I guess counter racism against one singular race is the way to fight racism? Fuck white people, right...

I guess counter racism against one singular race is the way to fight racism? Fuck white people, right? Let’s just throw self responsibility and mental evolution out the window and accept that we’re all as bad as our ancestors, assuming that because we’re white all of our ancestors were either racists or slaveowners.

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You you mad white boi?

Not mad. I just think it’s blatantly retarded to claim that ending racism is your cause, but then you turn around and single out one race anyway. This whole “revolution” is fucking pointless.

What's interesting to me is nobody sees themselves committing the social crimes of today. People are evidently perfectly find responding to something like slavery with something that will later on be considered part of the negative legacy of slavery when viewed from a wider angle. I wonder, do people into "social justice" really think the future will think well of them? I rather think it won't, I think they're the cancer of today but the cancer of today never "sees itself". The more I think about this the more the dragon seems to be eating it's own tail, the more moral busybodies seem like the true enemy no matter what they're saying. Back when people had slaves they were the ones morally in the right according to public perception so it's hilarious these people take their public perception so very, very seriously.

Anyway if you're white and haven't moved to a 90%+ white community please do so because you're just abusing yourself. Yes, they are turning you down for jobs, they think it's a revolutionary moral act too. Progressives aren't going to let you eat so just leave.

Agreed. Progressives think that we owe the country to POC simply because they were horribly mistreated back in the day. Hell, racism does still exist today, and several police officers do regularly racially profile. However, putting all of the blame on all white people is cancer. Hating white people is cancer, and I’m about 20 years, society will see that. We can’t all just get along.

That is what you get from viewing society through an oppressor/oppressed lens.
If you use their own logic against them and talk about societies where white people are an minority and being discriminated against, you'll see some real mental gymnastic on their(oppression olympians) part to get back to the "No, seriously fuck white people".

It's like how not learning to cook == feminism
Nuance and the critical thinking it requires escapes these people.

a minority*
real mental gymnastics*

Anti-white racism is the product of one thing, and one thing alone: envy

Your first problem is that you thought other people were logical.

Your second problem was caring about what they think.

Your third and most grievous error was being personally offended when someone makes a massive generalization like "white people."

hate cults, not race fairy tales

such as this one

>do people into "social justice" really think the future will think well of them?
They absolutely do.

>I rather think it won't
I agree, someone will read about this in history class, furrow their brow, and say, "but... why? Couldn't anybody see that they were doing what they accused others of doing?" Then the history teacher will point out that, when the child first says the emperor has no clothes, everyone else tried to hush him up.

>these people take their public perception so very, very seriously
Unfortunately for them, their lack of insight and inability to see any other point of view lead to them alienating more and more people. The increasing polarization and worsening of social relations across different demographics is a direct result. If they could see themselves and hear themselves...

>if you're white and haven't moved to a 90%+ white community please do so because you're just abusing yourself
I say, if you are a sensible person of any race, you may want to move way the hell out to some low population rural place where living there requires hard work and good common sense, since SJWs aren't capable of either.

You'll find that people are ok with men and women being treated differently and practical concerns override the petty. Getting mad that someone called you 'sir' because you look like a man is difficult when there is a farm to tend to, and being somewhat self-sufficient on your own land may be the best thing in the next few decades.

It doesn't even require looking at other societies. There are so many things that they say that are mutually exclusive, and yet they insist both are true.

I'm not offended, only concerned that it is a sign of a broken thought process.

>It doesn't even require looking at other societies. There are so many things that they say that are mutually exclusive, and yet they insist both are true.
I was saying this was how they view their own society, I was dangerously close to becoming one of them. Sometimes I think me having autism is what saved me, they tried to win me over with emotion, but I kept saying "But what about facts though".

Score one for critical thinking. As much as I love it and facts, I have learned that you cannot actually use it to argue with these people. They have a script or narrative, and any external data showing any part of it to be false will be ignored.

I couldn't agree with you more. "Progressives"/sjw's are more concerned on judging based on race (Identity politics, PRO SEGREGATION MENTALITY in berkely, ) not to mention victim status. Along with Feminazi's they want to deny things like Biological sex claiming it is a social construct and the list goes ON AND ON! they even tried to change the definition of racism into some horseshit Racism =Power+prejudice which is fucking retarded. it's mental gymnastics for them to be more racist and sexist than everyone else but insist they can't be racist or sexist.

Feminists, the only moder group that think women are so fragile they need safe spaces, so brittle they need words banned, so pathetic they need a leg up and to be given special treatment to compete with men. The most sexist group.

SJW's individual content of character is irrelevant, what Racial demographic are you. How victimized are you. Nothing else matters but the sins of your fathers, men are evil, we all need to be pussy beta male cucks who let womyns run the world to save humanity from evil men.


rofl so ridiculous it's laughable. pic related

Progressives are the less liberal than conservatives.

They want to infringe of free speech (especially in Academia)
They want to dictate and affect freedom of expression (gamergate, and comics ruined)
They want to deny science (Biological evolution and Biological sex)
They falsify stats such as the wage EARNINGS gap ignoring the fact that there are reasons such as job fields, hours worked and experience. also dangerous jobs going essentially exclusively to men willing to do it BY CHOICE!
It is constant

Tell me about it, I'm active in left wing anarchist groupings where I live, yet I refuse to make double standards for everyone. Some of them get really angry at me if I tell them to stop being racist/sexist when they badmouth straight white men.
Telling them that I extend my view on treating every single person I meet as an individual, to any and all people including white ones really pisses some of them off.



That is why hey like to say shit like "male privilege" or "white privilege". It's so they do not have to use mental gymnastics to support their lunacy. Instead they can just yell bullshit like "your a straight white male your opinion does not matter" Instead of listening.

Does she have no self awareness?

Well my advantage is that I am basically on the same side as them in some respects, I just take non-discrimination to the furthest extent and criticize people no matter what generalization they think is okay.
I can actually look at them and say prove it when they claim male/white privilege, without them claiming that I am some scary right wing person, because they know I'm an anarchist.

They don't. They really can't see the conflict in what they say.

Behold: A blog by a feminist that won't hire women, but insists men and women are the same.

And another, by a different person:

>tfw you realize that a retooled brand of Marxist ideology in the university system broke quarantine after the popularization of blogs and social media
>tfw the effort to dismantle the Western tradition and capitalist society overtook the American left and replaced true concepts of liberalism
>tfw the cliche of an old man sitting in his armchair calling everybody he sees on TV "commies" is now a highly accurate way of viewing the world
>tfw you were scoffing at the very idea of this reality in 2000s

>assuming that because we’re white all of our ancestors were either racists or slaveowners.
Everybody's ancestors were racists and slaveowners if you go back far enough. Everybody's ancestors were also peasants and slaves too.

That's why this is nonsense.

You people keep referring to all progressives or all liberals when you only mean the radical left. It’s the same problem your complaining about where they assume any one on the right end of the political spectrum is a Nazi.
Cmon, don’t fall into their line of think and generalize the whole group


As someone in the left I ducking hate fucker who do this, it’s like they’re trying to be as incendiary as possible, and not try to win people to their cause just make them mad
“All white people benefit from racism” is what it should fucking say


Now take a step back and realize that even if you corrected her, you're still being racist.
I'm a lefty as well, all of this race nonsense has divided the poor people into easily manageable groups that hate each other.


Go to youtube and check out Corey wayne, awesome dude explains why women do what they do in legitimate ways, also helps with bedding them easy

To any SJW or possible hard Marxist lefty type who is all about either
A: Ending whiteness
B:Enslaving and/or destroying white people

Do you actually think you'll end any horrible acts of the past, present and future? Do you think murder. Rape. Unfair life styles. War. And so on will just end.?

Black are still enslaved by blacks and Muslims. China loves killing themselves. Asians have a long history of Asian vs Asian war. Black African tribes. Muslim vs Muslim. Latinas killing eachother way before whites came about to thier lands.

Like ok you stopped white people. Yay. But whose next? Asians? Muslims? Jews?

You marxist types are too easy. You dislike anyone in power. You find powerful people to be evil. So you kill off white power or the white race JUST for it to be taken by someone else

Until 100+ years and the next generation of fags destroy more and more. Ending lives in the name or "progress "

But at least you ended them cis white males amarite?

The entire idea of fair and social justice fails. It failed in Russia. Cuba. Cambodia. North Korea. China. Even Nazi Germany has influences in that realm of "justice"

Consider Cambodia where millions died because they were better then some people. Or Russia where rapists and murderers were seen as above and more noble than political prisoners

The notion that power =Evil and Being Shitty=Noble is one of humanities worst crimes

I would like to brofist that gal
get punned


>If you don't turn up your thermostat and force the men in your office to sweat, you are guilty of marginalizing women.

shut up shitskin

That woman does not deserve to be a teacher and if she did that to my future kid, my reaction would be a running kick to her cunt, if my future wife didn't beat me to it.



She can glass me any time. Bitch is hot



How to Ruin Everything: Becoming an SJW

Didn't apple fire a... BLACK WOMEN... For just saying white people were also diverse. A objectively true and harmless statement..

SJWs can't even protect the people they love from bullshit.

they are cannibals - if any one of their kind stumbles for any reason at all, they will turn on them. Their only loyalty is to The Narrative.


Please tell me what I benefit from racism as a white man. Go on, I’m listening.

Not the user you're asking, but you get to have any and all issues you face ignored at best and ridiculed at worst, because white people don't have issues. If you do manage to convince them that the issues exist, the next step is minimizing them and focusing on another demographic.
This happens if you are male and you get even more shit for it if you happen to be white as well.

have you considered killing yourself?

I came to the conclusion that if I die, it would just be a void similar to before I was born. That sounds boring, so I decided to live on.