Rate my dog Sup Forums :)

Rate my dog Sup Forums :)

That's a nice old dog chilling around, looks like a bro

10/10 would smash

Can you go be a heartless piece of shit somewhere else OP?

Do something with your life. You're going to look back when you die and regret not doing anything than acting like you're superior to everyone else by posting shitty gore on an anime image board.

Are you gay?

>anime image board
>Sup Forums
>pls kys

This guy's probably gay, but thinks he's streight, but has insecurities about it so he diverts to someone else. Traps are dudes disguised as woman.. a man is a man, no matter how much he tries to hide it.. You like men disguised as woman bro, your gay.

What happened? Nerve gas?

This is Sup Forums faggot, fuck off be a pussy somewhere else.

so 1991

Man, that's not cool.

Old Yeller 2: Boomer gets buried/10

remember old Sup Forums where we hated animal cruelty but had no problem with killing niggers, chinks, kikes and mudslimes

Yeah but look at this we totally hate animals and support niggers and musulims just so we can share how much we want to die this isn't Sup Forums anymore this is Tumblr for wannabe nazis

didnt open



Needs a bath

Rate mine


Rate my Pit fags
