le shill xD"
>t. shitskin anglo SJWs crying about muh animals
>"cows are not food unless you are starving to death" t. India
That's how you sound.
>cows are kept as household pets
>my analogy is good
step it up finfag
not to mention nose, ears and fucking hair.
Ignore the kinship humans have with dogs. As if a cow would die protecting your children