What are your thoughts on modern art?

What are your thoughts on modern art?

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I pretty much hate it.

the Jews are behind modern art

It's like they are trying too hard... No one will remember them so w/e i don't give a fuck about these faggots

it's actually very simple, so simple it's boring. I hate the people that attack it as if it was something bit or important, not much different than /b in reality, just people doing whatever they want

I study art... and I prefer modern shit. Old oil paintings are so boring, some are nice to look at but they are so repetitive.


Modern art and modern dance are a fucking joke.
They're both degenerate as fuck.

pic related, there's an idea, a story, something something behind whatever the fuck he is doing.

not sure if children should be involved but simply stating it sucks because you don't know what's going on, is testament of your own ignorance and willingness to judge something because you are fucking lazy.

not defending art, just attacking your narrow mind.

Most of Hitler's artwork was laughably bad. Egon Schiele's work has more skill and character than anything Hitler ever made.

god that fucking pretentious looking cunt with the scarf

modern art is mostly done by art students who spent a lot of time studying and over analyzing actual/historic art. but since you cant study creativity or originality their crafts are often nothing more than bullshit, with an abstract meaning that you dont get if you did not come up with it. thats why it has to be explained whe presented, because its not actually well thought out. or you can just throw every basic interpretaion of art at it and see what sticks (critsism of consumism, anxiety of growing old, unappreaciated love, etc.) .
it became a whole system people sign up to, because its regarded to be mindful or sophisticated to like this kind of stuff.
bullshitting for attention and tricking people into spending way to much money on unoriginal and lame shit.
its pretty much a scam from start to finish appealing to richtards who try to be cultured by letting "experts" telling them what is art and what not.
and since eyerthing is worth as much as people are willing to pay for it (or beeing manipulated into thinking what they should pay) there is nothing from stopping that.
you can learn a craft but you dont get creativity from books/lectures, but since beeing just a critic or ordinary craftsman istn paying so much some people just use this pretentious vehicle to appear thoughtfull and can react to negative critisism with "you just dont get it".

Modern art is dope. Post-modern art is shit.

People who create it go straight to execution. No trial, no jury.


I like the uneven windows, the lack of depth fade, and the door cut off by steps

I understand your point and I see where you are wrong

shit like this is so dumb

once saw a piece of art that was simply a bandage put on a knife.
WHOA hold it there Michelangelo, your crtitisism of society goes way over my head!

jewish bullshit

yeah he did a great job in expressing a message if he has to explain the message anyways.

some is good some is shit.
i think people just show the shitty part of it, and complain about that saying that "all modern art is shit"

Some good, some not good

Traditional visual art is dead.

Digital and photography are the only modern visual arts worth shit anymore.

I respect the geniuses that sell this "art" for big bucks. Lot of money laundering.

It's Weimar Germany tier at this point. Voyeurism, sadomasochism, sodomy, nihilism, depravity, perversion
all being viewed by equally depraved elitist art snobs viewing pretentious and meaningless shit
We need another world war

While I do not disagree with the general view in what way would a war help?
Killing the "artists"? Sure, but killing the people against them as well.

But the things that are good is art and not "modern art", right?

"modern" is the code word for shit with no artistic value.

War is never desirable, but it brings about changes that could never occur otherwise.

its never good for the present, but it can be benefitial for the future.
Todays infrasturucture and facilities are good, because they were destroyed in WW2.
thats why the US still has to struggle with old structures, because they partly date back to the civil war.

sry, i mean Todays infrastructure in europe.


It's a scapegoat for "oh muh I hate absurdism" because some losers lack any creativity. There's nothing "modern" about making something bizarre.

jesus give us some warning.
indradistingly enuff video games like Urban Chaos are sumwhat realistic

Happy Holidays.

for fuck's sake

This is not art, this is degeneracy and filth and should be censored. How people could consume such mindless garbage and pass it off as creativity is inconceivable to sensible church going people. I hope our nation's savior Donald Trump does away with this garbage real soon.

hating modern art proves that you don't stop for even 5 seconds to consider what the idea is.

the fact that you're "mad" about modern art, means you contribute to modern art. it's the perfect trap.

wow I'm actually surprised that an user knows the "secret" of modern art.

it's literally this. it's created to make you think ANYTHING. that's the art. It triggers you in some unique way.

What's art about that?

Sort of like walking into a public toilet that someone didn't flush.

Got it.

Modern art is a jewish conspiracy as a means to launder money. Why else would a literal painted line go for a couple million?? It's the perfect front

>this triggers the storm weenie

wait a minute, I can jerk-off in front of a bunch of girls and not be arrested if I call it art?


God damn it why does this make sense

It's stupid and it's also a scam. I majored in fine arts in uni. First year I thought okay it's dumb but i dunno, i guess it sells? 2nd-4th year, no okay this is definitely scam and a money laundering front as well. It is the domain of charlatans and con-men and mobsters.

Well yeah but he was good enough to get in to the fucking school to learn how to be better. I've seen 4th year art students with good grades who were worse.

my thoughts are about modern art? modern art ended more less almost 100 years ago. It is called contemporary art.

Because it's true.

I've got a dog in this fight because I paint for a living. My view is that if something has to be explained to whoever is looking at it, then that thing has failed to do its job. I also find that people who like looking at art, generally prefer it to look something like whatever it is meant to be representing. A lot of abstract art etc is just pretentious people who can't paint trying to justify their work and disguising their lack of talent by talking bullshit.

What is there to consider? I think nothing of garbage.

pick one
not that postmodernism is any better

It's a plausibly deniable way for them to pay one another off for favors. Book advances are another.

Where is this, Germany?
Of course it's gonna be garbage.


post-modern art or modern like you call it is basically just Sup Forums but we earn money from it

There are always good artists, but shitshows get the most attention from our terrible media, and the art world is run by degenerates.

>What are your thoughts on modern art?

Enjoyed that, noice.

asian guy has a huge brown dick though

oh yeah, toss some paint on a canvas and sell it to some asshole with more money than brains

disappointed, but not surprised

Memes are more art than contemporary art.

like waking up, stepping in something cold and squishy and it turns out that cat puked on the carpet sometime at night

something like that?

why did no one else mention that monster cock?

i hate the "EDGY" attitude of our generation, and i have nor respect for art that tries to be edgy though there is modern art that does not need to surprise in such a post modern way but young people lack the sensitivity of good art sometimes, and prefer the attitude over beauty.

So i don't "think" about what i like or not in modern art, i just enjoy or not enjoy art. having an opinion on "art" is overrated nobody cares and art is not mad for that,

Who the fuck brings a child to this fuckery

yeah, exactly this feel

see son? this is a real cock.Unlike your father.

>What's he thinking Sup Forums?



hitler was a zionist and the jews loved him until he pissed them off

never forget he started isreal hitlers man lplan was to send the jews off to isreal he started isreal

i wonder if some one will put these videos in a musem one day and call it art

also very good composition there

>I study art...
>and I prefer modern shit

>hitler started Israel
No he didn't you fucking retard, Britain did with the Balfor declaration in 1917.

The German govt made a deal with the Zionists to send their Jews over there because Hitler wanted them out of Germany. He didn't care where, and there was even a plan to send them all to Madagascar

that is one monster asian dong

also MODS

MFW nobody notices it's shopped

Is there a chick puking in the background? Haha.

mfw nobody notices it's shopped

>modern art
It's not modern art. That movement was in the mid 1900s. It's contemporary art now.

shopped how?

Search for "exposição macaquinho" on youube, its a brazilian """art""" where people make a circle when everyone grabs each others ass

look at his cock.... and the curvature on the back of his left thigh.

And you are a Nazi. Go kill yourself.

So in other words, you're speculating.

Did I offend you by saying his cock is fake? Do you want it to be real? Sorry...

thankfully there is still good art being done by hand.

example, Diego Fazio does amazing photorealistic pencil drawings like this one. that is not a photo that is drawing with a pencil. to me that is in some respects as good as the classics

It's fucking bull shit that's what it is

Not offended, and I don't care much one way or the other, I was simply stating that you're making the assumption that it's shopped, rather than being able to offer evidence, i.e., the original version of the image, some sort of context, etc.
>So as I said, you're speculating

>rather than being able to offer evidence

>look at his cock.... and the curvature on the back of his left thigh.

I guess you didn't examine his penis or thigh? Or, are your eyes just glued to his cock?

Timbs b

Some of it's ok. I'm a fan of the sculptures especially, but some of the paintings are decent. Performance art is universally trash, else it would just be called a play.


>implying that you study art and have any authority on subject
to the bin with you


It's amazing a stupid thread like this has lasted so long

like this? i love it.
